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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Category: Water Resources

The Hindustan Unilever Foundation (HUF) supports projects that offer solutions for highly efficient use of water in agriculture. The idea is to transform India’s water footprint in agriculture from a highly inefficient state to a more sustainable one. Interested organisations are encouraged to apply for long term projects (over 4 – 5 years), that can be initially incubated for 18-24-months. Last date for the submission of concept notes is 15 August 2018. About this opportunity

The World Academy of Sciences Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Partner (TWAS-SAREP) honours one young scientist who has made significant contribution to improve sustainability of water and sanitation-related activities and programmes in the developing world. The winner will receive US$ 2,000. Nominees must be sub-Saharan African nationals. Nominations are invited from TWAS fellows, research institutions, research councils and universities. Self-nominations will not be considered. The deadline is 20 August 2018. Info

The India Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) seeks projects that design one joint Indian-Dutch research programme to develop integrated and sustainable urban water management systems and implement effective solutions. The call seeks participants for a multiday interactive brainstorm workshop in India (27-30 November 2018), in which a selected group of Indian and Dutch researchers will be mobilised to jointly design the research programme. Expressions of Interest are invited from individual researchers. The deadline for applications is 10 September 2018. More

The International RiverFoundation invites applications for the Vera Thiess Fellowship for Women. Women from developing countries get the opportunity to gain valuable work experience through the IRF and its partners, with the goal of advancing women’s participation in water and river management. The Foundation offers a 3 to 6 months fellowship consisting of project work, funding for travel and participation in the International Riversymposium (Australia). Applications have to be submitted by 29 July 2018. Find the guidelines for application

IHE Delft, Clingendael and WaterFocus invite applications for the Shiraka (previously Matra-Zuid) training programme on Water Management from civil servants from the Arab region. The two week workshop will take place in The Hague (The Netherlands) from 20 to 31 August 2018. The Dutch government will take care of all relevant costs for participants from countries on the OECD-DAC list. The courses will be in English, with interpretation into [Arabic/ French]. Applications are welcome until 25 June 2018. Find the call for applicants

The Roth Family Foundation offers three full fellowships per year for IHE Delft Short Courses related to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation, to female water professionals from Sub-Saharan Africa. The fellowship covers the tuition fee, study related costs, insurance and contributes towards the costs of living and travel. Eligible candidates must be female, have a Bachelor of Science degree and at least two years of working experience. A list of eligible short courses can be found in the announcement. Application deadline is 15 April 2018. View

The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs is partnering with the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education to fund masters degrees and short courses at Delft University of Technology for water professionals from Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The 18 month MSc programmes include 6 months’ field based research, to be conducted preferably on specific problems in the home country of the participant.The project aims to strengthen the capacity of professionals and decision makers to improve water management in SIDS, and to better address challenges such as coping with climate change. The program announces short courses open to applicants from Africa, Asia, the Pacific region and the Caribbean (countries can be found in the announcement). To be considered for a SIDS fellowship, applicants must apply for admission to an MSc specialization before 1 July 2018. More

Rotary and the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education provide scholarships to students studying Water and Sanitation. Candidates must live or work near a Rotary club and be admitted to one of the following degree programs at IHE Delft (joint programs are not eligible): (1) MSc in Urban Water and Sanitation; (2) MSc in Water Management and Governance; or (3) MSc in Water Science and Engineering. Scholarships are approx. €34 thousand. Funding to cover additional costs (including international travel) are available as well. Applications must be received by 15 June 2018. About the scholarship

The European Commission calls for concept notes from non-profit organizations that implement projects to improve access to safe water, adequate sanitation and hygiene practices in urban and small towns in Nigeria. Grants are up to €330 thousand for 2 years. Eligibility extends to non-profit organisations established in a Member State of the European Union or African, Caribbean and Pacific country. The deadline for the submission of concept notes is 20 April 2018. More

The U.S. Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) seeks proposals that benefit refugees and other vulnerable populations in Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal. Focus areas within the scope of the Terra Viva Grant Directory are water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and livelihoods, among many others. Proposals can be submitted by non-profit organisations. Projects budgets should range between US$400 thousand and US$2 million. The application deadline is 06 March 2018. Information