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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education — Young Water Diplomats Program

The Young Water Diplomats Program is an interdisciplinary training and networking program for early-career diplomats engaged in international water and environmental politics. The program features online and in-person learning activities to enhance participants’ understanding of transboundary water challenges and advance their ability to use tools for water cooperation and diplomacy. There are a limited number of fellowships for applicants from low- and middle-income countries. The application deadline is 14 October 2024. Young Water Diplomats Program

Munich Re Foundation — RISK Award “Children and Youths”

The RISK Award seeks operational field projects in risk reduction and disaster management. The prize will provide financial support of €100 thousand to projects dedicated to increasing people’s resilience to risks and disasters, especially in developing countries. The submitted projects may emphasize the importance of children and young people as agents of change. There are no eligibility restrictions but research institutions and NGOs are especially encouraged to submit. Projects have to be submitted by 17 October 2024. More

Commonwealth Secretariat — Commonwealth Youth Awards 2024

The Commonwealth Youth Awards for Excellence in Development Work recognize individuals ages 15 to 29 who lead innovative development projects in themes that include agriculture, small enterprise, skills training, climate change, environmental protection, sustainable livelihoods, and poverty reduction. The program selects regional winners from each of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and the Pacific. Winners are awarded grants of up to a total of £5 thousand in total to advance their projects. The application deadline is 18 October 2024. Commonwealth Youth Awards

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Conservation of Neotropical Migratory Birds 2025

The U.S. Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act sponsors an annual competitive grants program to support the conservation of neotropical migratory birds and their habitats in the USA, Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean. At least 75 percent of funding supports projects outside the USA. Grant requests have to be matched by partner contributions at no less than a 3-to-1 ratio. Eligibility to compete for funding is unrestricted. Applications should be submitted in English, but the program will accept accompanying versions of the application in Spanish and Portuguese. The application deadline is 31 October 2024. Find instructions

German Academic Exchange Service — Co-funded Research Grants

DAAD co-funds research grants for qualified applicants from Brazil. The aim of the program is to promote research projects within the context of doctoral studies. The program accepts doctoral candidates at universities in Brazil, who have been awarded a domestic scholarship from CAPES (Co-funder). Subject areas include natural sciences and agriculture, among others. The domestic doctoral scholarships will be paid by CAPES during the research stay in Germany, and DAAD will co-fund a monthly payment of €650, health, accident, and personal liability insurance cover, and travel allowance. The application deadline is 31 October 2024 (for a research stay between May 2025 and January 2026). Find out more

Composting Council Research and Education Foundation — Poster Contest

The International Compost Awareness Week Committee invites submissions for its annual poster contest. This year’s theme is “Composting in My Community”. The winning poster will serve as the promotional piece of the 2025 International Compost Awareness Week and the winner will receive US$500. The contest is open to anyone from 9th grade (age 14) or older from anywhere in the world. The contest runs until 01 November 2024. About the poster contest

Schlumberger Foundation — Funding for Women in PhD and Postdoctoral Studies

Schlumberger Foundation’s ‘Faculty of the Future’ supports women in developing and emerging economies in pursuing PhD and postdoctoral studies at the international level. Grants are in the physical sciences, engineering, and related fields — including past grants in subjects such as ecology and environment. Grants can be up to US$50 thousand per year for PhD courses and a maximum of US$40 thousand for post-doc research programs. The deadline to submit new applications is 08 November 2024. Faculty of the Future

Pulitzer Center — Local Letters for Global Change

Local Letters for Global Change is a Pulitzer Center writing contest for students. Students are encouraged to write a letter to a local elected representative that explains the global issue they want them to prioritize (e.g., Climate and Environment), shows how it connects to their local community and proposes a solution. The Pulitzer Center welcomes entries from all current K-12 students across the globe. First-place winners will receive US$300 to support global community engagement. Educators working with groups of 50 or more students can also schedule a free, virtual workshop facilitated by a member of the Pulitzer Center Education team. The application deadline is 15 November 2024. Letters for Global Change

D-Prize — Funding Entrepreneurs to Alleviate Poverty

The D-Prize funds pilot projects that more widely distribute relatively low-cost products and services in the fight against poverty. The current challenges include social enterprises for innovations in specified themes of agriculture; energy; WASH; and several other categories. The D-Prize will award 30 teams with up to US$20 thousand each to launch nonprofits or social ventures that can distribute proven poverty interventions to people in need. Eligibility to compete extends to entrepreneurs anywhere in the world and of any age or background. The D-Prize invites concept notes before 13 October 2024 (early deadline); 03 November 2024 (regular deadline); or 24 November 2024 (limited extension). Link to D-Prize

European Commission — TROPIMUNDO Masters Program in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems

TROPIMUNDO is a 2-year Erasmus Mundus master’s program in tropical biodiversity and ecosystems. Students alternate their semesters between consortium universities in Europe (Belgium, France, Italy) and tropical regions outside Europe (Australia, Cameroon, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Malaysia). Applicants should have an internationally accepted bachelor’s degree in biology, natural sciences, environmental sciences, or equivalent. The EC provides a certain number of scholarships for EU and non-EU students. The deadline for applications (for scholarship seekers or self-funded applicants) is 30 November 2024. About TROPIMUNDO