The Foundation makes grants for sustainable development of water resources in Latin America. Grant recipients for community water projects include government agencies, development NGOs, foundations and institutes, and other nonprofit organizations. To propose projects, applicants should contact the Foundation via email or telephone. Details
Category: Water Resources
The Leadership Program for Young Water Professionals mobilizes high-potential young water professionals and aims to provide a strong foundation for building professional networks within the global water community. The International Water Association will cover travel expenses for the selected candidates to participate in an immersive retreat and to attend the 2026 IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, in Glasgow, Scotland. The program is for early-career water professionals between 18 and 35 years old. The application period will be open until 28 June 2024. Details
- Tags: early-career, individuals, june2024, training/education, water, worldwide
The Aquapreneur Innovation Initiative aims to find innovative solutions to conserve and restore freshwater ecosystems. Aquapreneur seeks high-potential solutions to prevent water pollution and reduce the environmental impacts of contaminated water. Solutions could include advanced filtration, the elimination of wastewater discharges, decision support systems to provide accurate and accessible data for measuring options for both the public and industries, as well as household water testing and filtration. Up to 10 innovators will each be eligible to receive CHF 175 thousand in co-financing. The challenge is open for submissions until 12 August 2024. Tackling Water Pollution Challenge
The International Water Association (IWA) announces the third edition of its Digital Water Summit, which will take place on 12-14 November 2024 in Bilbao, Spain. The call for content seeks industry pioneers and technology providers to submit proposals indicating the type of presentation they would like to deliver. Interested speakers and presenters are encouraged to submit their proposals. The deadline for submissions is 19 May 2024. Call for Content
- Tags: individuals, may2024, water, workshops/conferences, worldwide
The Inter-American Development Bank launches the Aquacerta Challenge. The challenge supports innovative solutions from the private sector that can be adopted by service providers in Latin America and the Caribbean to ensure safely managed drinking water and the resilience of water systems. Applicants can apply for contingent recovery financing from US$300 thousand to a maximum of US$500 thousand each. However, applicants should be able to contribute at least 50% in counterpart funds. Eligibility extends to legally established entities from the private sector such as startups, small and medium enterprises, and social businesses. The application deadline is 31 May 2024. Aquacerta Challenge
The International Water Association (IWA) launches the third edition of the IWA Climate Smart Utilities Recognition Program. The program recognizes ambitious and innovative efforts towards a low-carbon water and sanitation sector by utilities that are embracing the need to adapt to and mitigate climate change. Winners will receive an invitation (costs covered) to the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition in Toronto, Canada (August 2024). The application deadline is 20 May 2024. Details
- Tags: climate, individuals, may2024, water, workshops/conferences, worldwide
The IBM Sustainability Accelerator supports communities vulnerable to environmental challenges. Nonprofit and governmental organizations are encouraged to submit proposals for tech-driven projects advancing resilient cities. The IBM Sustainability Accelerator will support each selected organization for up to two years. Proposals must be submitted by 30 April 2024. IBM Sustainability Accelerator
- Tags: april2024, awards/prizes, governments, nonprofit orgs, pollution, water, worldwide
The Global Water Partnership-Caribbean invites young Caribbean entrepreneurs (18-34 years) to submit innovative water-related project ideas to the Young Caribbean Water Entrepreneurs Shark Tank Competition. Project ideas should focus on water resources management in the Caribbean region and focus on one of five thematic areas: (1) Water and Climate; (2) Water and Agriculture; (3) Water and Health; (4) Water and Energy; (5) Water and Tourism. Participants will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas for a chance to secure seed funding of US$4 thousand. The deadline for submission of project ideas is 04 August 2024. Shark Tank Competition
- Tags: agriculture, august2024, awards/prizes, climate, community projects, early-career, energy, individuals, LAC, water
The Stockholm Water Prize is awarded annually for outstanding achievements supporting the availability, conservation, and protection of the world’s water resources. The award is open to individuals and organizations of any nationality whose work contributes broadly to the conservation and protection of water resources. The Stockholm Water Prize consists of an award of US$150 thousand and a crystal sculpture. The deadline for nominations is 30 September 2024. Nominate
The Young One World Lead2030 Challenge for SDG 6 seeks to support solutions that work to achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all, paying special attention to the needs of rural communities in developing economies. The challenge welcomes solutions from young innovators (18-30 years old). The winner will receive a US$50 thousand project startup grant and 12 months of mentorship from Reckitt professionals. The application deadline is 10 March 2024. Lead2030 Challenge Clean Water and Sanitation