The U.S. Embassy in Yaounde (Cameroon) seeks proposals for small-scale community projects that address one or more of the following areas: Social Services; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH); Income Generating Activities; Environment and Agriculture. Proposed projects have to benefit a large number of people and increase income or improve living conditions of local communities. Grants range from US$2 thousand to US$10 thousand. The Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Fund is limited to locally registered non-profits with at least two years of experience working in Cameroon. Applications have to be submitted by 30 April 2019. Link
Day: March 10, 2019
SeaWorld and Busch Gardens — Grants for Wildlife Conservation, Research, and Education
The Conservation Fund makes grants for wildlife conservation, research, and education. Applications are accepted from non-profit organizations, government entities, and schools and universities in the USA and other countries. Most grants are under US$50 thousand. Applications received by 30 April 2019 will be considered for funding in the last two quarters of 2019. More
Drucker Institute — Drucker Prize 2019
The Drucker Institute invites nominations for the Drucker Prize 2019. The prize recognizes innovative non-profit organizations that inspire “change that creates a new dimension of performance”. The winning organization will receive a US$100 thousand prize. Past winners include projects in the field of sustainable energy, small-scale agriculture, rainforest conservation, and many others. Non-profit organizations around the world are eligible to apply. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2019. Link
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization — Workshop: Nature-Culture Linkages in Asia and the Pacific
The purpose of the Capacity Building Workshop is to contribute to develop new approaches towards integrated conservation of cultural and natural heritage. The workshop on ‘Nature-Culture Linkages in Heritage Conservation’ will take place at the University of Tsukuba, Japan (September/October 2019). This workshop is a combination of theory, practice, and a field trip where participants will get in contact with local managers and local communities. The workshop is open to 15 professionals from Asia and the Pacific region. Organizers will cover the cost of accommodation and living expenses in Japan for the selected participants. A limited number of scholarships will be available to cover the international travel for participants from developing countries. The application deadline is 06 May 2019. Find details
Ramsar Convention — Small Grants for Wetland Conservation
The Ramsar Small Grants Fund for Wetland Conservation and Wise Use (SGF) assists developing countries to enable the conservation and wise use of wetland resources. The SGF offers a maximum of CHF 35 thousand per project. Eligibility for the awards extends to individuals and groups worldwide representing government institutions, NGOs, community groups, and private companies. Submissions must be received no later than 06 May 2019. Small Grants Fund
European Commission — Clean Energy Transition Lebanon
The European Commission seeks to promote entrepreneurship in support of Lebanon’s clean energy transition, while supporting climate change mitigation. The priorities of this call for proposals are synergies between green entrepreneurs and new business opportunities in renewable energy; investments in alternative sources of energy; and solar energy. Projects may requests a contribution of between €1.5 million and €6 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations. The deadline for the submission of applications is 28 May 2019. Info
SNV Netherlands — Climate Smart Agriculture in East Africa
SNV invites expressions of interest from private sector-led agribusinesses to co-invest in the implementation of business models under the Climate Smart Agriculture East Africa Project (CSA-EA). The goal is to increase the availability of accessible climate smart food for the population in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Selected SMEs and cooperatives will receive a maximum co-investment of 50% or €200 thousand, whichever is lower, for the proposed solutions. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and Cooperatives based in Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania are eligible to apply. The deadline for the submission of expressions of interest (EOIs) is 30 May 2019. Find details
Belmont Forum — Funding for Arctic Observation and Research
The Belmont Forum’s collaborative research action on Resilience in Rapidly Changing Arctic Systems (CRA Arctic II) is an initiative to monitor and understand the complex changes occurring in the Arctic. This call supports medium-sized research projects with 3 to 4 years duration, with a recommended budget of up to €1.5 million. Participating countries in this Arctic call are Canada, Denmark, France, Japan, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and USA. All proposals must integrate across the natural sciences and social sciences, and they should include participation by three or more of the partner countries. The deadline for proposals is 14 June 2019. Find the call document