The European Commission (EC) aims to support eco-friendly socio-economic development in the Prespa Lake Area (North Macedonia). The priorities of this call for proposal are: sustainable eco-friendly tourism and improving cross-border exchanges and cooperation with Albania and Greece for the preservation of the area. Applicants may request between €150 thousand to €400 thousand in project funding. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 15 August 2023. More information
Day: July 2, 2023
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals — Environmental Photographer of the Year
The Environmental Photographer of the Year competition showcases the most inspirational environmental photography from around the world. One award of £10 thousand will be granted to a single image that furthers people’s understanding of the causes and effects of environmental change and social inequality, or highlights solutions to the climate and ecological emergency. The competition is free to enter for all ages. Entries close on 30 August 2023. Environmental Photographer of the Year
European Commission — Grants to Support Environmental Defenders
The European Commission (EC) seeks proposals to establish a regional mechanism for the protection of environmental defenders in Mesoamerica. The overall amount made available under this call is €3 million. Eligibility extends to legal entities with at least 2 co-applicants established in some of the countries where the action will take place. The application deadline is 31 August 2023. Details
Science for Africa Foundation — Africa Science Journalism Awards
The Africa Science Journalism Awards (ASJA) recognizes and honors excellent reporting on science and innovation in Africa and aims to improve and increase coverage of science on the continent. The award will be given to African journalists whose stories cover health, climate change and environment, and/or agriculture. Prizes range from US$5,000 to US$1,500. The award is open to journalists and media houses, editors, and scientists. Stories must be informative and highlight how science is improving the lives of Africans. Applications are to be submitted by 31 August 2023. Africa Science Journalism Awards
Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education — Orange Knowledge Program
The Orange Knowledge Program (OKP) makes scholarships to mid-career professionals from selected developing countries for short courses (duration 2 weeks to 12 months) and master’s programs (duration 12-24 months). Eligible countries as well as eligible courses are listed in the announcement. Interested applicants need to first select a course and then contact the education institution of the course and ask how to apply for the scholarship. The application deadline is 05 September 2023. Orange Knowledge Program
International Centre for development oriented Research in Agriculture — International Courses for Agricultural Professionals 2023
ICRA supports education and capacity strengthening in agriculture and the rural sector in the developing world. ICRA offers specialized training courses for agricultural professionals each year. ICRA’s courses qualify for OKP/MSP scholarships funded by the Dutch government. Each scholarship program has separate application deadlines. The deadline for the Orange Knowledge Program (OKP) scholarship application is 05 September 2023. Details here
Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education — MENA Scholarships
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Scholarship Program offers scholarships to professionals from ten MENA countries for short courses of two to twelve weeks in the Netherlands. Subject areas include agriculture, environment, and many others. NUFFIC supports professionals up to age 45 who are nationals of and working in one of the following countries: Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, and Tunisia. (Note: MSP is not currently open to professionals applying from Sudan.) Potentially interested individuals review the courses and dates offered by the participating Dutch higher education institutions, and information about how to apply. The deadline for applications is 05 September 2023. Details here
Eramet — Innovations in Water Management for Mining and Metals Industry
The Eramet Water Resource Innovation Challenge 2023 seeks innovations in water management for mining and metals industries. The innovation challenge aims to minimize the industry’s environmental impact while also ensuring access to valuable resources. Start-ups and SMEs from around the world are invited to propose innovative technologies or products that address key water challenges of the mining and metals industry to protect water resources. The winning business will receive €50 thousand to test and deploy their solution. The call for applications is open until 13 September 2023. Know more
Global Biodiversity Information Facility — Data Papers on Soil Biodiversity
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) announces a new call for authors to submit and publish data papers on soil biodiversity. Papers will be published in a special collection of Biodiversity Data Journal. The publisher Pensoft will waive the article processing fee (normally €650) for the first 40 accepted data paper manuscripts. The deadline to receive proposals is 22 September 2023. (Note: Sponsorship is limited to the first 40 accepted submissions. The call for submissions can therefore close prior to the deadline of 22 September 2023). Find the Call
Swiss National Science Foundation — Consolidator Grants 2023
The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supports scientific research in all academic disciplines. SNSF Consolidator Grants 2023 are aimed at researchers (based in Switzerland or abroad) who plan to apply for an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2023. Successful applicants will be able to conduct research in Switzerland and consolidate their scientific independence. The scheme is open to all fields of research and researchers of any nationality. Applicants can request a budget of up to CHF 1.75 million for a maximum of 5 years. Additional funding of up to CHF 870 thousand may be requested for specific costs. The application deadline is 16 October 2023. Know more