The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Farm Radio International — Farm Radio Awards

The George Atkins Communication Award recognizes individual radio broadcasters for their outstanding commitment and contribution to food security and poverty reduction in low-income countries. The winners will receive a certificate and C$500. Farm Radio International broadcasting partners in Africa can apply. The deadline to apply is 05 October 2024. Farm Radio Awards

World Food Programme — Iraq Innovation Challenge

The World Food Programme (WFP) invites innovators, entrepreneurs, and organizations from Iraq to contribute solutions to strengthen the capacities of local communities to adapt to climate change and improve livelihood opportunities. WFP will provide comprehensive support to selected teams, facilitating the development and scaling of the most promising solutions. Selected innovation team will be eligible to receive up to US$25 thousand in equity-free funding. Eligibility extends to for-profit, not-for-profit, social enterprises. Applications can be submitted until 12 October 2024. Link

Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism — Oxford Climate Journalism Network

The Oxford Climate Journalism Network is a global network for practicing journalists to learn from peers and academics while developing their own expertise and career in climate journalism. Members of the network will participate in a six-month online program with access to experts, dedicated workshops, and a community of 100 journalists from all continents. The course is designed for journalists, multimedia reporters, photographers, and editors who are interested in improving their coverage of climate change. Applications to join the network are now open until 13 October 2024. Join the network

U.S. African Development Foundation — Agricultural Cooperatives in Zambia

The U.S. African Development Foundation (USADF, invites applications for grant financing and local support from enterprises, cooperatives, and producer groups. Proposals will be accepted from registered agricultural cooperatives, producer groups, and small- and medium-sized enterprises in Zambia. Grant awards are up to US$25 thousand. Organizations must be 100% African-owned and led. Applications have to be submitted by 18 October 2024. USADF Zambia

United Nations Development Programme — Energy Accelerator

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) seeks startups with a solution to solve Africa’s energy challenges. The GreenTech Hub aims to foster startups developing groundbreaking solutions in renewable energy tailored to African needs. The program provides technical support, mentorship, access to funding, and advocacy to support green enterprises to grow and scale their businesses. The most viable and high-impact startups selected from the program will receive long-term support for 6 months. Startups must be legally registered and operating within Africa. The deadline for applications is 20 October 2024. GreenTech Hub

Catalytic Climate Finance Facility — Climate Finance

The Catalytic Climate Finance Facility (CC Facility) supports blended finance structures targeting climate action in developing economies. The program provides technical assistance and working capital to accelerate the scaling and deployment of market-ready finance vehicles that target climate change mitigation and/or adaptation. The CC Facility offers grant funding of up to US$500 thousand. Applicants do not need to be domiciled in a developing country but end beneficiaries and target activities must. The deadline to submit a concept note is 24 October 2024. Know more

Australian Government — Latin America Young Entrepreneur Award

The Council on Australia Latin America Relations (COALAR) invites applications for the Australia – Latin America Young Entrepreneur Award. The award consists of two awards (AU$5 thousand each) – one to a young Australian and one to a young Latin American entrepreneur. Applicants must be under 40 and demonstrate that they contributed to building an organization that enriches the relationship between Latin America and Australia. (Note. This may include one or more categories of the Terra Viva Grants Directory.) The closing date for applications is 25 October 2024. Find the call

U.S. National Science Foundation — International Research Experiences for U.S. University Students 2024

Through the program IRES, the National Science Foundation supports U.S. university students (graduate and undergraduate) to engage in international research. Past fellowships include several in developing countries in subject areas such as ecology, renewable energy, climate change, and others. Full proposals are due 28 October 2024. More information

European Space Agency — Earth Observation Africa

The African Research Fellowship (ARF) program aims at empowering African Researchers (PhD or Master’s degree) to carry out Earth Observation R&D activities. Candidates shall propose a 1-year research and development proposal contributing to water resources management or food security issues in Africa. Proposals focusing on smallholder needs (e.g. farming, agricultural water use, irrigation systems, etc.) or related to coastal processes (e.g. ecosystems, coastal waters, coastal urbanization, etc.) and fisheries. The European Space Agency offers 1-year fellowships to work at the ESA-ESRIN premises in Frascati (Rome, Italy). The deadline for the submission of proposals is 30 October 2024. Click here

Bat Conservation International — Student Research Scholarships for Bat Conservation

Bat Conservation International (BCI) requests proposals from student researchers seeking financial support for bat conservation research projects. Research may focus on human-caused environmental changes (such as land development or climate change on bats), bat-human conflicts (such as hunting, roost disturbance, and persecution), or behavioral or ecological questions that aid the protection of a bat species. The geographical scope is Latin America and the Caribbean; Africa and its adjacent islands; and globally. BCI anticipates granting up to US$3,000 each. Additional funding is available through special awards. The scholarship is only open to students who are registered with a recognized academic institution. The application deadline is 31 October 2024. Link to Bat Conservation International