In partnership with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), icipe announces research scholarships in the African Regional Postgraduate Programme in Insect Sciences (ARPPIS). The program supports three-year doctoral research studies to prepare young researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa for internationally competitive research careers in insect and related sciences. Qualified female candidates, candidates from less privileged regions or groups, and candidates with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply. Qualified nationals of French- and Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa are also especially encouraged to apply. Scholarships cover all costs of the PhD program including travel, living expenses, medical insurance, university fees, and all research and training costs. The application deadline is 12 February 2017. Link
International Livestock Research Institute — Training in Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics
The Biosciences eastern and central Africa-International Livestock Research Institute (BecA-ILRI) Hub seeks to strengthen the capacity of the African scientific community to conduct bioscience research that will improve agricultural products and enhance food security. In support of building science capacity, the BecA-ILRI Hub is partnering with the Rwanda Agriculture Board to hold a training workshop on “Introduction to Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics” in May 2017. Applications are welcomed from qualified individuals at research institutes and universities in Burundi, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Congo, Dem Rep Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Kenya, Madagascar, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. The training course offers several funded places on a competitive basis. The deadline for applications is 17 March 2017. Link
Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture — Doctoral Studies in Agriculture and Food Science for Africans
The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) announces PhD scholarships available through the German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD) for doctoral studies at three universities in East Africa. They are the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Sciences and Technology (Tanzania); Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (Kenya); and Makerere University (Uganda). The relevant doctoral programs are identified in the announcement. Scholarships are available for in-country applicants, as well as for regional (all Sub-Saharan) applicants. The application deadline is 20 February 2017. Link
Belmont Forum and START — Support for Africans in the Sustainable Urbanization Global Initiative
The Belmont Forum and START announce an opportunity for African scientists to participate in the Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Action on “Sustainable Urban Global Initiative: Food-Water-Energy Nexus.” Principal Investigators and co-PIs should be African nationals based at African institutions. Proposals should include PIs or co-PIs from at least three countries, combining African countries with countries in the Belmont Forum. Funding for the African research is US$100 thousand for one year, with the possibility to extend for another year. The deadline for applications is 15 March 2017. Link
Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture — Agricultural Scholarships for Africa
The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) is partnering with the MasterCard Foundation, Gulu University, and Egerton University to enhance the application of science, technology, business, and innovation for rural agriculture. Students who are economically disadvantaged, and students from post-conflict and conflict-affected areas of Africa, are welcome to apply for admission and financial support at Gulu University (Uganda) or Egerton University (Kenya). The announcements lists the available academic programs at each university. The application deadline is 15 March 2017. Link
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Conservation of African Rhinos 2017
As part of its program “Wildlife Without Borders,” the USFWS makes grants for the conservation of selected wildlife species, including rhinos and tigers. The current call is for proposals to identify immediate threats to rhino survival in Africa, and to support direct conservation activities to eliminate or reduce those threats. If the project includes research, the applicant must provide a convincing argument that the research addresses priority threats, and that the results are likely to result in management actions. Proposals are invited from any organization responsible for the conservation and protection of rhinos in the wild and any other organization, multi-national secretariat, public or private university, or individual with demonstrated experience in rhino conservation. Grants will range from US$10 thousand to US$200 thousand. The application deadline is 05 April 2017. Link
Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture — Field Attachment Program Award
The RUFORUM Field Attachment Program Award is a graduate student internship to link thesis research to application and use at the community level. The awards are for MSc students supported by RUFORUM, and who are finalizing their degrees. The grant provides a living stipend and limited travel for three to four months. Applications will be accepted throughout 2017. Link
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research — Grants for Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, and Field Days
ACIAR offers sponsorship assistance to individuals wishing to attend a conference, seminar, workshop or field day that directly benefits agricultural research for development. ACIAR also supports organisations seeking sponsorships for this same objective. The priority is for events and sponsorships in ACIAR partner countries and related to ACIAR projects. However, direct involvement in an ACIAR project is not a prerequisite to apply for funding. The application deadlines are the first Wednesday of April and the last Wednesday of October in each calendar year. Link
European Commission — Agricultural Strengthening in South Sudan
The EC announces funding to improve food security and income in South Sudan, focusing on sustainable supply of agriculture and livestock inputs and services through the private sector. This call for proposals is part of the first and second component of the ZEAT-BEAD Program (“Zonal Effort for Agricultural Transformation – Bahal Gazar Effort for Agricultural Development”). Grants up to a maximum of €3 million will be allocated in four lots according to geographical regions. The lead applicant should be a nonprofit NGO based in the EU, the European Economic Area, an ACP State, a least-developed country, or a member country of OECD/DAC. Participation with co-applicants of South Sudanese nationality is strongly encouraged. Reference EuropeAid/153933/DD/ACT/SS. The deadline for concept notes is 16 February 2017. Link
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences — Training in Taxonomy and Collection Management 2017
The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences is the country’s focal point for the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI). Qualified individuals from developing countries supported by Belgian Development Cooperation can apply for study visits in Belgium to train in taxonomic projects and biodiversity assessment projects that have strong taxonomic components. Priority is given to projects in the following countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Dem Rep Congo, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda. The application deadline is 19 February 2017. Link