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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

African-German Network of Excellence in Science — Mobility Grant for Junior Researchers

AGNES seeks applications for its mobility grant scheme for junior researchers to strengthen the scientific capacity and networking in Africa through active co-operation. Selected researchers from sub-Saharan African countries will spend research stays between 1 and 2 months at a university/research institute in another sub-Saharan African country, where they will be collaborating with an experienced researcher. The grants covers travel and living costs, as well as a research allowance to the host institute on request to cover some of the research expenses. The application deadline is 06 April 2018. More

International Development Research Centre — Accelerating Climate Action

The IDRC seeks proposals on “Accelerating Climate Action: Social Equity and Empowerment of Women and Girls”. Research projects should produce knowledge which facilitates the scaling and financing of socially-transformative climate action, focussing on the resilience and livelihoods of the most vulnerable communities in the developing world. The Applicant must be a research-oriented organization from academia, the private or public sector (e.g., university, government department, NGO) based in Asia, Africa or Latin America. The expected funding per project is C$500 thousand for 36 months. The deadline for applications is 23 April 2018. Find details

German Academic Exchange Service — Journalistic Scholarship for African Nationals

As part of the Pan African Soil Challenge, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Ethiopia offers a journalistic scholarship within the project “A bridge to Africa”. The aim of the project is to support Africa to implement methods to make food production sustainable and secure. Selected candidates from Africa will meet Geo-scientists from Forschungszentrum Jülich in Accra, to get in contact with the latest methods of modern geoscientific research – modeling and simulation with supercomputers. African journalist (print, TV, radio or Social Media, for instance Blogs) who is devoted to the possibilities of modern science to tackle great societal challenges are invited to apply. The deadline is 30 April 2018. More here

International Council for Science — Sustainable African Urban Development

The International Council for Science (ICSU), in partnership with the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC) and the International Social Science Council (ISSC), will support up to 11 collaborative research projects across Africa that explore integrated approaches for sustainable urban development in Africa. Applicants should be early career scientists with no more than 10 years work experience following their PhDs. Each selected research project will receive up to €90 thousand for two years. The deadline for pre-proposal submission is 14 May 2018. Find details here

U.S. Agency for International Development — Women in Science Mentoring Program

The PEER Women in Science Mentoring Program aims to help retain women in science and teach early career scientists to write successful international research awards. The USAID PEER Program invites applications from African Mentor-Mentee Cohorts. Cohorts should be made up of one woman senior faculty mentor and 2-4 women mentees (postdocs and/or junior faculty). Mentors will receive a US$2 thousand honorarium. Mentees will receive training and the opportunity to compete for small seed grants (US$10 thousand) following their participation in the year-long mentoring program. The application deadline for cohorts is 16 March 2018. About this program

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Evaluation of Pilot Long-term Vision Exercises

The CEPF seeks applications from civil society organizations to submit proposals to conduct an evaluation of three pilot long-term vision exercises for (1) the Balkans sub-region; (2) the Indo-Burma Hotspot; and (3) the Albertine Rift and Eastern Arc Mountains sub-region. The objective of the evaluation is to inform the scope of work for future long-term vision exercises. The evaluation must be conducted during April 2018. The price of the contract to be awarded will be an all-inclusive, fixed price. The deadline for applications is 19 March 2018. Here

African Union — Scholarship for African Women in Science

The Mwalimu Nyerere African Union Scholarship Scheme encourages the participation of young African female students at postgraduate level, for Masters and PhD programmes in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Candidates must be under 35 years for Masters or under 40 years for PhD studies and have proof of admission to undertake a full time Masters or PhD programme at a recognized university of an African Union Member State. The scholarship award covers travel, tuition fees and a stipend of US$500 per month. Closing date for applications is 30 April 2018. View the scholarship

African Union Commission — Food, Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture

The African Union Commission calls for research proposals that contribute to the sustainable development of African countries and the fight against poverty under Phase II of the African Union Research Grants programme. The call supports research on: Food, Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture. Selected research projects receive between US$ 500 thousand and US$ 1 million. Eligibility extends to legal entities such as organizations, research institutions, universities, and government ministries from African Union Member States or EU Member States. The deadline for submission of proposals is 22 May 2018. Know more

Christensen Fund — Grants for Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity

The Christensen Fund makes grants to indigenous-led and community-based organizations for projects that combine biodiversity with cultural diversity. Pre-proposals are accepted for consideration in the following programs: African Rift Valley; Central Asia; Northwest Mexico; Global; and San Francisco Bay Area. Most grants are in the range of US$50 thousand to US$100 thousand for one or two years. The application period for pre-proposals is 01 August through 31 August. Link

European Union — Training in Crop Improvement for Food Security in Africa

The EU, through its Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme, provides funding to support training of graduate students at African universities. A total of 24 Masters and 12 Doctorates will be trained in the thematic areas of Plant breeding, Biotechnology, Seed science, Agronomy, and Pesticides and plant protection. The scholarship includes a subsistence allowance of €900 per month for PhD candidates and €600 for MSc candidates. Women and candidates with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply. The call for applications will close 05 April 2018. Find the call