The Explorers Club supports the scientific fieldwork of groundbreaking explorers around the world. The Rolex Explorers Club Grant supports young explorers under the age of 35 who are conducting field research to address a novel scientific, environmental, or historical question. The average award is US$10 thousand. The deadline to submit applications is 04 October 2024. Rolex Explorers Club Grant
Category: Biodiversity, Conservation, Wildlife
The Explorers Club supports the scientific fieldwork of groundbreaking explorers around the world. The Fjällräven Field Grant supports explorers under the age of 35 doing fieldwork related to conservation, the environment, and/or sustainability. The average award is US$5,000. The deadline to submit applications is 04 October 2024. Fjällräven Field Grant
The Smithsonian Institution seeks collaborative research proposals in Biodiversity Genomics, involving comparative genomic approaches such as phylogenomics, population genomics, metagenomics or transcriptomics, and bioinformatics analysis. The stipend for postdoctoral and senior fellows is US$55 thousand per year. Applicants must propose to conduct research in residence for a period of 12 to 24 months. Applicants contact Smithsonian’s staff members (find a link in the announcement) to identify potential advisors, and to determine the feasibility of their proposed research. The fellowship program is open to qualified applicants worldwide. All applications must be submitted by 15 October 2024. Fellowship in Biodiversity Genomics
The Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden (USA) manages the “Conservation Action Now” program. The program awards small grants for conservation education, scientific research, and species preservation anywhere in the world. Grants are up to US$2,500. The application deadline is 21 October 2024. Find the conservation small grants program
The Wildlife Emergency Fund (WEF) is a small grant program that provides emergency funding of up to US$2,500 to address severe and time-sensitive threats to wildlife. Research and awareness/outreach/education programs will not be considered for WEF. Support is intended for short-term emergency action. Eligibility extends to established non-profit conservation and research organizations. The WEF accepts applications year-round. About the Wildlife Emergency Fund
- Tags: no deadline, nonprofit orgs, universities, wildlife, worldwide
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) releases a call for Letters of Inquiry for organizations that address the conservation of biodiversity in light of climate change in the Indian Ocean Islands of Tanzania and Zanzibar. CEPF expects to make between 6-10 awards with a maximum value of US$200 thousand. Eligibility for grants extends to NGOs, community groups, private enterprises, universities, and other civil society applicants. The deadline for letters of inquiry is 04 September 2024. Link
The Whitley Fund for Nature (WFN) offers the Whitley Awards to outstanding biodiversity conservation leaders in developing countries around the world. The awards are both an international prize and a form of project funding, currently £50 thousand over one year. The program is open to mid-career conservationists who are leading wildlife conservation projects in a developing country. The application deadline is 31 October 2024. Learn more
The Leakey Foundation funds research related to human origins. This includes research on primate biology, ecology, and behavior. The majority of research grants awarded to doctoral students range from US$3 thousand to US$20 thousand. Larger projects by senior scientists and post-doctoral students may be funded up to US$30 thousand. There are no citizenship restrictions. The next application deadlines are 10 January and 15 July 2025. Find out more
- Tags: individuals, january2025, july2025, research, wildlife, worldwide
The SwedBio Collaboration Program contributes to ideas, methods, and policies regarding how biodiversity, ecosystem services, and resilience help sustain livelihoods. SwedBio welcomes submissions of concept notes for project ideas. SwedBio contributes to shorter projects through a small-grants program (max. SEK 500 thousand). Preferred partners include regional and international network organizations; action-oriented research institutes; think-tank institutions; and civil society organizations based in developing countries. Concept notes can be submitted anytime. About collaboration with SwedBio
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites letters of inquiry for small grants (maximum budget US$50 thousand per project) in support of conservation in the Guinean forests of West Africa. Grants under this call can be made to NGOs, private enterprises, universities, and research institutes. The eligible countries are Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Applicants can apply in English or French using the templates provided in the announcement. The closing date is 02 August 2024. Link to the call