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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Amazon — Research Awards

Amazon welcomes proposals related to climate risk/resilience, life cycle assessment and circular strategies. The overall goal is to inform business planning and resilience in order to make Amazon the most environmentally and socially responsible place to buy or sell goods and services. Selected partners may receive up to US$100 thousand in unrestricted funds. The application deadline is 13 November 2023. Link

UK Government — Climate Finance Accelerator

The Climate Finance Accelerator (CFA) is a global technical assistance program to support climate smart projects to access finance. The aim is to facilitate a collaborative approach to unlocking finance for climate projects at scale and creating a pipeline of ‘investment ready’ low carbon projects. The CFA operates in Nigeria, Colombia, South Africa, Egypt, Uganda, Türkiye, Mexico, Peru, Pakistan, and Vietnam. The CFA offers a range of capacity building support to assist climate mitigation projects in accessing finance. The CFA is open for applications from climate projects seeking support in accessing finance until 17 November 2023. Climate Finance Accelerator

Tencent and Viva la Vida — THINC Fellowship

THINC is a 12-month fellowship program for creative inventors who leverage the power of technology to create a greener and more sustainable world. The program consists of virtual meetings, offline events, and marketing campaigns to build a professional network of young leaders from different disciplines worldwide. Fellows can be in any field from art to engineering. The application deadline is 19 November 2023. THINC Fellowship

Climate Tracker — Caribbean Journalism Award

The Caribbean Journalism Award aims to recognize journalism focused on climate change and environmental issues within the Caribbean region. The competition is open to journalists, writers, photographers, videographers, and multimedia creators from the Caribbean region. Each Awardee will receive US$400. Nominations can be submitted until 22 November 2023. Caribbean Journalism Award

Start Up Energy Transition — Award for Global Energy Transition

The SET Award is an international competition for start-ups and young companies worldwide who are working on ideas affecting global energy transition and climate change. The top 100-ranked applicants will receive a free ticket to the SET Tech Festival 2024. The winners in each of the five award categories can win up to €10 thousand in prize money. All start-ups must be able to present a functioning prototype. The application deadline for the 2024 SET Award is 29 November 2023. Know more

Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association — Coastal Ecosystems Resilience

The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) launches a regional call for proposals to support demonstrative field actions aimed at fostering the restoration, the management and the sustainable use of marine and coastal ecosystems. The project must have a minimal duration of 12 months. Grants range from €50 thousand to €150 thousand. Applicants must be based in Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, or Seychelles. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 04 December 2023. Know more

Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation — Training Program on Fishery Oceanography

The International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography aims to familiarize young professionals in the Indian ocean-rim (IOR) countries with the latest developments in the field. The course is exclusively designed to train the fisheries professionals. Candidates should have a fundamental knowledge of marine biology (fisheries). Applications are open until 18 December 2023. Details

WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award — Award in Fighting Disinformation

WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award invites nominations to recognize persons or organizations that effectively have taken on the challenge to fight disinformation (e.g., disinformation about climate change etc.), thereby facilitating the work to reach the UN Sustainable Goals 2030. The nominees will have created change that inspires others and shown what measures are necessary. Candidates for the WIN WIN Award compete for SEK 1 million. Candidates for the WIN WIN Youth Award (between the ages of 13-29) compete for SEK 50 thousand. Any organization, movement, business, group of people or individual can be nominated. Nominations must be submitted by 15 January 2024. Gothenburg Sustainability Award

Iridescent — Technology Entrepreneurship Program for Girls

Technovation invites teams of girls from all over the world to learn and apply the skills needed to solve real-world problems through technology. Girls work with women mentors, find a problem in their community and develop a mobile app to launch a startup. Categories may include environment, poverty, health, and others. Eligibility extends to teams of up to 5 girls (aged 8-18 years). Registration deadline is 31 January 2024. Learn more about the Technovation Competition