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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

U.S. Agency for International Development — Livestock Market Systems in Kenya

USAID in Kenya will make multiple grants (“leader plus associates”) under the Feed the Future program to assist the Kenyan livestock sector, focusing on projects in the northern counties. Project activities should aim for improvements in livestock and related market systems; expanded and diversified market-oriented livelihood opportunities; improved governance and management of range lands and water; drought cycle management; and multiple other objectives during projects of five years. Eligibility for funding is unrestricted. USAID encourages cost-sharing. Funding Opportunity RFA-615-17-000003. The closing date for applications is 17 July 2017. Link

European Commission — Transboundary Conservation Areas in Africa

The EC will make grants to support livelihoods development and benefit sharing for communities living in or near transboundary conservation areas in order to promote ecosystem management and wildlife conservation. The geographical scope is eastern and southern Africa, and the Indian Ocean. Eligibility for grants extends to nonprofit organizations in the EU, the ACP countries, and various other country affiliations — as well as to international organizations. The participation of co-applicants is mandatory. Grants will range from €0.8 million to €1.2 million, varying with cost shares. The application deadline for concept notes is 27 July 2017. Link

ENEA Access — Energy Initiatives in Africa, 2nd Call

The ENEA Access Program offers 30 to 100 days of professional consulting services on a pro-bono basis to advance initiatives for energy access in Africa. The program is relevant for nonprofit organizations and NGOs, technology developers, and social entrepreneurs. Activities that can be considered for ENEA’s support include feasibility studies, market and business models, implementation of pilot projects, and others. Projects must clearly contribute to the reduction of poverty and/or climate change as a result of improved access to energy. Projects must be located in at least one of the continental African countries or surrounding associated islands. There are no restrictions regarding the home country of the applying organization. The closing date for ENEA’s second call for proposals in 2017 is 31 July. Link

African Union Commission — Earth Observation Data for Sustainable Development

The African Union Commission (AUC), in partnership with the European Union, will make grants to expand the practical use of Earth Observation (EO) data and services for policymakers, scientists, businesses, and the public across Africa. Grants will be awarded in two categories: (i) water and natural resources; and (ii) marine and coastal areas services. The grants will be allocated across five African sub-regions. Eligibility for grants extends to consortia of African national or regional organizations, research institutions, and universities that have at least five years of experience in implementing large-scale EO projects in subjects that include water and natural resources, and/or marine and coastal zones. Applying institutions should have a regional, continental, or global mandate. Grants will range from €1 million to €2 million. Applicants will be required to provide co-financing up to 20%. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 21 August 2017. Link

Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs — Voice for the Marginalized

“Voice” is a new grant program financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and implemented by a consortium between Oxfam Novib and Hivos. Voice aims to support the most marginalized and discriminated people in ten low- and lower-middle income countries of Africa and Asia. The program operates through five target groups and four grant types, explained on the website. Grants may address practically any development issue of importance to the most marginal members of a community. This may include (for example) problems of access to natural resources by indigenous groups, disadvantaged women, etc. Voice currently calls for proposals focusing on Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Kenya, Nigeria, Philippines, and Tanzania. The timing of when applications are reviewed depends on the grant type and country (check carefully).  However, proposals for most grants are accepted continuously through the end of 2017 or 2019. Link

French Institute for Development Research — Building Capacity in Research Teams 2017

Through its program JEAI, France’s Institute for Development Research makes grants of up to €50 thousand for periods of three years to build the capacity of research teams in the developing world. Thematic areas include sustainable energy; water resources; climate change; ecosystems and biodiversity; agriculture and food safety; and several others. The supported teams will work closely with IRD. IRD recommends that applicants communicate with its relevant research units before submitting their applications. The deadline for applications (French, English) is 26 July 2017. Link

Global Affairs Canada — Climate and Agriculture in Senegal

The “Program of Development and Adaptation to Climate Change of Irrigated Crops in Senegal” calls for proposals. The program aims to improve the socio‑economic well-being and resilience of farming households, with a particular emphasis on women and young people. Applications are invited from experienced and qualified Canadian organizations and consortia that may include Canadian with non-Canadian organizations. Preference will be given to projects in partnership with one or more Senegalese organizations. Grants are CAD$13 million to CAD$18 million for projects of five years. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 31 August 2017. Link

International Livestock Research Institute — Africa Biosciences Challenge Fund 2017-2018

The Biosciences eastern and central Africa (BecA) Hub awards research fellowships to African agricultural researchers for short-term projects at the BecA-ILRI Hub in Nairobi. The announcement identifies the priority research themes. Candidates should be currently engaged in agricultural research and be affiliated with a national agricultural research system in the eligible countries: Burundi, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Congo Brazzaville, Dem Rep Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Kenya, Madagascar, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. Under special partnership and collaboration arrangements, applicants from other African countries are considered for the fellowship.  The Fund supports travel, accommodation, stipend, and research costs. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis through 30 June 2018. Link

European Commission — Farmer Field Schools in Malawi

The EC announces funding to promote farming in Malawi using the approach of farmer field schools. The KULIMA program will provide facilitation and coordination to a pool of eight thousand community-based facilitators and over thirteen thousand local farmer groups to address farm productivity and diversification while conserving natural resources. Eligibility for funding of up to €14 million (subject to cost shares) extends to NGOs, public sector operators, local authorities, and inter-governmental organisations. Reference EuropeAid/155474/DD/ACT/MW. The closing date for applications is 17 July 2017. Link

Swedish International Development Agency — Training in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation for Africa

Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. The Africa program includes a course on Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation for participants from Botswana, Mozambique, and Zambia. This round of the training programme has a special focus on water resources for agriculture, water supply, hydropower, etc. Candidates representing government organisations, private companies, and NGOs are encouraged to apply. The training will be provided in three parts, divided between Sweden and Africa. The closing date for applications is 17 July 2017. Link