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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Category: Biodiversity, Conservation, Wildlife

WomenStrong seeks potential grantees that identify as local women-led organizations working in urban and peri-urban areas on climate and environmental justice-related issues and taking a gender-responsive approach. These organizations will work to mobilize women, both as the people most affected by climate breakdown and environmental injustice, and join the WomenStrong Learning Lab, a virtual community that disseminates findings that can advance the evidence base for what works to improve the lives of women and girls. The deadline for submissions is 30 November 2024. Details here

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers story grants to produce stories on transnational conservation crimes in the Amazon Region and the threats faced by Indigenous peoples and local communities. EJN welcomes story ideas that take a regional perspective on the threats to biodiversity in the Amazon region and focus on the transnational nature of activities such as illegal logging, unsustainable and unregulated fishing, wildlife trafficking, and illegal mining. EJN expects to award grants of around US$1,500 to US$2,000. Applicants can be based in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The application deadline is 09 January 2025. Story Grants Amazon

The Botany in Action (BIA) Fellowship program at Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens fosters the development of the next generation of plant-based scientists. Subject areas include ethnobotany, plant diversity and conservation, landscape and brownfield restoration, and others. The program is open to Ph.D. students of any nationality who are conducting plant-based scientific research at U.S. graduate institutions. Grants are US$5 thousand for research-related expenses at sites in the U.S. or internationally, plus an all-expenses paid trip to Phipps to make a public presentation. The application deadline is 10 January 2025. Find out how to apply

The PADI Foundation offers worldwide grants in underwater science, environmental projects, and marine education. The Foundation supports research and education related to aquatic environments. In the past, applications have included many projects in tropical regions. Most grants range from US$5 thousand to US$10 thousand. There are no nationality restrictions. The deadline is 15 January 2025. Find the guidelines

The Leakey Foundation makes the Franklin Mosher Baldwin Memorial Fellowships to help students from developing countries get advanced education and training in paleoanthropology and primatology. Applicants should already be enrolled or provisionally accepted in a graduate program related to human origins and evolution. A fellowship provides for two years of support. The maximum award is US$15 thousand per year. The program has an annual deadline for new applications, and a different application process and deadline to apply for second-year renewals. The deadline for new applicants is 15 February 2025. (Note: The deadline for returning applicants is 01 March.) See this fellowship

The Ocean Foundation directs funding for marine and ocean conservation. Program areas cover essentially all aspects of marine and ocean conservation. The Foundation does not accept unsolicited funding requests. However, it accepts brief letters of inquiry from grant seekers who wish to partner with the Foundation. Find out how the process works

The Cambridge Masters in Conservation Leadership invites applications for entry in 2025. The full-time master’s program during one year is aimed at graduates of leadership potential with at least three to five years of experience relevant to biodiversity conservation. Scholarship programs offer support to students from developing countries. The application deadline for program admission is 03 December 2024. About the program

The Pulitzer Center accepts applications for the Rainforest Investigations Network (RIN). The RIN Fellowship fosters collaboration among journalists to investigate the financial incentives, illegal activities, and global supply chains driving industrial-scale deforestation. RIN Fellows will pursue both individual and joint investigative projects, examining the root causes and structural drivers of deforestation across the three main tropical rainforest regions: the Amazon, the Congo Basin, and Southeast Asia. The Pulitzer Center seeks seasoned investigative journalists who are from the tropical rainforest regions. The application deadline is 31 December 2024. Rainforest Investigations Network

The Beahrs ELP sponsors an annual three-week summer course in environmental science, policy, management, and leadership at UC Berkeley. The next course is scheduled for July/August 2025. ELP invites applications from mid-career professionals around the world. Workshops and field trips draw on the strengths of UC Berkeley and the greater San Francisco Bay Area of California. Course participants continue their learning and networking through the Berkeley ELP Alumni Network. The program offers a limited number of partial scholarships. The final deadline for scholarship review is 10 January 2025. Learn about the program

The Kinship Foundation invites fellows worldwide to participate in its month-long conservation leadership program in the USA. Kinship focuses on market-based mechanisms for conservation by strengthening the participants’ skills in leadership, communication, economics, and business and finance. Selected participants receive training and a US$6 thousand stipend to cover travel and living expenses. Applicants should be mid-career conservation practitioners with at least five years of field experience, a bachelor’s degree, and a demonstrated desire to innovate. The next application deadline is 12 January 2025. Kinship Conservation Fellows