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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Roth Family Foundation — Fellowship for Short Courses related to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation

The Roth Family Foundation offers three full fellowships per year for IHE Delft Short Courses related to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation, to female water professionals from Sub-Saharan Africa. The fellowship covers the tuition fee, study related costs, insurance and contributes towards the costs of living and travel. Eligible candidates must be female, have a Bachelor of Science degree and at least two years of working experience. A list of eligible short courses can be found in the announcement. Application deadline is 15 April 2018. View

U.S. Agency for International Development — Accelerating Women Entrepreneurs

USAID accepts applications for the Accelerating Women Entrepreneurs prize. The prize provides acceleration services including investment readiness consulting, investor matchmaking support, and business analysis to women entrepreneurs. Projects may be focussing on various thematic areas around the main topic agriculture, including aquaculture/livestock, pest management, irrigation and water, and postharvest among others. Eligibility extends to women-owned or operated commercial enterprises in sub-Saharan Africa that provide services and projects to smallholder farmers. Applications must be submitted by 25 April 2018. Follow this link

UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education — Fellowship for Water Professionals

The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs is partnering with the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education to fund masters degrees and short courses at Delft University of Technology for water professionals from Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The 18 month MSc programmes include 6 months’ field based research, to be conducted preferably on specific problems in the home country of the participant.The project aims to strengthen the capacity of professionals and decision makers to improve water management in SIDS, and to better address challenges such as coping with climate change. The program announces short courses open to applicants from Africa, Asia, the Pacific region and the Caribbean (countries can be found in the announcement). To be considered for a SIDS fellowship, applicants must apply for admission to an MSc specialization before 1 July 2018. More

Future Africa Institute — Early Career Fellowship

The University of Pretoria announces a new Early Career Fellowship that aims to develop research leadership for the African Bioeconomy. The program will require that at least 70% (8-9 months) of the academic year is spent at the Future Africa Campus of the University of Pretoria. Applications are welcome for such topic areas as technological and non-technological exploitation of natural resources, ecological issues and climate change, and others. Emerging research leaders in the natural and social sciences and humanities are encouraged to apply. The Fellowship will carry the bulk of the costs associated with the academic content of the program. Application deadline is the 30 April 2018. Find out more

Access Power — Renewable Energy in Africa

Access Power is a developer, owner, and operator of power projects in emerging markets, focusing on Africa and the Middle East. The 2018 edition of the Access Co-Development Facility (ACF) will provide US$7 million to support up to three projects in renewable energy in Africa. Submitted projects must be located in Africa; use a commercially proven technology for power generation; and be based on renewable energy or hybrid power generation. Short-listed applicants will take part in a final selection round in Copenhagen during the Africa Energy Forum (June 2018). The submission period closes on 08 May 2018. Link

Swedish International Development Agency — International Training for East Africans in Healthy Livestock & Safe Food

Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. The East Africa regional program includes a course in healthy livestock and safe food for applicants from Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. Invited to participate are governmental departments and agencies, including universities, research institutes and laboratories, cooperatives and other interest groups as well as non-governmental organizations engaged in the sectors of animal health, food safety and antimicrobial resistance. The application deadline is 15 May 2018. Note: Interested individuals should follow the website for additional courses that may be announced, including at the global level and for other regions. Link

FIRE Africa — Women Empowerment and Community Networks

The FIRE Africa Grants support new projects from organisations led by female entrepreneurs focusing on practical solution(s) that use technology to address specific challenges faced by women and girls. Selected projects will receive up to US$15 thousand and benefit from a series of institutional strengthening and capacity building activities aimed at providing the knowledge, tools and contacts needed to further advance successful initiatives. Projects from African-based public or private sector organizations, universities, or research and development institutions, and non-government organizations will be considered. Grants applications close 06 April 2018. More

GSMA — Ecosystem Accelerator Innovation Fund

The GSMA Ecosystem Accelerator Innovation Fund will support projects that use mobile technologies to improve access to energy, water, and/or sanitation services for underserved communities in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, and Southeast Asia. Applications are welcome from mobile network operators and mobile tower companies in partnerships with service providers for energy, water, and sanitation. Grants are up to £250 thousand. The deadline for concept notes is 15 April 2018. Find the details here

Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland — Southern African Innovation Support Programme

SAIS 2 provides grants to projects that seek to pilot, demonstrate and replicate concepts and prototypes before rolling them out to the market. (Note: this may include one or more thematic areas of the Terra Viva Grants directory). The objective is to support entrepreneurship and early-stage entrepreneurs as well as to strengthen the cooperation amongst innovation organizations in Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia. Innovation support organizations from research/academia, civil society and private sector are encouraged to apply. The deadline for proposals is 25 April 2018. Find out more

European Commission — Sustainable Development in Africa

The European Commission supports civil society organizations and local authorities in Gabon and in São Tomé and Príncipe in the conduct of good governance and sustainable development. Proposed projects must strengthen the capacities of active civil society organizations in the fields of economic development, the environment, innovation and the business sector, with specific attention to women. The grant amount ranges from € 600 thousand to € 1 million. The deadline for submitting applications is 15 May 2018. Find the call for proposals