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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Community Projects in the ASEAN region

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in the ASEAN region. CFLI provides funding to projects that implement environment and climate action projects focusing on adaptation and mitigation, water management, and other thematic priorities. The average contribution is C$20 thousand to C$40 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to not-for-profit local, national, or community-based organizations. The deadline for submission is 03 May 2024. CFLI ASEAN

Inter-American Development Bank — Regional Public Goods

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) calls for proposals on regional public goods that have the potential to generate significant shared benefits. Proposals that address cross-cutting issues, such as climate change and environmental sustainability (among other themes), are particularly welcomed. Projects should be tri-national, or exceptionally bi-national. The size of the grant typically averages US$500 thousand per project for a maximum of 3 years. Counterpart resources are required. Eligibility extends to Latin American and/or Caribbean private and nonprofit entities or institutions. The deadline for proposals (English, Spanish) is 06 May 2024. Regional Public Goods

East-West Center — Research Innovation & Collaboration and Exchange Fellowships

The East-West Center (EWC) provides fellowships for scholars, researchers, or journalists from the Indo-Pacific Region, including the United States, to undertake research or other projects on topics related to environmental issues and geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific region. Fellows receive a stipend, support, and travel funding. The application deadline is 16 May 2024. RICE Fellowships

UN Global Compact — SDG Pioneers

UN Global Compact invites nominations and applications to the 2024 SDG Pioneer program. SDG Pioneer celebrates individuals and businesses behind sustainability in global and local markets. UN Global Compact encourages professionals working at any level of a UN Global Compact-participating company who are leveraging a principles-based approach to set ambitious, scalable, and impactful Sustainable Development Goal targets to apply. The nomination deadline is 17 May 2024. SDG Pioneers

Atlantis Dubai — Marine Conservation

The Atlantis Atlas Project (AAP) contributes to the conservation, sustainability, and environmental educational initiatives of marine wildlife. Projects must contribute to the long-term survival of species in natural ecosystems, advance conservation practices that can be applied to animals in their natural ecosystems, enhance understanding of social and environmental responsibility, or develop new ways to reduce environmental impacts. The program is open to academics and non-scientists. Applicants from any country are welcome to apply. The application deadline is 01 June 2024. Atlantis Atlas Project

Association of Commonwealth Universities — Higher Education and SDGs Grants

The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) accepts applications for the Higher Education and the SDGs Challenge Grants to fund collaborative work around the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The grants are open to professional and academic staff at ACU member universities. Four grants of £2,500 are available. Applicants are encouraged to collaborate with member universities to promote further Commonwealth partnerships or other organizations such as local governments. The closing date is 02 June 2024. Details here

Catholic Relief Services — Junior Professionals Program

The Junior Professionals Program is an opportunity for professional women in West Africa to transform their passion for international relief and development work into a career. Junior Professionals will work with Catholic Relief Services to end poverty and promote peace and self-reliance in West Africa. Fellows receive training and support CRS’ work in various sectors such as agriculture/livelihoods, health, water and sanitation, emergency response, or micro-financing. Applicants must have a Master’s degree in related fields (e.g. Economic Development, Agriculture, Health, Business, etc.). Candidates have to apply by 30 June 2024. Junior Professionals Program

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards — Wildlife Photography Competition

The competition celebrates the hilarity of our natural world and highlights what we need to do to protect it through funny animal pictures. The competition is open to wildlife photography novices, amateurs, and professionals. Winners receive prizes (no cash awards). The deadline for entries is 31 July 2024. Comedy Wildlife

Photography 4 Humanity — Climate Justice Photography

The 2024 Photography 4 Humanity Global Prize Competition is open for submissions. The competition seeks images that show people impacted by the escalating climate crisis. This includes climate refugees, images of climate champions advocating for change, and those helping to mitigate and reverse climate change. The Global Prize Recipient will receive US$5,000. All entries must be submitted by 01 August 2024. More

People’s Trust for Endangered Species — Conservation Insight Grants

The PTES makes grants to scientific researchers and conservationists worldwide for work that helps preserve endangered species, either through research or applied field work. (Note: PTES no longer accepts grant applications for research and conservation of bird species.) The program offers small grants between £3 thousand and £10 thousand per year for up to two years. The deadline for applications is 25 August 2024. Info on worldwide grant criteria