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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Graduate Institute Geneva — Master and PhD Applications 2025

The Graduate Institute Geneva (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies) offers Master’s and PhD programs that address global, international, and transnational challenges facing the contemporary world. Its centers include the Centre for International Environmental Studies, among others. The Institute strives to support its students — to the extent of its ability — through cost-of-living scholarships, partial scholarships, and/or tuition fee reductions. The regular application deadline is 15 January 2025. Find out more

Stanford University — Summer Fellowships for Future Leaders 2025

The Draper Hills Summer Fellowship on Democracy and Development Program is a three-week academic training program for mid-career practitioners in the fields of democracy, development, and the rule of law. Applicants can be working as policy-makers, academics, legal professionals, social entrepreneurs, business entrepreneurs, and leaders of civil society organizations. Stanford will pay for accommodations, meals, and transportation costs during the duration of the program. A small travel fund is available for fellows who under no circumstances can support their travel. The application deadline is 16 January 2025. Find the Summer Fellowships

Van Tienhoven Foundation — Small Grants for Biodiversity Conservation

The Van Tienhoven Foundation for International Nature Protection promotes the protection, conservation, and sustainable use of ecosystems and their living organisms. The Foundation aims to counter the human-induced causes of threats to biodiversity. Only Asian and Latin American countries on the DAC list will be eligible. Non-profit organizations are eligible to apply. Government organizations, companies, or individuals are not supported. The maximum grant is €10 thousand. The next application deadline is 31 January 2025. Link to the Van Tienhoven Foundation

Ornithological Society of the Middle East — Bird Conservation 2025

The OSME’s Conservation Fund makes grants to support bird research in the Middle East, Caucasus, and Central Asia. The Fund supports projects benefiting species and habitats, especially Globally Threatened and Near Threatened birds, and sites important for bird conservation (Important Bird Areas) in the OSME region. Grants average about £1 thousand to £2 thousand. The submission deadlines are 31 January; 31 May; and 30 September each year. Know more

Embassy of Japan — Grants for Grassroots Projects in Uganda

The Embassy of Japan in Uganda provides financial assistance to non-profit, development-oriented organizations in support of community development projects in Uganda. Any projects geared towards grassroots assistance are eligible for financing, including water and sanitation, disaster relief, and agricultural development. The grant amount per project is generally under 10 million yen (approx. US$100 thousand). Potential recipients are international or local NGOs, community-based organizations, educational institutions, and local governments. The Embassy receives concept papers anytime throughout the year, but the selection process is conducted twice a year with deadlines on 15 February and 31 July. More about this opportunity

Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund — Krill Fishing and Marine Ecosystem

The Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund (AWR) calls for proposals from scientific researchers who can aid in determining the impact of the krill fishing industry on the Antarctic marine ecosystem. Funding will range from US$25 thousand to US$90 thousand per project. The deadline for applications is 11 April 2025. Find the 11th call for proposals

National Geographic Society — Freshwater Storytelling

The National Geographic Society invites proposals from storytellers to create and disseminate content that raises public awareness about sustainable freshwater use. The initiative seeks to illuminate global freshwater challenges, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, Western Asia, and the Middle East. Applicants may request between US$20 thousand to US$100 thousand per grant. The deadline for applications is 22 April 2025. Freshwater Storytelling

European Commission — Marie Curie COFUND Program

The Marie Sklowdowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) support research training and career development. The MSCA COFUND scheme aims at stimulating regional, national, or international programs to foster excellence in researchers’ training, mobility, and career development. Each proposal under the COFUND scheme shall have a sole participant who will be responsible for matching funds to execute the proposal. Participants submit multi-annual proposals for new or existing doctoral programs or fellowship programs that may be run at regional, national, or international levels. The application deadline is 24 June 2025. MSCA COFUND

Free Rivers Fund — Emergency Grant

The Free Rivers Fund collects donations from adventure sports companies and distributes funds to conservation groups. The idea is to give financial support to those who spend their free time protecting rivers from being dammed. The Free Rivers Fund offers emergency grants to help initiatives that have just formed in order to prevent a dam. Applications for emergency support can be submitted anytime. Free Rivers Emergency Grant