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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Garden Club of America — Awards in Tropical Botany and Horticulture

The Garden Club of America (GCA) offers several grants, prizes, and fellowships for students enrolled at universities in the USA, including some awards that have a tropical focus. The GCA Awards in Tropical Botany are open to PhD candidates (application deadline is 15 January); the Loy McCandless Marks Scholarship in Tropical Horticulture is restricted to U.S. citizens who are graduate students or advanced undergraduate students (deadline is 15 January). The Anne Chatham Fellowship in Medicinal Botany is open to PhD students and recent PhD graduates (deadline is 31 January). Applicants should review all programs, criteria, and deadlines. Botany and Horticulture Scholarships

U.S. Agency for International Development — Development Innovation Ventures

USAID sponsors Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) to identify, develop, test, and scale innovative approaches in development. DIV’s portfolio includes projects across the range of USAID’s program areas – including in agriculture, energy, climate change, water, waste management, and others related to natural resources and the environment. Applicants may apply for any of the three following stages: Proof of Concept (Up to US$200 thousand for up to 3 years), Testing and Positioning for Scale (US$200 thousand to $1.5 million for up to 3 years), and Scaling (US$1.5 million to US$15 million for up to 5 years). Proposals are accepted year-round, from any type of organization (including private businesses, faith-based organizations, institutions of higher education, foundations, civic groups, regional organizations, and international organizations), in any country. Link

Pulitzer Center — Rainforest Reporting Grant

The Pulitzer Center provides short-term project support to journalists reporting in tropical forests. The Rainforest Reporting Grant supports journalists in three main rainforest regions—the Amazon, Congo Basin, and Southeast Asia. The supported journalism projects will focus on the role of tropical forests in the overall climate equation and weather patterns, deforestation drivers, and solutions to halt deforestation. The Pulitzer Center will fund costs associated with reporting projects on tropical rainforests in the range of US$8 thousand to US$15 thousand. Grants are made to local journalists based in the tropical rainforest region. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Rainforest Reporting Grant

Thomson Reuters Foundation — Free Legal Services for NGOs

TrustLaw is the Thomson Reuters Foundation’s global pro bono legal program. The pro bono network works with legal teams and lawyers who provide free legal support to NGOs and social enterprises. Interested organizations apply for a free membership, explain their project and specific needs and lawyers can volunteer to work on projects that interest them. New applications are accepted on a continuous basis. More about TrustLaw