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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Category: Energy, Climate Change

The Allianz Climate Risk Research Award supports scientific research that improves the understanding of climate change-related risks. PhD students from all around the world who are in the final stage of their research and postdoctoral researchers whose research focuses on reducing the risk of extreme weather events that are intensified by climate change; or fostering resilience by applying technological solutions are invited to apply. Four finalists will receive a monetary award of up to €7 thousand. The application deadline is 31 August 2024. Find out how to apply

The Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) provides catalytic finance to unlock private-sector investments in renewable energy. SEFA offers technical assistance and concessional finance instruments. Funding requests must be aligned with three strategic priorities: (1) Green Baseload; (2) Green Mini-Grids; and (3) Energy Efficiency. Technical assistance grants are available to public and private sector entities. Applications can be submitted anytime. Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa

The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) finances small projects managed by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), charity organizations and/or mandated by National Disaster Coordinators in local communities in the Caribbean. Projects submitted for consideration should fall within the thematic areas of disaster risk management and climate change adaptation and range between US$5 to US$25 thousand. Proposals for small grants may be submitted anytime. About the small grants program

The ENGIE Foundation makes grants in thematic areas that include support for improved energy access by disadvantaged communities. Applicants provide summary information about their organization and its partners; objectives and context of the proposed project; details of the funding request; and how the project will be evaluated. Applications (French, English, Dutch) can be submitted at any time. Link



The Women in Wind Global Leadership Program aims to advance the role of women in driving the energy transition and promote best practices within the wind industry. Applicants are citizens from China, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, or Vietnam. Successful applicants will be matched with mentors and participate in a comprehensive program from June 2024 to February 2025. The application deadline is 10 May 2024. Women in Wind Global Leadership Program

The Schneider Electric Foundation launches the Youth Innovation for a Sustainable Future Program which aspires to select the most impactful and innovative 25 youth projects across 5 continents. The program is designed for organizations whose main mission is a social purpose, existing for more than a year. In each continent, the best project will receive €30 thousand. One project will receive a special prize of “Youth Innovation Champion” of €50 thousand in total at the occasion of the COP29 in November 2024. The application deadline is 19 May 2024. Details here

The World Around calls for applications to the Young Climate Prize. World Around seeks young people who are working on their self-started projects that address, draw attention to, or mitigate climate change in their communities. The program will provide visibility, support, and mentorship for 25 of the world’s most talented and passionate climate designers. Anyone aged 13-25 from anywhere can submit their work. Nominations and applications are open until 31 July 2024. Young Climate Prize

The Caribbean Climate Investment Program (CCIP) seeks applications to mobilize private sector financing for technologies that advance climate mitigation and adaptation goals across the Caribbean region. The primary focus is to catalyze financing for the development of RE and EE technology and deploy climate change adaptation interventions that increase the resiliency of clean energy investments in the region. Grants are limited to US$1 million per project. Applicants must be Caribbean-based businesses or organizations. Concept papers will be accepted on a rolling basis through 01 August 2025. Link to CCIP

The Roots Micro-Grants Program supports youth-led projects to empower voices from the Global South to advocate for climate justice. The program provides grants of up to US$10 thousand to initiatives that prioritize climate justice and social equity. The program will provide grants for between 10-15 grassroots youth-led initiatives, with a focus on groups in Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. The group/organization does not need to be legally registered in order to be eligible to apply. The application deadline is 01 August 2024. Details here

Climate Tracker selects fellows for a 5 months training experience with a range of environmental, storytelling, and journalism experts. Participants will get the chance to put what they’ve learned into practice, by engaging in new media journalism, through podcasts, social media storytelling, and newsletters. Fellows receive a monthly stipend of US$200 to publish climate stories. Eligibility extends to Caribbean journalists interested in covering climate justice. The deadline to apply is 22 April 2024. Climate Justice Journalism Fellowship