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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Eisenhower Fellowships — Global Fellowship Program

Eisenhower Fellowships (EF) empower innovative leaders through a transformative fellowship experience in a global network of dynamic change agents committed to creating a more peaceful world. Fellows will be invited to the United States for a six-week program with both in-person and virtual components, where they will develop a project, and collaborate with their American counterparts. Fellows range between 32 and 45 years of age at the time of fellowship and must be highly proficient in English. Applications are accepted across the globe but preference is given to candidates in countries where EF is active. The application deadline is 16 August 2024. Details here

Earth Journalism Network — Mediterranean Media Initiative Story Grants

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) supports the production of in-depth stories covering current and emerging marine issues in the Mediterranean. EJN offers up to 10 story grants with a budget of up to €1,000 each for this round of story grants to support reporting on illegal fishing and the biodiversity crisis in the Mediterranean region, as well as solutions to marine issues. Applicants can be from any country that borders the Mediterranean Sea.  Countries include Algeria; Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia; Cyprus; Egypt; France; Gibraltar (British Overseas Territory); Greece; Italy; Israel; Lebanon; Libya; Malta; Monaco; Montenegro; Morocco; Palestine; Slovenia; Spain; Syria; Tunisia; Türkiye. Applications are open to journalists working in any medium (online, print, television, radio) and other expert media practitioners with professional reporting experience. The application deadline is 19 August 2024. Link

International Fund for Agricultural Development — Private Sector for Food Systems

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) makes grants to strengthen partnerships between the private sector and smallholder producers to stimulate investments in inclusive and climate-resilient agricultural value chains. The selected entity will participate in the co-design and implementation of the project, fostering effective collaborations between private financial institutions, governments, value chain actors, financial institutions, food system actors, and the IFAD, with the goal of advancing sustainable and inclusive rural development. The grant targets six countries in Asia (Cambodia, India, Laos, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam). The deadline to receive proposals is 19 August 2024. Link to IFAD

International Organization for Migration — COP29 Youth Delegates on Climate Migration

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) invites young people to express their interest in joining the IOM COP29 Youth Delegates on Climate Migration. The initiative will select and fully fund 20 youth delegates from different regions to participate in COP29, and in a series of online activities, such as webinars and consultations, before the Conference. To be eligible to apply, the applicants must be between 18 and 30 years old and have a demonstrated interest and experience in migration and climate change issues. The application deadline is 20 August 2024. COP29 Youth Delegates

Commonwealth Secretariat — Youth Essay Award

The Commonwealth Secretariat launches the “Think Trade, Think Green: Commonwealth Innovative Youth Essay Award Competition.” This competition invites young researchers and students aged 18-29 to explore the relationship between trade and climate change and propose how trade policy can be part of the solution to the climate crisis. The first prize is £1,000, the second and third prizes are £500 each. Applicants must be Commonwealth nationals to participate in this competition. The submission deadline is 21 August 2024. Youth Essay Award Competition

Startupbootcamp — Energy and Sustainability Accelerator

The Startupbootcamp Energy and Sustainability Accelerator provides access to funding, supporting the development of innovative solutions in climate change, resource conservation, and renewable energy. The accelerator supports startups developing solutions with the potential to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges in energy and sustainability. Participants have access to a 3-month in-person accelerator designed to enable growth at speed, and US$50 thousand cash investment per startup to cover expenses during the program, plus US$50 thousand in-kind services. Applications close on 22 August 2024. Accelerator program

Green Institute — Fellows Program

The Green Institute offers the Green Fellows program for students passionate about sustainability, food security, climate action, and environmental law. The program consists of a series of four virtual conferences. Participants receive a certificate of participation and stand a chance to win $1000. Participants must be between 18 and 35 years old. The program is open to applicants from all countries. The application deadline is 25 August 2024. Green Fellows Program

SustainE — Young Researchers Award

The SustainE Young Researchers Award aims to recognize and reward outstanding research in sustainability by young scholars. The award includes a $1000 prize for the best paper. Eligibility extends to researchers under 40 years with original, unpublished papers on sustainability issues (including environment and energy). The application deadline is 25 August 2024. SustainE Young Researchers Award

Magmatic School of Environmental Journalism — Environmental Reporting

Applications are open for the first edition of the Magmatic School of Environmental Journalism (October 2024 to February 2025). Early-career journalists based in southern Europe will be selected to participate in the program. The program aims to enhance their skills in environmental reporting and narrative writing while expanding their portfolios. The deadline to apply is 30 August 2024. Know more

Society for Conservation Biology — Graduate Student Research Fellowship

The Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) supports graduate students whose research advances the science and practice of conserving biological diversity. The Fellowship Awards will support field work, including travel, materials or equipment required to conduct research. Students must demonstrate financial need toward completion of a graduate degree to receive US$1,000 in support of their research project. The deadline to submit your materials is 30 August 2024. Know more