The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

OpenIDEO — Economic Opportunities for Youth in East Africa

OpenIDEO convenes a global community to collaboratively create solutions addressing the world’s biggest challenges. Among these challenges is the Youth Empowerment Challenge for East Africa, which aims to empower young people in East Africa to participate in the economy. OpenIDEO invites new ideas that motivate and inspire youth; build skills; support their transition into financial stability; include the private sector; or harness the potential for the participation of young people in agriculture. The Challenge is looking for ideas that answer its challenge question and that are targeted at youth between ages 18-35 in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. At least five winners of this challenge will receive a grant of between US$50 thousand and US$150 thousand, plus training and design support from IDEO. The challenge is open to all creative thinkers worldwide, and in any discipline. The deadline for submissions in the ideas phase is 31 October 2016.  Link

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Conservation of Rhinos and Tigers 2017

As part of its program “Wildlife Without Borders,” the USFWS makes grants for the conservation of selected wildlife species, including rhinos and tigers. Grants are for applied research, training, conservation management, community outreach, law enforcement, decreased human-wildlife conflicts, and other activities in conservation. Eligibility extends worldwide to qualified and relevant government agencies, other organizations, multi-national secretariats, and individuals.  The program intends to make about 60 grants, ranging from US$50 thousand to US$100 thousand.  The application deadline is 02 December 2016. Link

Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves — Gender-Based Violence Related to Choice of Cooking Fuel

The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves will allocate up to US$200 thousand to support one study over a 12-month period on the role of fuel choice as a factor in gender-based violence in humanitarian settings.  Are women and girls abused when they search for fuelwood?  Preference will be given to proposals seeking to conduct research in Rwandan refugee camps. Applicants must be partners of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves. The application deadline is 21 October 2016. Link

Scottish Government — International Development Small Grants 2017

The Scottish Government’s International Development Small Grants Programme provides project funding in support of the government’s International Development Policy. Applications for grants are invited from incorporated not-for-profit organisations which have a presence in Scotland and an annual turnover of less than £150 thousand. The priority countries are: Bangladesh, India (states of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Orissa), Malawi, Pakistan, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia. Awards are a maximum of £60 thousand for project grants over three years, or a maximum of £10 thousand for feasibility and capacity building grants over one year. The application deadline is 28 November 2015. Link

Royal Agricultural College — Land and Food Fellowships for Africans 2017

The UK’s Royal Agricultural College (RAC) offers fellowships to African students enrolled in its masters programs in subjects of rural development, sustainable agriculture and food security, business management, and international food and agri-business. The RAC seeks applicants who have experience in agriculture and related subjects; an interest in land reform; and a desire to make a strategic and sustainable contribution to Africa’s development. The program supports up to 10 African fellows each year. The next application period is 01 January 2017 through 15 January 2017. Link

University of California at Davis — Horticulture Innovation Lab

With funding provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Horticulture Innovation Lab makes research grants in support of agricultural development. The Lab is soliciting proposals on improving post-harvest handling, storage, and marketing of tomatoes for Burkina Faso (deadline: 12 September 2016). It also calls for research proposals on dried apricots in Tajikistan (deadline: 12 September 2016). Additionally, the Lab invites concept notes for research on integrated animal-horticulture systems, particularly for Cambodia, Nepal, and Rwanda (deadline: 19 September 2016). Proposals led by U.S. university researchers will be given priority for funding.  However, some programs are open to additional participation.  Link

European Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) — Enterprises in e-Agriculture

“Pitch AgriHack!” is sponsored by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU, in partnership with other organizations. The aim is to help young start-ups in e-agriculture develop business services. The programme is open to start-ups whose owners are ages 18 to 35, and who have a prototype or operating mobile application or ICT service for agriculture in any of the ACP (Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific) countries. There will be a selection to determine which start-ups and teams will attend a boot camp and pitching event in Kenya. Winners for proof of concept will receive grants up to €7.5 thousand; winners for scaling-up will receive grants up to €15 thousand. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 25 September 2016. Link

Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs — Voice

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs is partnering with HIVOS and Oxfam on methods to effectively empower and give voice to marginalized and discriminated people in low- and lower-middle income countries of Africa and Asia. The thematic areas include one for improved governance and access to productive resources (e.g., land and water) and employment. The priority countries are Cambodia, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Philippines, Tanzania, and Uganda. Voice hopes to stimulate learning about the most successful methods of building community empowerment. Applications are invited from legally registered nonprofit civil society organizations and community groups. The applicant (or a consortium member) must be based in Africa or Asia, and operate in one or more of the focus countries. There are four types of grants varying in purpose, amount, and implementation period. The application deadline is 15 October 2016. Link

International Tree Foundation — Sustainable Community Forestry Programme

The International Tree Foundation makes grants through its Sustainable Community Forestry Programme to conserve and restore local forest resources and associated biodiversity; improve local livelihoods; and increase resilience to climate change. ITF welcomes applications for community tree projects in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean.  The applying organization must be a registered NGO in the country where the project will take place. Grants are up to £3,000 for one year, with the possibility of applying for a second year. The deadline for applications is 17 October 2016.  Link

U.S. Agency for International Development — Water and Sanitation in Madagascar

USAID will fund a 5-year program in Madagascar (the “RANO WASH program”) to expand the country’s supply of potable water and improve sanitation in approximately 250 rural communes. The program will work with the Government of Madagascar, NGOs and private enterprises, academic and research institutions, and others to achieve sustainable water management for households and municipalities. USAID intends to offer one award.  Eligibility for funding is open to nonprofit and for-profit organizations in any country. Funding Opportunity RFA-687-16-000007. The application deadline is 17 October 2016. Link