The U.S. Department of State seeks organizations to build technical and policy capacity to develop and manage built water storage in the South Asian region. The project will be implemented in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. The intended beneficiaries of this project are government officials in the targeted countries; water management, environmental and energy management, and other related professionals; faculty members and advanced students. The anticipated award amount is US$1.28 million. Proposed programs should be completed in 36 months or less. Eligibility is restricted to non-profit organizations. Applications are due no later than 05 July 2022. Built Water Storage in South Asia
Category: Water Resources
The Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water (PSIPW) is an award focusing on water-related scientific innovation from around the world. The 11th cycle of the Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water consists of one creativity prize and four specialized prizes. The Creativity Prize of US$266 thousand is made for pioneering and innovative research in any water-related field. The four specialized prizes are worth US$133 thousand each and are made for research in surface water; groundwater; alternative water (e.g., desalinization, wastewater treatment, etc.); and water management and protection. Candidates for the Creativity Prize are identified through external nominations. Candidates for the specialized prizes can self-nominate. The deadline for nominations is 31 December 2022. International Prize for Water
- Tags: all regions, awards/prizes, december2022, individuals, pollution, water
The International Water Association (IWA) focuses on developing solutions for water and wastewater management. IWA invites applications for the IWA Global Water Award. The award recognizes the exceptional contribution made by an individual to improve sustainable water and sanitation globally by creating an innovative water solution/management practice that impacts broader sustainable development. The award will be presented at the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition in Copenhagen, Denmark (September 2022). The application deadline is 06 May 2022. Global Water Award
- Tags: all regions, awards/prizes, individuals, may2022, water
The International Water Association (IWA) Young Leadership Award is granted to an exceptional water professional below the age of 35 who has demonstrated significant achievements in their career. This award recognizes the contribution of an individual rather than an organization or project. The winner will receive their award during the World Water and Development Congress & Exhibition (September 2022) in Copenhagen, Denmark. The call for nominations closes 06 May 2022. IWA Young Leadership Award
- Tags: all regions, awards/prizes, early-career, individuals, may2022, water
The Dutch Orange Knowledge Program offers access to education and training to professionals and organizations for IHE Delft’s new Master of Science in Water and Sustainable Development. Mid-career can apply for OKP individual scholarships. Applicants who wish to apply for the OKP scholarship are recommended to apply to IHE Delft by 15 March 2022. Link
The SADC Regional Fund for Water Infrastructure and Basic Sanitation (SADC Water Fund) is the key financing facility for the development and integration of the water sector in the Southern African region. The Fund finances infrastructure projects to improve the supply for drinking water and water for agricultural use for the poor. The Fund will finance major service contracts only. Therefore, only projects requiring a grant of a minimum of €2 million and a maximum of €4 million will be considered for support. Eligibility extends to governments of SADC Member States and their agencies (water utilities, local government, municipalities, etc.) and regional institutions promoted by governments. Enquiries may be submitted anytime. SADC Water Fund
- Tags: Africa, community projects, governments, no deadline, water
The Cranfield Water Science Institute offers 15 scholarships across for MSc courses in Water & Wastewater Engineering, Water & Sanitation for Development and Advanced Water Management. The scholarships cover full tuition fees for a full-time master’s course. Citizens of any country can apply for a scholarship but must have an offer of admission for an eligible full-time master’s course before applying. Applications close on 25 April 2022. Information
AQUACOSM, the EU network of mesocosm facilities for research on marine and freshwater ecosystems open for global collaboration, invites applications to the Transnational Access (TA) program. Successful TA applicants will have access to AQUACOSM partner facilities including logistical, technological and scientific support, specific training as well as travel and accommodation free of charge. The call is open to scientists and related industries from all over the world. Application deadlines to request access vary, please check carefully. Link to
The Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand and the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education in the Netherlands offer Joint Degree Master’s programs in “Environmental Technology for Sustainable Development”, “Urban Water Engineering and Management “, and “Agricultural Water Management for Enhanced Land and Water Productivity”. Applicants may seek financial support and scholarships from external sources, for example, the Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) or the Orange Knowledge Program (OKP). Applications for all three programs will be accepted until 31 May 2022. More information
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications for a cooperative agreement to implement the USAID/Mozambique Small Town Sanitation program. USAID aims to support the development of the WASH sector by implementing multiple activities focused on WASH governance and services in small towns. The applicant should implement activities that increase women’s leadership within the sector. USAID intends to provide US$14,4 million in total funding over a 4 year period. Eligibility for this NOFO is not restricted. The application deadline is 24 February 2022. Link to USAID/Mozambique