On behalf of the CEPF, Birdlife International announces the 16th and final call for proposals supporting biodiversity conservation in the Eastern Afromontane Hotspot. The eligible countries are Dem Rep Congo, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. The maximum grant is US$20 thousand. Applications need to be submitted by 23 November 2016. Link
Day: October 31, 2016
Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Africa — Small Grants for Organizations in Africa
PAN is an advisor to the Global Greengrants Fund (GGF) for grants to civil society in subjects of environment and sustainable development. PAN Africa invites African organizations to submit short proposals that may qualify for GGF support. Themes important to PAN include phasing out highly hazardous pesticides; alternatives to pesticides and DDT; monitoring the effect of pesticides on human health and environment; and opposition to GMOs. Proposals should include project objectives, methodology, expected results, and an activities budget. The requested contribution should not exceed US$3,500. Proposals must be sent to PAN by e-mail no later than 25 November 2016. Link
India Department of Science and Technology — Bilateral Research Collaboration
India’s DST calls for proposals of bilateral research in thematic areas that include energy, environment, climate change, plant-based medicines, and many others — varying with each program area. Calls with application deadlines in November 2016, December 2016, and January 2017 include joint research with Australia, Israel, Italy, Russia, Sri Lanka, and Switzerland. Link
ICMA International — Fellows Program in Environmental Sustainability, ASEAN Countries
With funding provided by the U.S. Department of State, the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is offering an Environmental Sustainability Professional Fellows Program for 50 professionals from Southeast Asia (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam). Additionally, the program will select 10 participants from the USA. The fellowships will build the capacity of young leaders to address local environmental sustainability challenges related to climate change, sustainable energy, and environmental justice. Each fellow will spend four weeks working with a local government, organization, or company in the USA — concluding with a final program in Washington, DC. The application deadline is 01 December 2016. Link
Swedish International Development Agency — International Training Programs
Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. The programs include one on sustainable urban water and sanitation. The invited countries are Bangladesh, Kenya, Myanmar, Tanzania, and Uganda. Candidates may be nominated by authorities, institutions, universities, NGOs, water utilities, or other private companies active in the water and sanitation sector. The application deadline is 02 December 2016. Link
National Cheng Kung University — Gro Bruntland Awards 2017
Taiwan’s Cheng Kung University will host Gro Bruntland Week in March 2017 to honor Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway and Director-General of the World Health Organization. Five young female scientists, one from Taiwan and four from developing countries, will be invited to present their research related to public health and sustainable development. TVG Note: This can possibly include research related to food production and nutrition, water supply, or other environmental influences on health. Candidates should be female, less than 40 years old, and hold a research doctorate. The deadline to apply is 04 December 2016. Link
London School of Economics and Political Science, International Growth Centre — Research on Economic Growth in Developing Countries
The IGC invites proposals relevant to growth policies in developing countries. IGC’s programs are organized by countries and themes. The themes include one on energy. The topics include improving access to and quality of energy services for households and firms; rural electrification; energy efficiency; and the effects of energy consumption on health and the environment. Applications are open worldwide, although IGC’s particular countries of interest are Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Liberia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. The next application deadline is 05 December 2016. Link
Governors’ Climate and Forests Fund — Requests for Proposals
The Governors’ Climate and Forests Fund currently requests proposals in two thematic areas: (i) enhanced landscape governance and capacity — with application deadline on 15 December 2016; and (ii) jurisdictional partnerships for forests, climate and agriculture — with application deadline on 31 January 2017. Eligibility for funding extends to accredited organizations in the GCFF member states and provinces of Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, and Peru. Link
Campus France — French Research Cooperation with International Partners
France’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs collaborates with other French ministries to jointly support the Hubert Curien Partnerships for international exchanges in science and technology. The program periodically publishes calls for proposals. They currently include the PHC Pamoja partnerships with Kenya (application deadline is 16 December 2016); the PHC Xu Guangqi partnerships with China (deadline 15 January 2017); the PHC Napata partnerships with Sudan (deadline 17 January 2017); and the PHC Cai Yuanpei partnerships with China (deadline on 19 February 2017). Each partnership provides details about research priorities, eligibility for support, and how to apply. Link
Earth Journalism Network — Biodiversity Media Grant
The Internews Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers the Biodiversity Media Grant to support journalism networks and media organizations throughout the world in increasing the capacity of media to cover critical issues of conservation and biodiversity. EJN is especially interested in projects that focus on conservation in high-biodiversity regions of the world such as the Amazon, Central Africa, and Southeast Asia. Preference will be given to applications from or affiliated with professional journalists, media organizations, journalism schools, and the like. EJN will also consider applications by NGOs or environmental groups looking to build the capacity of journalists to cover conservation issues. The average grant will be about US$10 thousand. The application deadline is 23 December 2016. Link