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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

U.S. Department of State — Training in Wildlife DNA Forensics and Seizure

In order to strengthen the battle against international wildlife trafficking, the U.S. government will fund training to law enforcement, customs officials, and wildlife authorities in crime scene management that includes how to correctly extract a DNA sample for forensic analysis, as well as training on evidence gathering and chain of custody. The primary countries of engagement may include one or more of the following countries in Africa: Angola, Gabon, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Togo, and Uganda — and one or more of the following countries in Asia: Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Applications are invited from nonprofit NGOs and institutions of higher education in the USA and internationally for project funding ranging from US$500 thousand to US$1 million. Funding Opportunity INLEA-INLTC-17-006. The application deadline is 28 July 2017. Link

European Commission — Policies for Agriculture and Nutrition in Burkina Faso

The EC will provide funding to collaborate with Burkina Faso on strategies and institutional reforms that improve agricultural sustainability and nutritional security in Burkina Faso. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit NGOs in countries of the EU and countries of the ACP agreement (including Burkina Faso). Grants will range from €1.5 million to €2.0 million, varying with cost shares. Reference EuropeAid/155765/DD/ACT/BF. The closing date for applications is 11 July 2017. Link

U.S. Agency for International Development — Improved Nutrition in Senegal

USAID announces funding of a 5-year project through the program Feed the Future to improve diets among the Senegalese population, particularly young children and women of reproductive age in selected zones of the country. Efforts may include expansion of nutrient-dense and bio-fortified crops such as orange-fleshed sweet potato, high-protein maize, iron-rich millet, moringa, mung bean, Sahel apple, and others — in addition to project activities that will improve food governance and increase women’s empowerment on matters of food selection. Eligibility for funding is unrestricted. Funding Opportunity RFA-685-17-000007. The closing date for applications is 24 July 2017. Link

European Commission — Energy Development in Lesotho

The EC invites applications to promote expanded access to rural energy in Lesotho. Activities should focus on commercial opportunities for solar innovations in households; demonstration of mini-grid projects; and support for businesses that offer sustainable energy products and services in rural Lesotho. The lead applicant should be an NGO, private company, research institute, public sector operator, or local authority in Lesotho or an EU member state. International (inter-governmental) organisations are also eligible. Reference EuropeAid/155297/DD/ACT/LS. The deadline for concept notes is 07 June 2017. Link

European Commission — LEAP-Agri Food and Agriculture in Africa

The LEAP-Agri partnership is a program of EU-Africa research and innovation to support projects in food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture. This call invites consortia composed of at least four partners from four participating countries (two African and two European) to submit project proposals addressing the defined topics. The African partner countries are Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, South Africa, and Uganda. Projects can apply for a total budget between €300 thousand and €1.5 million. The budget for each country or organization is mentioned in the individual eligibility criteria and funding regulations for that particular institute or country. The deadline for preliminary proposals is 15 June 2017. Link

CRDF Global — Catalyzing New Research Partnerships

 CRDF Global invites early-career scientists working and living in the USA to apply for travel grants to build new research partnerships with colleagues in South and Southeast Asia; Latin America; and Sub-Saharan Africa. The subject areas are the natural sciences and engineering. Grants are up to US$10 thousand. The application deadline is 30 June 2017. Link

U.S. Department of State — Building Capacity for Wildlife Protection in Africa and Asia

The U.S. government will fund nonprofit NGOs and institutions of higher education to reduce the poaching and trafficking of wildlife through effective programming in key locations of Africa and Asia. The primary countries of engagement may include one or more of the following countries in Africa: Botswana, Cameroon, Chad, Congo (Brazzaville), Gabon, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia, and/or, one or more of the following countries in Asia: Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. The project will provide wildlife rangers and police with non-lethal equipment such as boots, uniforms, backpacks, hydration equipment, appropriate outdoor clothing, patrol equipment, tents, radios, communication equipment, and vehicles. Proposals must demonstrate an existing and on-going relationship with the organizations responsible for park, range, or game reserve management and/or with the recipient organization of the equipment. Funding Opportunity INLEA-INLTC-17-005. The closing date for applications is 04 July 2017. Link

African Union Commission — Pan African University Scholarships for Postgraduate Education 2017-2018

The Pan African University (PAU) seeks to develop institutions of excellence in science, technology, innovation, social sciences, and governance in Africa. The African Union offers the Pan African University Scholarship for masters and PhD degree programs at four PAU Institutes (in Algeria, Cameroon, Kenya, and Nigeria). Subject areas for the postgraduate educational programs include agriculture, water resources, arid lands management, energy, environmental management, and many others — varying among the PAU Institutes. The scholarships program is open to applicants from African countries and the African Diaspora. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 31 May 2017. Link

Central African Network of Forestry and Environmental Training Institutions — Scholarships for Forest Management in the Congo Basin

The Central African Network of Forestry and Environmental Training Institutions (RIFFEAC) will award masters and doctoral scholarships in support of sustainable management of Congo Basin forests (PREREDD+ Project ). Eligible countries are Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Gabon, Dem Rep Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Rwanda, and Sao Tome and Principe.  The deadline for applications (French) is 20 April 2017.   Link