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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

U.S. Department of State — Enabling Forest Investment

The U.S. Department of State announces a funding opportunity for “Enabling Forest Investment Development Facility (ForInvest).” The overall goal is to facilitate investment in natural climate solutions in developing countries, especially in high-deforestation areas, by developing investment pipelines and connecting those opportunities with potential investors. The project should encompass all three of the key geographies to Conserve Global Forests: the Amazon basin, Congo Basin, and Southeast Asia. A total of US$5.1 million will be made available. Eligibility is limited to U.S. and foreign non-profit organizations; for-profit organizations, and educational institutions. The application deadline is 30 May 2022. Link

UNESCO — Creation of Geoparks

UNESCO and the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) make grants to support the creation of geoparks in Small Island Developing States. Geoparks are sites and landscapes of international geological significance that are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development. UNESCO offers tailor-made consultancy services specifically designed to support local teams to develop a UNESCO Geopark project. All services provided through the grant will be free of charge for the territory. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2022. Creation of Geoparks

EU-LAC Interest Group — Science, Technology and Innovation

The EU-LAC Interest Group launches a Joint Call to enhance the bi-regional cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation. The aim of the call is to initiate sustainable and multilateral research cooperation between researchers from Europe, Latin-America and the Caribbean countries. Transnational consortia are invited to submit proposals related to six topics in the thematic fields of Global Challenges, Health, Biodiversity, and Energy. Projects will be funded for up to 36 months. The closing date for applications is 28 April 2022. Access the Joint Call

Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund — Scholarships for Higher Education 2022

Taiwan’s program of development assistance includes scholarships for university students in eligible developing countries to study in Taiwan. The program provides full scholarships for applicants from selected countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean region, Latin America, and certain other countries. Subject areas at Taiwan’s participating universities include tropical agriculture, aquaculture technology and management, environmental sustainable development, and others. Undergraduate students receive NT$12 thousand per month as an allowance, Masters students receive NT$15 thousand per month, and PhD students receive NT$17 thousand per month, plus travel, fees and other costs for the program. The application deadline is 15 March 2022. Find the scholarship

Earth Island Institute — Youth Award for Environmental Leadership

Earth Island Institute seeks applications for the Brower Youth Award for Environmental Leadership. The award is intended for ongoing environmental efforts, therefore, research and science fair projects will not be considered. Six winners will receive $3 thousand in cash, a professionally produced short film about their work, and a week-long trip to the San Francisco Bay Area. Young environmental leaders ages 13 to 22 living in North America (including Mexico, Canada, and some Caribbean Islands) are encouraged to apply. The deadline for submission is 14 May 2022. Overview

Swiss Innovation Agency — Research and Development

Participants from Switzerland and Brazil are invited to submit joint project proposals for research and development of innovative products and applications with a strong market potential in Switzerland and Brazil. The innovation project should be science-based, targeting to achieve advances in new solutions. The call is open for all scientific disciplines; however, projects in biotech, agriculture, clean energy & water, and sustainable cities and communities are particularly appreciated. The project consortia must include at least one business entity and one research institute from each country. The submission deadline for pre-proposals is 22 June 2022. Switzerland-Brazil Call 2022

Development Bank of Latin America — Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

CAF Development Bank of Latin America supports research projects that contribute to the understanding of the costs and benefits that tackling climate change and preserving the environment entail. A maximum of three prizes will be awarded. Each winning proposal will receive a research grant of up to US$15 thousand to carry out the project. Proposals may be submitted individually, as a team or through an institution in English or Spanish. Applications must be submitted by 11 February 2022. Find the call

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Wetlands and Migratory Birds in Mexico

The Mexico Standard Program promotes the protection and restoration of wetland ecosystems and other habitats for wetlands-associated migratory birds and other fish and wildlife. Grants under this call generally range from US$50 thousand to US$700 thousand. Eligibility extends to individuals, corporations, government agencies, universities, and international organizations. The submission deadline is 25 February 2022. Details here

Latvian State Education Development Agency — Scholarships 2022/2023

The Latvian State Education Development Agency offers scholarships to foreign students, researchers and teaching staff for studies, research and participation in summer schools in Latvian higher education institutions (HEIs) for the academic year 2022/2023. Study programs include Agriculture, Environmental Science, Forestry, Energy, among others. The scholarship amount varies from €500 to €670 per month, depending on the program. Eligibility extends to countries that signed an agreement on cooperation in education and science (detailed in the announcement). The deadline for application is 01 April 2022. About the scholarship

Flemish Inter-University Council — Scholarships for Master Programs in Flanders

VLIR-UOS is the secretariat of Flemish universities for development cooperation, with funding by Belgian Development Cooperation. VLIR-UOS announces courses at Belgian Flemish universities and university colleges that are eligible for scholarships in 2022/23. They include 1-year masters’ programs, along with training courses lasting from two weeks to three months. Subject areas include aquaculture, marine science, plant breeding, nematology, water resources, rural development, and others. Eligibility for scholarships extends to applicants from developing countries in Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America. The scholarship amount varies with a maximum support of €58,320. Candidates apply directly to the Flemish universities that offer the programs, requesting scholarship support. The deadline for submission project proposals to Flemish universities is between February and March 2022 (depending on the program). Details here