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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Australia and Pacific Science Foundation — Research Grants 2024

The Australia and Pacific Science Foundation (APSF) makes research grants in ecology, biodiversity, and life sciences in Australia and the Southwest Pacific region. Grants are awarded to institutions within Australia or other countries of the Southwest Pacific region for activities within those countries or regions. Most grants are up to A$15 thousand per year for up to three years. Applications are due 01 March 2024. Link

United Nations University — PhD in Sustainability Science 2024

The UNU’s Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) offers a three-year PhD program to produce scholars who will become key researchers in the field of sustainability science. The program seeks to incorporate perspectives on global change, specifically those related to climate change and biodiversity. The Japan Foundation offers the UNU Scholarship to outstanding applicants from developing countries who can demonstrate a need for financial assistance. The deadline for applications is 03 March 2024. About Ph.D. in Sustainability Science

Arrell Food Institute — Global Food Innovation Awards 2024

The Arrell Food Institute invites nominations for the 2024 Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards. The Award recognizes global excellence in food innovation and community impact through research and food security. Individuals or teams of any country are eligible for nomination. Two winners will receive C$100 thousand each, plus up to C$25 thousand for travel and accommodation to participate in the Arrell Food Summit. Nominations may come from private companies, academic institutions, governmental units, charitable foundations, and not-for-profit organizations. Nominations are accepted until 05 March 2024. Food Innovation Awards

British Ecological Society — Small Research Grants 2024

The British Ecological Society (BES) makes small research grants in support of scientific ecological research where there are limited alternative sources of funding. Small projects can be awarded up to £5 thousand. Applicants must be members of BES. However, there are no restrictions on nationality or residence of applicants, or where they carry out their research. The program has two funding rounds annually, with deadlines on 08 March and 11 September. More about the Research Grants

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Community Projects in Guyana and Suriname

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives supports small-scale, high-impact projects in Guyana and Suriname. The priorities under this call include one on the environment and climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, as well as on water management; and projects that create income-earning opportunities for women (which may also include rural agricultural development). The average contribution is C$20 thousand to C$50 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to local community organizations, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions. Expressions of Interest have to be submitted by 08 March 2024. CFLI Guyana and Suriname

German Government — International Climate Initiative Small Grants

Germany’s International Climate Initiative (IKI) supports projects on climate change mitigation and adaptation, and biodiversity projects that have climate relevance. The focus of the IKI Small Grants scheme is to provide support to the implementation of projects addressing the global loss of biodiversity in connection with climate change. IKI Small Grants selects project proposals and provides funding between €60 thousand and €200 thousand. Not-for-profit organizations and for-profit non-government organizations, if they pursue strictly non-profit objectives, are eligible to apply. The deadline for applications is 13 March 2024. IKI Small Grants

American Ornithological Society — Caribbean Conservation Research Grant

The American Ornithological Society (AOS) supports early-career scientists from Latin America and the Caribbean conducting conservation-related research on either migratory or resident birds. Applicants are expected to have significant involvement in an ornithological society. AOS makes two grants of up to US$5,000 each. Support is limited to conservation-related research projects taking place in Mexico, Central America, South America, or the Caribbean. Applications are due 15 March 2024. Know more

Future Food Asia — Future Food Asia Award 2024

Future Food Asia invites nominations for the Future Food Asia Award 2024. The Future Food Asia Award aims to recognize the leading start-ups in the domain of AgriTech and FoodTech across Asia Pacific. The award is an opportunity to gain exposure to investors, corporations, industry leaders, mentors, and media. The grand prize winner will receive US$100 thousand in funding. The application deadline is 15 March 2024. Future Food Asia Award

Aga Khan Foundation — International Scholarships 2024-2025

The Aga Khan Foundation supports programs in rural development, broadly defined, in several developing countries. It provides scholarships and loans for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from the developing world, with priority for master’s studies. The Foundation also considers applications for PhD programs in certain circumstances. Applications are invited from the following nationalities: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Kenya, Kyrgyz Republic, Madagascar, Mozambique, Pakistan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, and Uganda. The Foundation assists students with tuition fees and living expenses only. Please note that half of the scholarship amount is considered as a loan, which must be reimbursed. The application deadline is 31 March 2024, but earlier in some countries (please check the dates carefully). About the Fellowships

Monarch Butterfly Fund — Support for Undergraduate and Graduate Students

The Monarch Butterfly Fund supports activities to protect the oyamel fir forests in which monarch butterflies overwinter in Mexico. The Lincoln P. Brower Award supports research projects of undergraduate and graduate students on the conservation of monarch butterflies and their habitats. Funds can be used to support supplies, travel, stipends for field assistants, and other legitimate research expenses. The grant amount is US$3 thousand. Submissions are due 31 March 2024. Details