Addax and Oryx Foundation
Grants for grassroots projects in education, health, community development, and environment in Africa and the Middle East
Principal Office: Switzerland
The Addax and Oryx Foundation makes grants for projects in education, health, community development, and environment in Africa and the Middle East.
The Foundation aims to create immediate and tangible results, build skills, and empower local populations.
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
Projects in grassroots development. The Foundation makes grants that contribute to sustainable improvements in the living conditions of underprivileged populations in Africa and the Middle East.
Thematic areas are education, health, community development, and environment. Projects to date include examples in renewable energy, small-scale agriculture and livestock, clean water, and conservation (among a wide range of community-based projects).
Grants are to nonprofit organizations locally and internationally whose missions and experience meet the Foundation’s thematic interests and selection criteria.
About the program
APPLICATION: Grant seekers fill out an online request form or proposal document (English or French) to introduce their organization and their proposed project.
The information to be submitted includes a project summary and objectives; brief history of the organization; implementation timeline; and budget.
Requests can be submitted any time.
About how to apply
Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries
Within the geographical structure of the Terra Viva Grants Directory, the Foundation’s geographical scope corresponds to the two regions identified below.
Middle East and North Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
The Foundation’s website is available in English and French.
The origins of the foundation can be traced to the Addax and Oryx Group, with businesses in international exploration and production of oil and gas.
The Foundation identifies supported projects by country.
Contact provides information for the Foundation’s office in Geneva.
June 2021