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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Category: Biodiversity, Conservation, Wildlife

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) makes reporting grants to support the production of in-depth stories that highlight previously untold threats to global biodiversity or explore new conservation-based solutions. Applications are open to journalists working in any medium (online, print, television, radio) and other expert media practitioners with experience in investigative reporting and covering environmental issues. ENJ expects to award story grants of up to US$5 thousand each. The deadline for submission is 05 May 2024. Biodiversity Story Grants

The Yves Rocher Foundation’s Photography Award is awarded to a professional photographer who wishes to make a journalistic study of issues relating to the environment, humanity’s relationship with the planet, or the core challenges to sustainability. Eligibility extends to professional photojournalists who can write and speak in French or English. The winner will receive an award of €8 thousand. The closing date for applications is 19 May 2024. Prix Photo

The Pulitzer Center accepts applications for the Ocean Reporting Network (ORN). The network will establish a collaborative ecosystem of journalists around the world to uncover the harmful and illegal practices of the fishing and extractive industries, and systemic threats to marine biodiversity and coastal communities. The Pulitzer Center will cover a reporter’s salary and provide additional support for the media outlet that employs the journalist. Fellows are expected to devote a full year to their ocean investigation and to publish regularly. Applications are due on 26 May 2024. Ocean Reporting Network

Impact Seed Funding (ISF) is a micro-scale grant provided by the Pulitzer Center to support education activities to enrich the perspectives and knowledge of the university community— specifically students and educators—about the problems, solutions, and innovations related to the impact of human activities in tropical forests, ocean, and the climate crisis. ISF grants range from US$2,000 to US$4,000. Applicants should be professors or researchers in a higher education institution, or groups of students guided by a responsible professor, and not have the project applied in Africa, Brazil, or Southeast Asia. The application deadline is 27 May 2024. Impact Seed Funding

The Aspire Grant Program provides competitive research grants of up to US$5 thousand for African graduate students and early-career professionals working in the areas of biodiversity, conservation, wildlife, and ecosystem health in the Congo Basin. Applicants should be 35 years of age or younger and reside in one of the following countries: Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, or Uganda. The application deadline (English, French, Spanish) is 15 June 2024. About the Aspire Grant Program

Paradise Wildlife Park offers short-term grants for conservation projects around the world. The maximum amount available is £1000 per project. Funding can cover fieldwork for students and researchers. The applying organization must be based in the species range country. The application deadline is 30 June 2024. Paradise Wildlife Park

EuroMarine funds Foresight Workshops with a maximum funding of €10 thousand. Workshops should focus on emerging and important topics requiring European-wide coordination. All workshops are expected to yield scientific publications in the wider area of understanding, protection, and management of the Ocean. Proposals should involve at least three full Member Organizations of EuroMarine, from at least two different countries. Applicants are welcome to involve any relevant organizations from developing countries. The submission deadline for workshop proposals is 30 August 2024. EuroMarine Foresight Workshops

The Hawk Conservancy Trust supports early-career researchers working on projects focused on the conservation and/or research of birds of prey. The maximum award amount is £1,000. Preference will be given to those applying for support for fieldwork, conference fees to present work, or travel costs (for fieldwork or conference attendance). Applications close on 31 August 2024. About the award

The Erik Hosking Trust supports projects of scientific and conservation value on birds and other subjects of natural history through the media of writing, photography, painting, and illustration. Grants of up to £750 may be awarded to suitable candidates from any country. The application deadline is 30 September each year. About the application process



The EDGE Protected and Conserved Area Fund provides grants to local Civil Society Organizations that are focused on creating or expanding protected and conserved areas for EDGE species. The Rapid Feasibility Awards encourage conservationists and researchers to evaluate important potential sites for creating new Protected Areas. Awards average US$5 thousand to US$10 thousand. Applications for Rapid Awards are reviewed on a rolling basis. About the application process