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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Wellcome Trust — Seed Awards in Science

The Wellcome Trust seeks applications for its Seed Awards in Science to help researchers develop novel ideas with the goal to develop larger grant proposals. This seed award is intended for PhD researchers from low- or middle-income countries who intend to start independent research careers outside of their area of expertise across basic science and population health research. The Seed Award in Science awards up to £100 thousand for two years. The application deadline is 02 October 2018. More here

European Commission — Ending Drought Emergencies

The European Commission seeks applications to address drought resilience and sustainable livelihoods through promotion of climate resilient and nutrition sensitive agriculture interventions in Kenya. A total grant of € 4.5 million can be requested under this call. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations from Europe of Africa. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 25 October 2018. Guidelines for grant applicants

Siemens Stiftung — Empowering People Award 2019

Siemens Stiftung sponsors the “empowering people. Award” as a means to identify and showcase relatively simple and smart technological solutions that have business potential to combat poverty in developing and emerging countries. The categories include water and waste water; energy; food and agriculture; waste management; and several others. The products or solutions to be submitted have to already be in use. The competition is open to any individual, team, organization, or enterprise from any region in the world. The top three prizes are €50 thousand, €30 thousand, and €20 thousand, respectively. The contest offers 7 additional awards of €10 thousand each. The deadline for submissions is 31 October 2018. Find the Award

Arab Council for the Social Sciences — Research Grants 2019-2020

The Arab Council for the Social Sciences announces the fifth cycle of its research grants program on the theme of “Environmentalism, Impoverishment, and Social Justice Movements: Interdisciplinary Perspectives”. The research should focus primarily on Arab societies, with priority given to researchers residing in the Arab region. Grants of up to US$20 thousand will be available to individual researchers; research teams can apply for up to US$50 thousand. Grants are intended to support a maximum timeline of 18 months. The application deadline is 15 November 2018. Cycle 6 for proposals

Scottish Government — International Development Small Grants 2019

The Scottish Government’s International Development Small Grants Programme provides project funding in support of the government’s International Development Policy. Applications for grants are invited from incorporated not-for-profit organisations which have a presence in Scotland and an annual turnover of less than £200 thousand. Project grants should focus on any of Malawi, Rwanda, or Zambia in themes of food security; renewable energy; climate change; water; and others. Grants for capacity building and feasibility studies will be accepted in relation to any country designated as medium/low on the UN’s Human Development Index — but with priority for Malawi, Rwanda, and Zambia. Awards are a maximum of £60 thousand for project grants over three years, or a maximum of £10 thousand for feasibility and capacity building grants over one year. The application deadline is 16 November 2018. About the small grants

ASEAN Foundation — Post-graduate Scholarship Programme in Science and Technology

The Chulabhorn Graduate Institute (CGI) and the ASEAN Foundation (AF) seek applications for their joint Post-graduate Scholarship Programme in Science and Technology. This year, eight scholarships are available for ASEAN nationals who are interested to pursue a Master Degree in the fields of Biological Sciences, Molecular Biology, Environmental Sciences, and other fields at the CGI. The scholarship will cover tuition, airfare, allowances, accommodation, and monthly stipend. Applications are due on 30 November 2018. More information

Tata Trusts — Travel Grants for Indians

The Tata Trusts supports philanthropic initiatives in the fields of water, energy, rural development, and others. The Tata Trusts Travel Grant scheme provides partial travel assistance to professionals and other employed people to enhance their professional or work-related skills through relevant training programmes and workshops. The application should be received at least two months prior to the date of travel. This scheme is open to resident Indian only. The last date for application submission is 30 March 2019. About the Tata Trusts Travel Grant