The Foundation makes grants for sustainable development of water resources in Latin America. Grant recipients for community water projects include government agencies, development NGOs, foundations and institutes, and other nonprofit organizations. To propose projects, applicants should contact the Foundation via email or telephone. Details
Day: June 10, 2024
Jephcott Charitable Trust — Program in Natural Environment
The Jephcott Charitable Trust in the UK makes grants for charitable purposes in the subject areas of population control, natural environment, education, and health. Projects in the theme of Natural Environment include examples in small-scale agriculture, livestock production, horticulture, agricultural training, community water supply, environmental education, tree planting, renewable energy, and others. Grants are made in the range of £2 thousand to £10 thousand (in exceptional cases only, up to £20 thousand). Eligibility for grants extends to registered charities and properly constituted organizations in all parts of the world. There is no application deadline. Click here for details