The Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme provides funding for the implementation of large-scale restoration initiatives that restore and harness ecosystem processes, bring back nature to degraded landscapes and seascapes, and revitalize local economies. The program seeks Expressions of Interest from innovative landscape restoration projects across Europe. The amount awarded per project is between US$1.5 Million and US$5 Million, over five years. Lead partners for grants must be not-for-profit organizations. The deadline for submitting applications is 14 January 2025. Details
Category: Biodiversity, Conservation, Wildlife
The African Research Fellowship (ARF) program aims at empowering African Researchers (PhD or Master’s degree) to carry out Earth Observation R&D activities. Candidates shall propose a 1-year research and development proposal contributing to water resources management or food security issues in Africa. Proposals focusing on smallholder needs (e.g. farming, agricultural water use, irrigation systems, etc.) or related to coastal processes (e.g. ecosystems, coastal waters, coastal urbanization, etc.) and fisheries. The European Space Agency offers 1-year fellowships to work at the ESA-ESRIN premises in Frascati (Rome, Italy). The deadline for the submission of proposals is 30 October 2024. Click here
Bat Conservation International (BCI) requests proposals from student researchers seeking financial support for bat conservation research projects. Research may focus on human-caused environmental changes (such as land development or climate change on bats), bat-human conflicts (such as hunting, roost disturbance, and persecution), or behavioral or ecological questions that aid the protection of a bat species. The geographical scope is Latin America and the Caribbean; Africa and its adjacent islands; and globally. BCI anticipates granting up to US$3,000 each. Additional funding is available through special awards. The scholarship is only open to students who are registered with a recognized academic institution. The application deadline is 31 October 2024. Link to Bat Conservation International
- Tags: Africa, conservation, early-career, individuals, LAC, october2024, research, wildlife, worldwide
Wild Animal Initiative provides grants for research projects that help us understand and improve the lives of wild animals. Challenge grants researchers exploring critical research questions that will unlock new avenues of wild animal welfare research and are not prioritized by other funders. Grant size varies from US$50 thousand to US$100 thousand. Challenge grants program is open to experienced researchers, but can include financial support for students or other early-career collaborators. Expressions of Interest have to be submitted by 01 November 2024. Challenge Grants
- Tags: conservation, early-career, individuals, november2024, research, wildlife
The Wild Animal Initiative provides funding for projects that expand the evidence base of wild animal welfare. Discovery Grants are available to early career researchers (postdocs and PhD students) pursuing a long-term research career in wild animal welfare and established researchers who seek to expand their research portfolio to include wild animal welfare. Grant size varies from US$10 thousand to US$50 thousand. Projects must be led by a principal investigator affiliated with a university or other research institution. Expressions of Interest have to be submitted by 01 November 2024. Discovery Grants
- Tags: conservation, early-career, individuals, november2024, research, wildlife
The Frank M. Chapman Memorial Fund supports ornithological research anywhere in the world. Chapman Research Grants are small short-term awards for research that are available to graduate students for expenses associated with projects primarily focused on the systematics and evolutionary biology of birds. Most grants average approximately US$1,500. The application deadline is 30 November 2024. Ornithology grants
- Tags: early-career, individuals, november2024, research, wildlife, worldwide
The Association of Avian Veterinarians seeks research projects addressing wild bird health. Projects of interest include epidemiology of disease in wild populations, ecotoxicology, diagnostic testing and treatment of wild birds, and conservation medicine. Grants are limited to US$5 thousand per project. Pre-proposals must be submitted by 01 December 2024. Find the call
- Tags: december2024, individuals, research, wildlife, worldwide
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF), through the Russell E. Train Education for Nature Program (EFN), offers fellowship opportunities to support university faculty members who are affiliated with or currently employed at African, Asian, and Latin American universities. The fellowship is offered to enable faculty members to pursue their PhD. Applicants from eligible countries can apply for three years of study, with funding of up to US$30 thousand per year. The application deadline is 18 December 2024. WWF Faculty Fellowship
The General Assembly of African Biosphere Reserves Network invites applications for fellowships to the GRÓ Land Restoration Training Program (GRÓ LRT). The program offers six months of training focused on land restoration and sustainable land management, hosted at the Agricultural University of Iceland. The Fellowship covers tuition and other academic expenses for the fellows, travel and health insurance costs, and a stipend that covers all their living expenses. Applicants should be working and having a prominent role in biosphere reserve ecosystem restoration activity. The deadline for application is 30 September 2024. Link to more information
The UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE) invites children and young people from Belarus, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan to take part in the 2024 Youth Innovation Contest. Participants can submit creative works that reflect their vision of a more sustainable planet, using any format (painting, story, poem, or a research essay). The contest is open to two age groups: Children’s Group (5-10 years old) and Youth Group (11-17 years old). Participants are encouraged to create works focusing on the Protection of Marine Ecosystems, Conservation of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Responding to Global Climate Change, and Building Sustainable Human Settlements. The deadline for application is 30 September 2024. More