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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Category: Energy, Climate Change

The Catalytic Climate Finance Facility (CC Facility) supports blended finance structures targeting climate action in developing economies. The program provides technical assistance and working capital to accelerate the scaling and deployment of market-ready finance vehicles that target climate change mitigation and/or adaptation. The CC Facility offers grant funding of up to US$500 thousand. Applicants do not need to be domiciled in a developing country but end beneficiaries and target activities must. The deadline to submit a concept note is 24 October 2024. Know more

The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance invites innovative solutions that address barriers to climate investment in emerging markets and support the transition to a net-zero economy. The call for ideas covers four programs, each with distinct priorities. In 2025, the Lab will develop at least nine ideas. Six ideas will focus on five regional programs, with two ideas targeting Latin America and the Caribbean, and three thematic ideas. Selected ideas will receive guidance and support from experts and investors, as well as analytical and communications support. The application deadline is 07 November 2024. More about the Lab

The EJ4Climate Grant Program supports environmental justice and climate resilience for underserved, vulnerable communities, and Indigenous communities across North America (including Mexico). Possible projects under the grant program could include addressing extreme weather impacts, transitioning to clean energy and/or transportation systems, or utilizing traditional ecological knowledge to address climate change impacts. Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations, community-based associations, Indigenous Peoples and communities, universities, and academic and public research institutions. Proposals are due by 14 November 2024. EJ4Climate

NEF invites applications for the Africa Energy Ideas Competition which aims to accelerate the development of early-stage energy firms across Africa. The competition is open to early-stage energy entrepreneurs from Africa to collaborate with local research institutions or industries. Young professionals between the ages of 18 and 35 years from Africa are invited to participate and nominate a relevant local research institution or organization. Winners will pitch their proposed prototype model at the 2024 Nigeria Energy Forum, in Lagos (Nigeria) and a cash prize of up to $10 thousand. The deadline for proposal submission is 30 September 2024. Click here

The AXA Research Fund supports research to help understand risk management and prevention, including risks related to natural disasters and climate change. Applications can be submitted by pre-registered research institutions in EU member states and collaborating countries — including a selection of developing and emerging countries in the Asia-Pacific region; Africa and the Middle East; and Latin America. Selected Chairs receive €200 thousand per year for 5 years maximum. The submission deadline for Expressions of Interest for Academic Chairs is 10 October 2024. About AXA Academic Chairs

The Kiwa Initiative supports nature-based solutions for biodiversity and climate change adaptation in the Pacific. The Initiative serves communities in Pacific island countries and territories. Regional projects will be supported with €1.5 million to €5 million but must involve at least two proponents of the 18 eligible countries and territories. Eligibility extends to national authorities, local authorities, regional organizations, and local or international non-governmental organizations. This call is open until 15 December 2024. Kiwa Initiative

South Pole offers landowners, community groups, conservation organizations, and other groups the opportunity to develop their own nature-based climate action projects. South Pole seeks conservation and restoration projects in forestry and land use that protect wildlife, empower communities, and create sustainable economies, as well as large-scale nature-based solutions for a post-COVID green recovery. Ecosystem protection projects and restoration projects must focus on creating or protecting the habitat of endangered species. South Pole offers support, short-term financing, technical guidance, and advisory throughout the development process. Proposals will be open until further notice. Know more

For the Youth Climate Adaptation Action Day, the Global Center on Adaptation seeks one-minute videos on “My Climate Adaptation Solution.” The competition is open to youth between 18-35 years old who want to showcase their fight against climate change. The competition closes on 26 September 2024. Climate Adaption Video Competition

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation offers 15 fellowships for young climate experts from developing countries interested in conducting a project in Germany and pursuing long-term collaboration. The fellowship (up to €2,670 per month) allows future leaders to spend a year in Germany working on a research-based project of their own choice in the field of climate protection. Fellows choose their own hosts. The fellowship includes intensive language training and an orientation program during the introductory phase. The deadline for applications is 01 February 2025. Climate Protection Fellowships

The EnAccess Foundation funds Innovation Pilot projects and Moonshot concepts focusing on providing energy access. EnAccess provides up to US$250 thousand for projects that are ready to be built and prototyped (e.g., hardware, software, business models) and US$50 thousand for ambitious research ideas in the conceptual stage (e.g., analysis and modeling). Eligibility extends to start-ups, companies, non-profits, individual innovators, investors, and researchers. Moonshot concepts and Innovation Pilot proposals can be submitted anytime. Energy Access