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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Category: Water Resources

The Water Advanced Research and Innovation Fellowships fund Indian participants to gain exposure and access to research facilities in water resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the Daugherty Water for Food Institute. Fellowships of three to twelve months are for Indian scientists holding a PhD in water science and engineering. Internships of three to six months are for individuals currently engaged in their PhD studies in water sciences in India. The application deadline is 31 August 2017. Link

REACH is a 7-year programme funded by the UK’s Department for International Development, and led by the University of Oxford, to promote research in water science, policy, and practice. REACH will fund a postdoctoral African to develop a hydro-economic tool or model that can be used by Ethiopia’s Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity to address water economics in the important Awash Basin.  Applicants must be nationals of a Sub-Sahara African country and should hold a PhD at the time of application.The available funding is up to £60 thousand through March 2019. The deadline for applications is 11 September 2017. Link

Europe’s ERA-NET promotes the coordination of research at national and regional levels in the EU’s member states and associated states through research networking and the mutual opening of national and regional research programs. The current call by ERANETMED focuses on sustainable water management for vulnerable communities in the Euro-Mediterranean countries. Participating countries are Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia, and Turkey. Applicants in these countries must be eligible for funding according to the regulations of their respective national funding agencies. The deadline for proposals is 14 July 2017. Link

USAID invites applications to scale up investments in green infrastructure in Peru as a strategy to regulate water supply and increase resilience to climate change. The five-year program will aim to build public awareness and political support for improved management of Andean watersheds, and to propose site-specific projects that invest in ecosystem services to reduce soil erosion and improve water supply.  Eligibility for funding extends to U.S. and non-US organizations, including organizations which have not previously received financial assistance from USAID. Funding Opportunity RFA-527-17-000002.  The application deadline is 31 August 2017.  Link

The Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF) is funded by the UK government to create social impact in education, health and water, and sanitation and hygiene (WASH) across Tanzania. In Round 3, HDIF welcomes funding applications for pilot and scale-up projects between £500 thousand and £1 million for projects up to three years.  Eligibility extends to non-state organizations such as for‐profit businesses; social enterprises; civil society organisations; public-private partnerships; NGOs; charities or societies; faith‐based organizations; community‐based organizations; academic institutions; and research institutes involved in solutions to improve services for the poor. Lead applicants should have proof of registration in Tanzania.  The application deadline is 08 September 2017. Link

Funded through Horizon 2020, the joint program “IC4WATER” aims to promote transnational and transdisciplinary research on sustainable management of water resources in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The 2017 Joint Call is funded by 13 organizations in 13 countries, including organizations in the following developing and emerging economies: Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, Moldova, South Africa, and Vietnam. Consortia should include a minimum of three eligible partners that request funding from three different participating countries. The application period for pre-proposals is 30 August through 02 November 2017. Link

At the Terra Viva Grants Directory, we recently conducted a survey of users that brought in hundreds of useful comments and questions.  We are grateful for them, and we made a video to address your most Frequently Asked Questions.  That video is the second one posted on our page of Photos and Videos, and we invite you to view and share it.  Link

The Woodard & Curran Foundation announces grants to address the problem of water scarcity in the USA (Track 1), and that use technology to address water issues relating to climate change (Track 2). Track 2 offers funding of US$100 thousand over three years for projects located anywhere in the world. Eligibility for funding (Track 1 and Track 2) extends to nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations in the USA. However, projects in Track 2 located outside of the USA should normally include non-U.S. partners. For Track 2, the deadline for letters of interest is 15 September 2017. Link

Sponsored by the Tata Group jointly with Australian Aid, the Water Abundance XPRIZE invites teams to revolutionize access to water by creating a device that uses renewable energy to extract a minimum of 2,000 liters of water per day from the atmosphere at a combined operating and capital cost of no more than two cents per liter. Eligibility to compete for the prize extends to teams of scientists, engineers, academics, entrepreneurs, and innovators from all over the world. The grand prize is US$1.5 million, and the competition will award additional (milestone) prizes of US$250 thousand. The registration deadline is 28 April 2017. Link

The World Development program at the Waterloo Foundation offers grants in subject areas that include water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). The Foundation gives funding priority to UK-based charities, many of whom work in close partnership with NGOs based in the countries in which they operate. Waterloo will also accept applications from organizations in developing countries if they can supply acceptable references in the UK. Grants are usually between 1-3 years for a total of over £50 thousand, although very occasionally the Foundation will provide grants of over £100 thousand per year. The deadlines for the WASH grants are 14 May 2017 (Round 1) and 19 November 2017 (Round 2). Link