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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Category: Biodiversity, Conservation, Wildlife

The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F) funds and promotes activities for the protection, conservation, and awareness of the Pelagos Sanctuary with a specific focus on biodiversity conservation, and climate action. PA2F encourages submissions of projects that may include knowledge acquisition, conservation, and restoration measures, lobbying/advocacy, or awareness-raising projects. Funding ranges from €100 thousand to €300 thousand per project. Applications must be sent before 19 April 2024. Pelagos Initiative

The Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO) supports capacity building in oceanography for individuals and institutions in developing countries. POGO’s Visiting Fellowships Program is open to scientists, technicians, graduate students (PhD), and post-doctoral fellows involved in oceanographic work. Priority is given to applicants in their early stages of career development. The fellowship offers the opportunity to visit other oceanographic centers for a short period of training on any aspect of oceanographic observations, analyses, and interpretation. The application deadline is 30 April 2024. Find fellowship information

The Atlantis Atlas Project (AAP) contributes to the conservation, sustainability, and environmental educational initiatives of marine wildlife. Projects must contribute to the long-term survival of species in natural ecosystems, advance conservation practices that can be applied to animals in their natural ecosystems, enhance understanding of social and environmental responsibility, or develop new ways to reduce environmental impacts. The program is open to academics and non-scientists. Applicants from any country are welcome to apply. The application deadline is 01 June 2024. Atlantis Atlas Project

Skål International announces the call for submission to its 2024 Sustainable Tourism Awards. The idea is to enhance visibility and get recognition of outstanding performance in terms of sustainable and responsible tourism from all over the world. Companies, NGOs, government agencies, and educational institutions worldwide are welcome to submit an entry in one of nine available categories, including ‘Countryside and Biodiversity’ and ‘Marine and Coastal’. Applications close on 30 June 2024. Find the guidelines

The competition celebrates the hilarity of our natural world and highlights what we need to do to protect it through funny animal pictures. The competition is open to wildlife photography novices, amateurs, and professionals. Winners receive prizes (no cash awards). The deadline for entries is 31 July 2024. Comedy Wildlife

The PTES makes grants to scientific researchers and conservationists worldwide for work that helps preserve endangered species, either through research or applied field work. (Note: PTES no longer accepts grant applications for research and conservation of bird species.) The program offers small grants between £3 thousand and £10 thousand per year for up to two years. The deadline for applications is 25 August 2024. Info on worldwide grant criteria

The Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO) offers several shipboard fellowship opportunities. This fellowship program aims to promote training and capacity building leading towards a global observation scheme for the oceans. Eligibility extends to early career scientists, technicians, PhD and MSc students, and Post-doctoral Fellows involved in oceanographic work at centers in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Selected candidates will receive subsidies to visit the host institution and to go on the cruise, as well as training on seafaring medical and sea survival. Applications can be submitted anytime. Find the open call for 2024

InfoNile invites applications from journalists and scientists in the Nile Basin countries (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Egypt, DRC, Sudan, and South Sudan) for a fellowship program (June 2024 to March 2025) that will involve training, mentorship, and coproduction of communication outputs based on scientific research. Journalists with an interest in water and the environment; and scientists and researchers from different disciplines working on topics related to water and/or the environment, such as climate change; biodiversity; water quality; water infrastructure, and hydrology in the Nile Basin countries are invited to apply. The total grant amount for this opportunity is US$800. The application deadline is 31 March 2024. Scientist-Journalist Fellowship

The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) implements the Capacity Development for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Experts (CABES) MSc. program in “Managing Science-Policy-Practice Interface on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services” to build the capacities of youths on sustainable development pathways and biodiversity policy-making decision processes. Scholarship and other forms of support will be provided to successful candidates. The program targets candidates from Sub-Saharan Africa. The deadline for submissions of concept notes is 31 March 2024. More information

The Internews Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers Biodiversity Media Grants to support journalism networks and media organizations throughout the world in increasing the capacity of media to cover critical issues of conservation and biodiversity. EJN is especially interested in projects that focus on conservation in high-biodiversity regions of the world such as the Global South. Preference will be given to applications from or affiliated with professional journalists, media organizations, journalism schools, and the like. However, EJN will also consider applications by NGOs or environmental groups looking to build the capacity of journalists to cover conservation issues. The average grant will be between US$10 thousand and US$12 thousand. The application deadline is 09 April 2024. Biodiversity Media Grants