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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

African Plant Nutrition Institute — Plant Nutrition Outreach Fellowship

The African Plant Nutrition Institute (APNI) awards US$5,000 to African scientists to support education, training, and communication programs relevant to improving the use and efficiency of plant nutrients in African agroecosystems. Projects must focus on improved outreach or implementation of appropriate soil fertility management in agricultural systems. Eligibility extends to scientists, extension specialists, or educators working at an African university, nonprofit organization, or in the private sector. The application must be completed by 02 September 2024. Know more

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Biodiversity Conservation in Tanzania

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) releases a call for Letters of Inquiry for organizations that address the conservation of biodiversity in light of climate change in the Indian Ocean Islands of Tanzania and Zanzibar. CEPF expects to make between 6-10 awards with a maximum value of US$200 thousand. Eligibility for grants extends to NGOs, community groups, private enterprises, universities, and other civil society applicants. The deadline for letters of inquiry is 04 September 2024. Link

Institute of International Education — Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowships

The Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program offers short-term fellowships to African-born academics at universities in the USA and Canada to collaborate with African universities in research, curriculum co-development, and/or graduate student training. Project requests to host scholars are submitted by universities and other higher education institutions in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda. Past scholars in the program have included several in agriculture, environment, and related disciplines. Scholar applications must be submitted before 18 September 2024. Link

Gray Matters Capital — coLABS Impact Investing Fund

coLABS seeks scalable social enterprises that have the potential to dramatically improve the lives of women and girls around the world. coLABS strategically funds entrepreneurs and early-stage ventures that leverage women, and their critical role in the community through revenue-share investment capital. Seed investment ranges from US$100 thousand to US$250 thousand. Focus regions are South Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Pre-screen forms can be submitted on a rolling basis. Details

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Conserving the Guinean Forests of West Africa

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites letters of inquiry for small grants (maximum budget US$50 thousand per project) in support of conservation in the Guinean forests of West Africa. Grants under this call can be made to NGOs, private enterprises, universities, and research institutes. The eligible countries are Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Applicants can apply in English or French using the templates provided in the announcement. The closing date is 02 August 2024. Link to the call




Embassy of the Czech Republic — Small-Scale Development Projects 2024

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Pretoria launches its annual call for proposals for Small Scale Development Projects. The call concerns all countries accredited to the Embassy: South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Eswatini, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Lesotho, and Namibia. Projects and development activities providing materials or equipment, training, or capacity-building in the fields of sustainable management of natural resources, agriculture, and economic transformation (including renewable energy) are welcome. The Czech Republic will provide up to CZK 500 thousand per project. Non-profit organizations, educational institutions, or community groups are welcome to apply. The deadline for submission of the complete proposals is 15 September 2024. Details

Irish Aid — SDG Challenge 2024

The SDG Challenge invites research teams to develop innovative solutions that contribute to SDG 2: Zero Hunger, “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture”. Eligible partner countries are Cambodia; Laos; Palestine; Vietnam; ODA-eligible countries on the African continent; and ODA-eligible Small Island Developing States. Teams will receive up to €250 thousand to develop their idea. Workshop Support Grants of up to €5.000 are available to potential applicants to facilitate team formation and seed idea generation before applying. The application deadline is 08 October 2024. SDG Challenge

AJA Foundation — Water Grants

AJA Foundation supports projects that provide access to clean water. AJA Foundation has a particular commitment to providing renewable clean water in rural African villages. There is no geographical restriction on where projects might be located. Funding ranges from US$2500 to US$500 thousand. The Foundation accepts LOIs on a rolling basis. Details here

Turing Foundation — Grants for Marine Ecosystems and Sustainable Land Use

The Foundation’s interests include marine ecosystems and protected areas, along with projects promoting sustainable agriculture and land use. Projects in marine conservation focus heavily on the Asia-Pacific Coral Triangle, but also include marine protected areas in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Foundation’s funding for sustainable land use is oriented mainly towards West Africa. Most grants are to Dutch and international organizations that work with local partners. Turing does not accept unsolicited applications, but it invites brief project summaries. More information

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification — Training Workshop for French-speaking Journalists

The Convention Secretariat organizes a training session for French-speaking journalists who cover the African continent on desertification and the role of the media in promoting sustainable land management practices. This training takes place from 2-6 September 2024, in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The call is open to French-speaking journalists interested in environmental issues. Complete application files must be sent by 21 July 2024. Training Workshop for French-speaking Journalists