Panthera makes grants for research and conservation of the world’s populations of wild cats. The Small Cat Action Fund (up to US$15 thousand) supports in situ conservation and research on many of the world’s 31 small cat species. The Winston Cobb Memorial Fellowship (US$10 thousand) is made to an exceptional early-career conservationist to undertake a field-based internship for training and experience on a wild cat conservation project selected by Panthera. Letters of Interest for all programs have to be submitted by 15 March 2025. Learn More
Category: Biodiversity, Conservation, Wildlife
The Monarch Butterfly Fund supports activities to protect the oyamel fir forests in which monarch butterflies overwinter in Mexico. The Lincoln P. Brower Award supports research projects of undergraduate and graduate students on the conservation of monarch butterflies and their habitats. Funds can be used to support supplies, travel, stipends for field assistants, and other legitimate research expenses. The grant amount is US$3 thousand. Submissions are due 31 March 2025. Details
- Tags: conservation, early-career, individuals, LAC, march2025, research, wildlife
The American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV) provides financial aid to zoo and wildlife veterinarians from outside of the USA to participate in the AAZV’s annual conferences. Preference is given to applicants from developing countries with demonstrable financial needs and focused educational/ conservation goals. Grants are normally up to US$2 thousand. The application deadline is 31 March 2025. Details about the program
The Elephant Managers Association (EMA) accepts proposals focused on field-based conservation projects in Africa and Asia. Projects should have a significant impact on resolving current or urgent elephant-related issues. Higher priority will be given to proposals that provide education and community outreach, provide capacity-building in local communities, and improve captive elephant management and welfare. EMA will award two grants of US$3,000 each. The opportunity is open to anyone, including keepers, conservationists, and researchers. The deadline for the grant application is 18 April 2025. Elephant Managers Association
The Tusk Conservation Awards highlight the achievements of individuals working for conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Prince William Award for Conservation in Africa (£100 thousand) is awarded to a distinguished individual for exceptional lifetime achievement in African conservation. The Tusk Award for Conservation in Africa (£75 thousand) is awarded to an individual who has demonstrated a considerable commitment to conservation, and who has already made a significant impact. The Tusk Wildlife Ranger Award (£30 thousand) recognizes the dedication and commitment of an individual who works in the field on a daily basis protecting Africa’s wildlife. The deadline for nominations is 25 April 2025. Nominate here
- Tags: Africa, april2025, awards/prizes, biodiversity, conservation, individuals, wildlife
Patagonia supports innovative work that addresses the root causes of the environmental crisis and seeks to protect both the environment and affected communities. Patagonia funds action-oriented environmental projects that focus on root causes of the problem. The funding range is typically between US$5 to $15 thousand. At this time, support for the developing world is only available in Chile and Argentina. Applications have to be submitted by an environmental organization. Patagonia offers two annual deadlines: 31 May and 30 September. Patagonia Environmental Grants
The Turtle Conservation Fund (TCF) makes grants to organizations and individuals worldwide for the conservation and research of endangered and critically endangered tortoises and freshwater turtles. TCF lists priority species. Most regular grants are US$2 thousand to US$5 thousand per project. The Fund also makes seed grants of US$1 thousand or less. Application deadlines for both programs are 01 June and 01 December of each year. Know more
- Tags: conservation, december2025, individuals, june2025, research, wildlife, worldwide
The American Society of Primatologists (ASP) supports students and young researchers from habitat countries who are engaged in primate conservation. Grant proposals are invited for either captive or wild primate-oriented research projects. Applications for start-up funds, supplementary funding for students, and innovations in animal care and research technology are welcome. Award amounts range from US$500 to US$1500. Applications for small grants need to be submitted by 20 June 2025. Learn about ASP’s research grants
The Raptor Research Foundation (RRF) offers seven categories of grants and awards to members and non-members of the Foundation. Each award or grant has different submission requirements and deadlines. The Amadon, Tully, and Brown grants support raptor research internationally. Past grants include several for raptor research and conservation in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Maximum grant amounts in these categories vary from US$1,000 to US$2,500. Applications are due 30 June of each year. Grants & Awards
- Tags: conservation, individuals, june2025, research, wildlife, worldwide
The Club300 Foundation, based in Sweden, makes grants of up to US$5 thousand for bird protection on a worldwide basis. The objective is to support research and conservation of the world’s highly threatened and poorly known bird species (IUCN’s Red List). Only applications concerning projects aimed at birds listed as Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), Extinct in the Wild (EW), or Data Deficient (DD) are eligible for funding. The deadline for applications (English or Swedish) is 31 July of each year. More information