Energy Globe
Prizes for innovations and leading practices in the use of energy and natural resources
Principal Office: Austria
Energy Globe was founded in 1999 by Wolfgang Neumann, Austrian energy entrepreneur. Energy Globe makes awards in several categories to call attention to innovations and leading practices in the use of energy and natural resources.
Awards are made nationally in some countries, and internationally (i.e., the world competition).
Grant Programs for Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources
Energy Globe Awards. Energy Globe defines the following award categories.
Earth — Careful and sustainable management of materials, buildings, power plants, roads, and other aspects of the earth’s built infrastructure.
Fire — Reduced energy consumption, renewable energy sources, efficient energy distribution and transport, energy optimization.
Water — Drinking water, waste water, irrigation, water conservation, navigation, pollution prevention, sewage disposal.
Air — Climate change and greenhouse gas reductions, optimization of combustion processes, indoor air quality, and other measures for reduced air pollution.
Youth — Measures which promote sustainable thinking and action among young people, and actions that young people are already taking for a sustainable environment.
Special Category (changes annually) — Innovative projects and smart technologies with focus on resource conservation, improving air and water quality, energy efficiency and renewable energies.
About the awards
The Energy Globe awards are open to everybody — enterprises (e.g. in energy, engineering, architecture), NGOs, associations, communities, cities, governments, and others.
The world awards are €10 thousand for the first prize in each category, plus statue and certificate.
APPLICATION: Energy Globe provides an application form to be submitted online.
Applicants summarize their projects; provide a detailed project description; identify project goals and innovation aspects; provide a view of costs and benefits; and discuss environmental impacts. Applicants need to include photos and provide other supporting materials, if available.
Energy Globe has an annual deadline for receipt of nominations.
About how to submit a project
Geographical Distribution of Grant Activities in Developing Countries
The venue for the Energy Globe ceremony shifts from country to country. An annual ceremony to present the winning international awards is broadcast on international television, often with the participation of well-known celebrities.
The Foundation provides contact information for its office in Austria.
June 2021