The American Orchid Society sponsors the Conservation Awards to honor outstanding work in orchid conservation. One prize focuses on conservation in North America; the other has no geographical limitations. The prize is US$500, with an additional two runner-up awards of US$250. The closing date for nominations is 01 September each year. About the Conservation Awards
Category: Biodiversity, Conservation, Wildlife
Save the Rhino International (SRI) aims to increase the number of rhinos in genetically viable populations in the wild; enhance the integrity of ecosystems important to rhinos; and ensure that local communities benefit from rhino conservation. The acceptance of new projects is highly unlikely but SRI accepts emails with a short explanation (maximum one page). SRI will invite full proposals based on the initial contact email. Short project explanations are accepted on a rolling basis. About the application process
The International SeaKeepers Society supports the Discovery Yachts Program to promote marine research, education, and conservation. The program enables marine scientists to conduct oceanographic research by placing them on member vessels. SeaKeepers maintains a database of yacht owners willing to donate time, fuel, provisions, and expertise aboard their vessels. Research missions aboard participating yachts may take place in any coastal or offshore waters where legally permitted. Proposals are accepted on a rolling (continuous) basis. Discovery Yachts Program
- Tags: individuals, marine/coastal, no deadline, research, worldwide
The International Conservation Fund of Canada (ICFC) works to conserve nature in the tropics and other priority areas worldwide. ICFC does not offer grants or donations. However, it invites proposals for conservation projects, either at the idea stage or as developed proposals. ICFC generally works with local partner NGOs, who carry out project activities through an agency agreement. Additionally, ICFC sometimes collaborates with peer international conservation organizations, especially on land acquisitions. Potential partners should consult ICFC’s eligibility checklist. Inquiries can be submitted at any time. Know more
The Culture & Animals Foundation (CAF) funds academic and artistic projects that raise public awareness about animal rights. Grants are awarded in three categories: Research (scholarly projects about animal advocacy and its cultural roots and impact); Creativity (original work by artists); and Performance (public performances and exhibitions to raise awareness of animal advocacy). CAF does not fund animal rescue, public protest, trap-neuter-release programs or species conservation, unless they include a commitment to animal rights and fit into one of the three categories. CAF accepts grant applications from any country. The application deadline is 31 January of each year. Link to the CAF website
The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers media grants to support in-depth and enterprise reporting projects, initiatives to train journalists and other activities designed to increase media coverage and the capacity of journalists to report on 30×30 marine conservation targets. Newsrooms and media organizations in coastal countries are eligible to apply. EJN anticipates supporting two organizations with grants of US$10 thousand each. The application deadline is 07 February 2025. Media Grants Marine Conservation
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) awards grants to improve the health of coral reef systems. Grants will be awarded to reduce land-based sources of pollution, advance coral reef fisheries management, increase capacity for reef-scale restoration, and support management in their efforts to increase the natural recovery and resiliency of coral reef systems. Priority is given to U.S. coral jurisdictions (American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Florida, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands). Priority will be given to projects that conduct applicable land-based and in-water conservation activities. NFWF welcomes applications from all persons and organizations (except U.S. federal agencies and for-profit entities) within and outside the USA. Most grants range from US$80 thousand to US$600 thousand for international projects of up to 24 months. Projects should be 6 months to 3 years in duration. The deadline for pre-proposals is 12 February 2025. Coral Reef Stewardship Fund
The Snow Leopard Network invited applications for the Snow Leopard Training Grant which is designed to further strengthen snow leopard conservation and research. The scope of the capacity projects to be funded includes training workshops, protected area management, conservation education, women conservation leadership training, and wildlife population monitoring. Awards range from US$1,000 to US$1,500. The grant is open to researchers, practitioners, and organizations working to support snow leopard conservation. Proposals have to be submitted by 15 February 2025. Snow Leopard Network Training Grants
The EMBracing the Ocean program provides grants of €10 thousand to individuals or groups to create artwork in collaboration with Ocean scientists. The program aims to raise societal awareness of the Ocean’s value and contribute new insight to scientific research. Applications can be submitted until 17 February 2025. Link to EMBracing the Ocean
The Scientific Exploration Society (SES) awards “pioneers with purpose” who combine innovative field expeditions with important research contributions, including in subject areas related to the environment and conservation. The awards are intended to provide a financial contribution to the overall cost of the fieldwork phase of scientific exploration. Grants range from US$4 thousand to US$7 thousand. For 2025, SES announces six award categories. The application deadline for a simple online application (stage 1) is 26 February 2025. Explore