CRDF Global
Support for international science collaboration between the USA and partners in developing regions
Principal Office: USA
CRDF Global is a non-profit organization to foster international peace and prosperity by funding collaborative science between the USA and other countries.
The U.S. Civil Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) was established in 1995 to help sustain the civilian scientific and technical capabilities of the former Soviet Union. Since then, CRDF has expanded its range of geographical and thematic interests, while continuing its mission of international science collaboration.
CRDF Global is funded by agencies of the USA federal government, donor organizations, and corporate sponsors.
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
Grants for international science collaboration. CRDF promotes science collaboration between the USA and partners in Russia and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa.
This collaboration takes the form of capacity building; technology development; promotion of nuclear non-proliferation; research on shared global issues (environment, health, etc.); and science diplomacy for peace.
Past projects include several in environment and natural resources, including the following examples (among others):
- Climate change and energy;
- Land-use planning and decision support;
- Methods of biological control and other eco-agriculture;
- Soil salinity and water management;
- Technologies for wastewater treatment;
- Managing groundwater contamination;
- Nutrient cycling in freshwater ecosystems;
- Wildlife and fisheries conservation;
- Environmental changes in the Arctic region;
- Measurement of coastal erosion and sediment transport.
About programs
APPLICATION: CRDF operates through calls for proposals.
Grant announcements identify objectives, eligibility criteria, grant size, and the calendar deadlines for submissions.
Proposals are submitted online.
Link to funding opportunities
CRDF Global has programs in the following regions of the developing world, using the regional classification of the Terra Viva Grants Directory.
South Asia
Eurasia and Central Asia
Eastern Europe and Russia
Middle East and North Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Originally motivated by wanting to collaborate with the former Soviet Union after the “Cold War,” CRDF’s interests have evolved with time. Among the most recent thematic interests are the global challenges posed by HIV/AIDS, anti-terrorism, climate change and environment, bio-risks, chemical safety, and other contemporary issues.
Contact Us offers an email form.
June 2021