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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Category: Biodiversity, Conservation, Wildlife

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN)offers grants of €4,500 to media outlets in Nepal to support new media programming on natural resource management and green growth. The grants are intended to seed new programs, columns, or sections that focus on providing innovative and solutions-oriented information on green growth and natural resource management to the public and policymakers. Eligibility extends to media outlets in Nepal – including newspapers, online media, radio, television, multimedia platforms, and social media channels. The application deadline is 10 April 2024. Seed Grants for Media Outlets

The International Nature Image Festival (FIIN) invites submissions of short films (duration 5-28 minutes) that promote biological natural heritage, natural regions, ecosystems, habitats, and species of wild fauna and flora. All formats including animations, documentaries, fiction, experimental films, and music videos are eligible. There are no regional restrictions for participation in the contest. The best short film will be awarded €4 thousand. The deadline to submit cinematographic works is 13 June 2024. Find more information

The British Ecological Society (BES) makes Outreach and Engagement Grants of up to £2 thousand to encourage the promotion of ecological science to a wide audience. Proposals must be aimed at a non-academic audience. Awards are open to individuals and organizations to organize ecological public engagement events, including BES members, researchers, schools, museums, libraries, and community groups. The application deadline is 11 September 2024. More about the Outreach Grants

The Edward O. Wilson Biodiversity Postdoctoral Fellowship supports postdoctoral researchers at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University to pursue the discovery and formal taxonomic description of Earth’s animal species. The fellowship program is open to both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens. A Ph.D. with relevant research experience in taxonomy and/or systematics is required. The fellow receives a stipend of US$65 thousand per year and a research and travel allowance of US$5 thousand per year. The deadline for submissions is 30 September 2024. More info

The Foundation for the Third Millennium offers funds to projects that promote environmental protection and health, social justice, and economic independence in balanced proportions. Applications should focus on combining ecological, social, and economic aspects. The Foundation gives preference to organizations based in Switzerland and in neighboring European countries, but may also accept grant seekers from Eastern Europe or worldwide. Applications can be submitted anytime. Process

Mongabay Africa offers an Environmental Reporting Fellowship in French for journalism on the continent. The program provides opportunities for journalists from biodiversity hotspots in low- and middle-income income tropical countries to report on critical environmental issues. Each scholar receives US$500 per month during the 3 months of the program. Applications are open until 15 March 2024. Environmental Reporting Fellowship

The British Herpetological Society (BHS) offers small grants to current students in support of herpetological fieldwork and other research costs. Projects which benefit species of conservation concern are likely to be favored. The scheme is open to students and research projects in any country, but applications from countries where funds are relatively easy to obtain may be at a disadvantage. Applicants do not have to be BHS members, though this is encouraged. Small grants are up to £300. The remaining application deadlines are 01 June and 01 December 2024. BHS student grants

The American Society of Primatologists (ASP) supports students and young researchers from habitat countries who are engaged in primate conservation. Grant proposals are invited for either captive or wild primate-oriented research projects. Applications for start-up funds, supplementary funding for students, and innovations in animal care and research technology are welcome. Award amounts range from US$500 to US$1500. Applications for small grants need to be submitted by 14 June 2024. Learn about ASP’s research grants

The Young Champions of the Earth honors young people from around the world with outstanding ideas to protect and restore the environment. UNEP seeks ideas and solutions that showcase nature’s potential in addressing the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste. The winner receives US$20 thousand in seed funding. Eligibility extends to young environmentalists with at least 6 months of experience in protecting or restoring the environment. The closing date for applications is 05 April 2024. Young Champions of the Earth

The NEF Research Grants support academic and scientific research that will deepen knowledge of nature conservation in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Applicants should be nationals of Asian-Pacific countries, and research projects should be carried out in their home countries. Grants are a maximum of ¥500 thousand for a maximum of two years. The grant is intended for early-career researchers. The closing dates for applications are 16 April 2024 and 15 October 2024. NEF Research Grants