The Trust for Mutual Understanding (TMU) makes grants to nonprofit organizations in the USA for environmental projects in collaboration with partners in the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. TMU supports professional exchanges and capacity building, together with jointly managed research and field projects. To be able to submit a full proposal, applicants must submit an initial inquiry. Application deadlines for initial inquiries are 01 November 2024 and 01 May 2025. Find out more
Day: June 23, 2024
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations — World Food Day Poster Contest (Age 5-19)
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FOA) calls on children and teens from all over the world (ages 5 to 19) to use their imagination and create a poster of their water action for food. “Rights to foods” explores how we should all be able to enjoy nutritious food so that we can grow and live an active life. Winners will be promoted by FAO offices around the world and receive a surprise gift bag. Entries have to be submitted by 08 November 2024. Submit a poster
Belmont Forum — Tropical Forests
The Belmont Forum aims to coordinate actions and projects with a transdisciplinary approach to develop innovative solutions to the challenges faced in tropical forest regions. The Belmont Forum will fund three-year projects. This call for proposals recognizes the growing threats to those ecosystems and their inhabitants, such as climate change, deforestation, unregulated agroindustry and land conversion, illegal activities, pollution, and environmental/climate injustices. All projects should include 3 funding agencies from 3 different countries. Registrations are due on 12 November 2024. Tropical Forests Call
American Philosophical Society — Fund for Exploration and Field Research
The Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research supports doctoral students in collecting specimens and data in disciplines relying heavily on field studies, e.g., biology, ecology, geography, and others. Applicants from the USA may use the grants for research anywhere in the world. Applicants from other countries must be based at an institution in the USA, or carry out their work in the USA. The grants are up to US$5 thousand. The closing date for applications is 15 November 2024. Link
Enabel — Prize for Women Entrepreneurs
The Awa Prize highlights women entrepreneurs from Belgian development cooperation countries and their projects. The prize aims to promote women entrepreneurs in their local community and strengthen them in their entrepreneurial success. The winner receives €50 thousand in support of their enterprise and one week in Belgium. Participating countries for the 2024 edition: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, DRC, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Palestine, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda. The competition is open to any woman founder or majority/equal partner in a company based in one of the selected countries. Registrations close on 28 June 2024. Details here
Ornithological Society of the Middle East — Trevor Poyser Species Conservation Fund
The Ornithological Society of the Middle East (OSME) makes grants to support bird research in the Middle East, Caucasus, and Central Asia. The Trevor Poyser Species Conservation Fund supports research projects that lead to clear conservation benefits for a globally threatened species that occurs within the OSME region. One grant of £5 thousand is available. The application deadline is 01 December 2024. Know more
The Pollination Project — Animal Welfare Grants
The Pollination Project (TPP) supports individuals and groups who are working to protect farmed animals. TPP funds projects that aim to reduce the consumption of animals, advocate for farmed animal welfare, and raise awareness about farmed animal cruelty. The Pollination Project supports individuals and groups with US$1,000. Grants are open to anyone in the world, but applications from people in Brazil, India, and Mexico are especially welcome. Applications are accepted on a continuous basis. Animal Welfare Grants