With funding from the U.S. government, the Borlaug Higher Education Agricultural Research and Development (BHEARD) Program supports long-term training of agricultural and food security researchers and policy advisors at the master’s and doctoral levels. The program currently includes scholarships for staff and faculty members at selected institutions in Bangladesh to pursue doctoral studies at universities in India. The application deadline is 30 September 2016. Link
Ilka Westermeyer
Securing Water for Food — SWFF Grants, Round 4
The Securing Water for Food Grand Challenge for Development (SWFF) is a collaborative initiative among the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Swedish International Development Agency, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Government of South Africa. The current call for proposals focuses on improving water efficiency and reusing agricultural wastewater; effective water capture and storage systems for extending temporal availability of water supply; and management of salinity in water supplies. Awardees will receive between US$100 thousand and US$2 million in funding and acceleration support to bring their innovations to scale. The deadline for applications is 10 October 2016. Link
Tata Group — Tata Social Enterprise Challenge, 5th Edition
The Tata Group, in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC), seeks to identify promising social enterprises in India. Proposals are invited for social enterprises in agriculture, water and sanitation, energy, and other thematic areas. The proposed enterprises should create social impact in India, although applicants do not have to be Indian nationals. Selected social entrepreneurs are offered funding opportunities, mentorship, and an opportunity to be incubated at IIM Calcutta’s Incubation Center. The deadline for submitting impact proposals (business plans) is 11 October 2016. Link
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Program for Mexico 2016
In “Wildlife Without Borders, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) partners with Mexico’s Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) to invite projects that build Mexico’s capacity for biodiversity conservation. Grants should focus on projects that improve the capacities of Mexican government agencies and local communities to protect wildlife from illegal trafficking and over-exploitation. Applications are invited from government agencies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, private-sector entities, and individuals. The maximum grant is US$500 thousand for two years. The deadline for applications is 17 October 2016. Link
ARCOS Network — Biodiversity Conservation in Africa
The ARCOS Small Grants enhance collaboration to develop sustainable solutions for biodiversity and people, focusing on critical landscapes and watersheds of the Albertine Rift, the Great Lakes Region, and the African mountains. The grants program is open to civil society organizations. Governments and for-profit organizations may participate as project partners, or in coalitions where a civil society organization is the main applicant. The maximum grant is US$5 thousand. Applications (English, French) are invited during two periods each year: 01 April to 31 May, and 01 October to 30 November. Link
German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture — Processing Local Food in Africa and Asia
The German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL) will fund international research cooperation on the topic of innovative approaches to process local food in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. The aim is to contribute to improved nutrition, as well as to qualitative and quantitative reduction of food losses. BMEL will make grants to suitable research institutions in Germany, which will work with partner institutions in Africa and Asia. The projects should focus on perishable food items of plant, animal, and fungal origin, in particular with seasonal surpluses. Consideration should be given to the potential for innovation using neglected and under-utilized crops. The deadline for short proposals and consortium agreements is 01 December 2016. Link
WWF in India — Small Grants Program
WWF-India offers grants up to Rs. 400 thousand for conservation research or action projects of up to two years. Grants are made to individuals to be utilized primarily for field activities. Priority is for research and conservation aligned with WWF’s program in India. The application period is 01 October through 31 December of each year. Link
BRICS Scientific, Technological, and Innovation Framework Programme — Pilot Call for Proposals 2016
The BRICS Scientific, Technological and Innovation Framework Programme announces a call for research proposals on priority areas which can best be addressed by a multinational approach. The multiple themes include water resources and pollution treatment; promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency; and prevention and monitoring of natural disasters. The framework program is supported by funding organizations in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Proposals should include collaborators from at least three countries. The deadline for applications is 25 August 2016. Link
UK Natural Environment Research Council — Building Resilience to Environmental Hazards
The NERC in coordination with other UK research councils calls for inter-disciplinary research on resilience to natural and man-made environmental hazards in the developing world. The focus is on how to build resilience in relation to both sudden and slow-onset environmental hazards (e.g., land degradation, deforestation, drought, hurricanes, and climate change). The lead applicant must be a UK research organization eligible for funding through NERC. Co-investigators can be researchers in low and middle-income countries, as well as researchers in international research organizations. Awards are expected not to exceed £200 thousand for projects ranging from 3-9 months, and exceptionally up to 12 months. The deadline for submitting proposals is 06 September 2016. Link
Global Development Network — Aid Effectiveness in Africa
The Global Development Network (GDN) announces a research competition on aid effectiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa. Proposals should focus on a single sector, either health or agriculture, in two or more African countries. The competition is open to teams of early-career researchers of social scientists from universities, independent research institutions, think tanks, networks, and consortia based in Africa. GDN will invite short-listed teams to submit full applications for grants of up to US$24 thousand. The deadline for expressions of interest (English, French) is 11 September 2016. Link