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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Orange Telecom — Orange Social Venture Prize 2024

The Orange Social Venture Prize recognizes entrepreneurs and start-up organizations that make innovative use of technology in agriculture, energy, and other fields of development. The geographical focus is Africa and the Middle East. Prizes range from €10 thousand to €25 thousand, plus professional support for a period of six months. In addition, Orange will reward more start-ups with the International Women’s Prize worth €20 thousand. The registration deadline is 26 May 2024. Orange Social Venture Prize

International Climate Initiative — Ideas Competition Brazil

The International Climate Initiative (IKI) holds an ideas competition prior to funding or commissioning projects through the IKI Country Call Brazil. Interested implementing organizations are invited to submit a project outline. The funding volume provided by the IKI is a minimum of €8 million to a maximum of €30 million per project. Eligible organizations include Non-governmental organizations, universities and research institutions, international institutions, and private sector companies. The deadline for submitting project outlines for the ideas competition is 28 May 2024. IKI Ideas Competition

International Nature Image Festival — Biodiversity Short Films Contest

The International Nature Image Festival (FIIN) invites submissions of short films (duration 5-28 minutes) that promote biological natural heritage, natural regions, ecosystems, habitats, and species of wild fauna and flora. All formats including animations, documentaries, fiction, experimental films, and music videos are eligible. There are no regional restrictions for participation in the contest. The best short film will be awarded €4 thousand. The deadline to submit cinematographic works is 13 June 2024. Find more information

TiE WOMEN — Support for Female Entrepreneurs

The TiE Women Program offers women founders the chance to showcase their innovative business ideas. Female-founded startups and established businesses gain visibility, network with industry leaders & investors, and access mentorship. Participants receive up to $50 thousand equity-free cash prizes. This opportunity is open to women entrepreneurs across the globe. The application deadline is 15 June 2024. TiE Women Program

American Association for the Advancement of Science — Science and SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists 2024

The Prize is awarded to a young scientist for outstanding life science research for which he/she was awarded a doctoral degree. The awards are made in four fields of life science research, one of which is Ecology and Environment. Eligible entrants for the 2024 Prize must have been awarded their doctoral degrees in 2022 or 2023. The winners in each category will each receive US$10 thousand, and the grand prize winner will receive US$30 thousand. The application deadline is 15 July 2024. Science Prize

Global Water Partnership-Caribbean — Seed Funding for Young Caribbean Water Entrepreneurs

The Global Water Partnership-Caribbean invites young Caribbean entrepreneurs (18-34 years) to submit innovative water-related project ideas to the Young Caribbean Water Entrepreneurs Shark Tank Competition. Project ideas should focus on water resources management in the Caribbean region and focus on one of five thematic areas: (1) Water and Climate; (2) Water and Agriculture; (3) Water and Health; (4) Water and Energy; (5) Water and Tourism. Participants will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas for a chance to secure seed funding of US$4 thousand. The deadline for submission of project ideas is 04 August 2024. Shark Tank Competition

PAGES — LAC Mobility Fellowship

PAGES runs an International Mobility Research Fellowship Program for Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists on past global changes. The program aims to contribute to the development of collaborative research and the promotion of paleoscience networks in Latin America and the Caribbean. The fellowship supports Latin American and Caribbean early-career scientists pursuing international research experience in paleoscience and is intended to support costs associated with international travel and living expenses while abroad. The next deadline for new applications is 15 August 2024. LAC Mobility Fellowship

German Academic Exchange Service — Postgraduate Courses in Germany 2025-2026

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers scholarships to qualified individuals from eligible developing countries for post-graduate studies at German universities in development-related subjects. The program (EPOS) is open to individuals who have completed their previous academic degrees no longer than six years previously; who have at least two years of professional experience; and who are nationals of countries receiving official development assistance (DAC list of the OECD). The available courses range across water resources; renewable energy; land management and tenure; agricultural sciences; forest sciences; ecology; nature conservation; environmental governance; and many others. The application deadline for the next intake (October 2024) is 31 August 2024. EPOS Scholarship

British Ecological Society — Outreach Grants 2024

The British Ecological Society (BES) makes Outreach and Engagement Grants of up to £2 thousand to encourage the promotion of ecological science to a wide audience. Proposals must be aimed at a non-academic audience. Awards are open to individuals and organizations to organize ecological public engagement events, including BES members, researchers, schools, museums, libraries, and community groups. The application deadline is 11 September 2024. More about the Outreach Grants

International Geosphere-Biosphere Program — PAGES Workshops and Educational Meetings

PAGES (Past Global Changes) supports research aimed at understanding the earth’s past environment to make predictions for the future. PAGES encourages international and interdisciplinary collaboration, including the participation of scientists from developing countries. The program offers funding to qualified organizers of workshops and educational meetings in support of PAGES objectives. PAGES support for workshops/meetings is usually between US$5 thousand and US$10 thousand. The next deadline for proposals is 11 September 2024. Meeting support