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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

African Union Commission — Pan African University Scholarships for Postgraduate Education 2017-2018

The Pan African University (PAU) seeks to develop institutions of excellence in science, technology, innovation, social sciences, and governance in Africa. The African Union offers the Pan African University Scholarship for masters and PhD degree programs at four PAU Institutes (in Algeria, Cameroon, Kenya, and Nigeria). Subject areas for the postgraduate educational programs include agriculture, water resources, arid lands management, energy, environmental management, and many others — varying among the PAU Institutes. The scholarships program is open to applicants from African countries and the African Diaspora. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 31 May 2017. Link

Central African Network of Forestry and Environmental Training Institutions — Scholarships for Forest Management in the Congo Basin

The Central African Network of Forestry and Environmental Training Institutions (RIFFEAC) will award masters and doctoral scholarships in support of sustainable management of Congo Basin forests (PREREDD+ Project ). Eligible countries are Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Gabon, Dem Rep Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Rwanda, and Sao Tome and Principe.  The deadline for applications (French) is 20 April 2017.   Link

Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland — Scotland’s Grants for Zambia and Rwanda

The Scottish Government announces the 2017 round of funding for its Zambia and Rwanda development programs. The focus regions are Central Province in Zambia, and Western and Southern Provinces in Rwanda. Among the priority themes are agriculture, and renewable energy as a component in other priority themes. Applications are restricted to Scottish-based organizations. The closing date for submitting concept notes is 04 May 2017. Link

Earth Journalism Network — InfoCongo

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) is offering grants of up to US$1,500 for stories about pressing issues in the Congo Basin. The main focus is to show the impacts of environmental change on human lives and ecosystems. For this reason, EJN prioritizes stories about forests, water, climate change, wildlife, extractive industries, conflicts, and crimes.  Proposals should focus on the production of one or more story, map, or data visualization element. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 20 May 2017.  Link

Association of African Universities — Practical Skills for African University Students

With financial support from the government of Sweden, the AAU will make grants of up to US$600 per person to help post-graduate university students acquire practical skills via internships of 12-24 weeks. The grants are for training purposes only, not for the completion of theses or dissertations. The program is open to students in AAU member institutions. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 23 May 2017.  Link

Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture — Staff Exchanges with Lilongwe University

RUFORUM announces support for seven staff exchanges at the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The goal of the fellowships is to provide opportunities for academics from outside Malawi to enhance faculty teaching, research, and collaboration at LUANAR. Applications are invited from permanent teaching faculty staff, particularly women, employed at any of RUFORUM’s 66 member universities. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 30 June 2017. Link

Swedish International Development Agency — Training in Strategic Environmental Assessment

Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. The Africa program includes a course on strategic environmental assessment, with a focus on energy.  Participants may be nominated by organizations and agencies within the energy sector that work actively with energy plans, policies, and programmes at national or regional levels. The following countries are invited to nominate candidates: Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia.  The training will be provided in two parts, first in Sweden and then to be decided. The closing date for applications is 31 July 2017. Link

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science — RONPAKU Fellowships for PhD Students 2018

The RONPAKU fellowships are a program of the JSPS to support students from Asia, the Middle East, and Africa to pursue PhD degrees at Japanese universities. Each fellow submits a research dissertation co-supervised by an advisor in Japan and an advisor in the fellow’s home country. The fellows do not pursue doctoral courses in Japan (i.e., dissertation only). RONPAKU will award about 20 fellowships across all subject areas. The application deadline is 25 August 2017 for submissions to RONPAKU from Japanese universities; applicants need to send their documents to their prospective Japanese advisors in advance of this deadline. Link

European Commission — Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in European Overseas Territories

The EC funds the program Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in European Overseas Territories (BEST) in order to fund actions on the ground, both at the local and regional level. BEST 2.0 is open to applications for projects in the overseas territories of the Caribbean, Pacific, South Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and Polar/Sub-polar regions. Small grants are up to €100 thousand; medium grants are €100 thousand to €400 thousand. Potential applicants include local civil society organisations; small for-profit organisations; municipalities; OT governments and their departments and services; European Member State bodies; and regional and international organisations. The deadline to submit concept notes is 14 April 2017. Link