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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Wellcome Trust — Early-Career Awards

The Wellcome Trust supports bold and creative discovery research that has the potential to improve human life, health, and well-being. The Early-Career Awards provide funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity through innovative projects. Research can be in any discipline, including STEM, experimental medicine, or climate – as long as it has the potential to improve human life. The Trust covers the researcher’s salary and up to £400 thousand for research expenses. The applicant’s host organization has to be based in the UK, the Republic of Ireland, or a low- or middle-income country (apart from India and mainland China). The deadline for new applications is 05 October 2024. Early-Career Research Awards

ETH Zurich — Doctoral Mentorship Program

ETH for Development (ETH4D) provides grants for mentoring doctoral candidates. The mentorship entails remote support of doctoral candidates in low- and lower-middle-income countries as well as a research stay of 1-3 months at ETH Zurich. The grant covers expenses up to a maximum of CHF 15 thousand. Eligibility extends to doctoral candidates who are registered at a university or research institute in any low- or middle-income country. The next application deadline is 15 October 2024. ETH Doctoral Mentorship Program

Smithsonian Institution — Fellowship Program 2025

The Smithsonian Institution annually awards fellowships for independent study or research at one or more of the Smithsonian’s 19 units and research centers, including the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI). The awards include graduate student fellowships; predoctoral fellowships; postdoctoral fellowships; and senior fellowships. Stipends and allowances vary from US$8 thousand for two weeks to up to US$55 thousand per year, depending on the applicant’s experience. The fellowship program is open to qualified applicants worldwide. Applicants contact Smithsonian’s staff members (find the link in the announcement) to identify potential advisors, and to determine the feasibility of their proposed research. The application deadline is 15 October 2024. Details here 

King Baudouin Foundation — Internship in Sustainable Water Management

The Elisabeth & Amelie Fund supports sustainable water management in developing countries, among others by financing on-the-spot internships for students from developing countries who are studying in Belgium. The internship will take place in a developing country (the student’s country of origin or another country). The grant will cover the expenses inherent to the internship, up to a maximum of €5 thousand. The internships are for students from developing countries who are pursuing a master’s level degree that is linked to water management. The deadline for applications is 21 October 2024. Elisabeth & Amelie Fund

Rainforest Trust — Creating New Protected Areas

The Rainforest Trust partners with local conservation organizations to create new protected areas and expand existing ones for Critically Endangered and Endangered species. The Initiative invites applications for conservation partnerships from nonprofit entities and NGOs for projects in tropical Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Applying organizations may submit proposals for either a land purchase or a protected area designation. Applications to create new protected areas are reviewed three times per year. Application deadlines are 01 February, 01 June, and 01 November each year. About

Columbia Climate School — Postdoctoral Research Program

The Columbia Climate School invites applications for the Postdoctoral Research Program. Climate School Postdocs will receive an annual salary of US$71,640. They are also awarded a research stipend of US$12 thousand over the two-year term for reimbursable expenses related to the appointment. The program is open to U.S. and non-U.S. citizens. The application deadline is 01 November 2024. Details here

Right Sharing of World Resources — Seed Grants for Women’s Microcredit Projects

Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR) makes seed grants to support income-generating projects led by women. RSWR’s current priorities are grassroots organizations selected states and districts of India; and Quaker groups in Kenya and Sierra Leone. Projects include many in the production and sale of fruits and vegetables; meat and milk; grain crops; fish; fuelwood; and other enterprises associated with small-scale agriculture and rural livelihoods. Grants are usually US$5,500 (but many are considerably smaller) for a one-year project. The application deadline is 31 December each year. (However, RSWR recommends earlier submissions of at least a month prior to the deadline to allow time for revisions.) Link to guidelines



Misereor — Grassroots Development

Misereor is the international development agency of the Catholic Church in Germany. Its mission is to fight hunger, disease, poverty, and other forms of human suffering in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Issues and themes include climate change and justice; food security and agriculture; access to land; energy for the poor; and extractive industries. Misereor posts guidelines in multiple languages regarding how to request funding support. Applications can be sent at any time. Find the Guidelines for the Submission of Funding

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education — Free Online Courses

IHE Delft offers free online courses on various water topics on its OCW Platform. Available courses include Biological Wastewater Treatment, Spate Irrigation Systems, and Ecological Sanitation, among others. Each online course is divided by topics and course units for self-learning. Courses are available anytime. Browse the courses

Well Aware — Water Projects in East Africa

Well Aware aims to help local communities in East Africa find sustainable solutions to address water scarcity and contamination. Well Aware aims to support its water projects with integrated project planning; technical evaluation; project oversight; promotion of partnerships; community training in sanitation and hygiene; and community empowerment. At this time, Well Aware is only actively implementing water projects in Kenya and Tanzania. Applications can be submitted at any time; there is no deadline. About Well Aware