The Teach4SDGs program is a 12-week intensive training that includes workshops, lectures, comprehensive readings and assessments, and practical projects that will allow school educators to deepen their understanding of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The program will provide teachers with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to effectively teach their students about the SDGs. Application is open to all primary and secondary school teachers both in public and private schools across Sub-Saharan African countries. The application deadline is 24 December 2023. Teach4SDGs
Earth Journalism Network — Media Workshop on Air Pollution
The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) invites journalists from Nairobi, Kenya to join a media workshop on air pollution (February 2024). The two-day workshop will strengthen the knowledge and skills of local journalists to report on air pollution in Nairobi. Applications are open to Kenyan journalists based in Nairobi County from print, online, radio and television media outlets. Meals and local travel allowance will be provided. Interested participants have to apply by 31 December 2023. Media Workshop on Air Pollution
GET.invest — Finance Catalyst
The GET.invest Finance Catalyst supports small- and medium-scale renewable energy projects and businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean or the Pacific region. The program provides advisory support on project and business plan development, project and business structuring and accessing finance, at no cost. Eligible applicants may be private sector developers, NGOs, universities or research institutions. Applications are accepted on a continuous basis. Once one round closes a new one opens. Finance Catalyst for Renewable Energy
UK Government — Climate Finance Accelerator
The Climate Finance Accelerator (CFA) is a global technical assistance program to support climate smart projects to access finance. The aim is to facilitate a collaborative approach to unlocking finance for climate projects at scale and creating a pipeline of ‘investment ready’ low carbon projects. The CFA operates in Nigeria, Colombia, South Africa, Egypt, Uganda, Türkiye, Mexico, Peru, Pakistan, and Vietnam. The CFA offers a range of capacity building support to assist climate mitigation projects in accessing finance. The CFA is open for applications from climate projects seeking support in accessing finance until 17 November 2023. Climate Finance Accelerator
Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association — Coastal Ecosystems Resilience
The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) launches a regional call for proposals to support demonstrative field actions aimed at fostering the restoration, the management and the sustainable use of marine and coastal ecosystems. The project must have a minimal duration of 12 months. Grants range from €50 thousand to €150 thousand. Applicants must be based in Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, or Seychelles. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 04 December 2023. Know more
African Development Bank — African Youth Adaptation Solutions Challenge
The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) seek to accelerate climate adaptation action under the African Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP). The program will support the commercialization of climate change adaptation solutions of youth entrepreneurs in Africa. The YouthADAPT Challenge is open to solutions (products, services, tools, or ideas) targeted at climate change adaptation and increasing resilience. AAAP awards a business grant of up to US$100 thousand to further develop the solution. Enterprises must be youth-led (applicants aged between 18 and 35 years) and legally registered and operating in Africa. The application deadline is 05 November 2023. Link to the YouthADAPT Challenge
World Wildlife Fund U.S. — Cassagnol Fellowship
The Cassagnol Fellowship offers seed funding for EFN alumni to lead innovative programs that promote long-term outreach and capacity building in their areas of research, education, and training. The Fellowship aims to support promising conservation leaders who enhance co-development of initiatives that amplify local ownerships. The fellowship covers a duration of 12 months and applicants may request up to US$15 thousand. Applicants should have completed their PhD or master’s degree and hold an appointment at either a university, research, government, or non-government institution in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, or Asia. Applicants must submit an application by 18 December 2023. WWF Cassagnol Fellowship
World Wildlife Fund U.S. — Environmental and Social Impact Grant
The Environmental and Social Impact Grant provides financial support to teams and institutions working in Kenya, Tanzania, and Madagascar focusing on enhancing capacities to address environmental and social impact assessment capacity building needs with an emphasis on local communities. The proposals should focus on WWF key goals including climate, food, forests, freshwater, oceans, and wildlife. Applicants may request up to US$ 15 thousand. Applications must be submitted by 18 December 2023. Environmental and Social Impact Grant
UN Global Compact — Young SDG Innovators Program
The Young SDG Innovators Program is an accelerator program for future business leaders and changemakers to develop and drive innovative SDG solutions through new technologies, initiatives, and business models. Participants participate in online and in-person workshops, case studies, company visits and forum discussions. Companies based in Brazil, China, Kenya, Mexico, South Africa, Ukraine, United Kingdom or the United States have the opportunity to collaborate with their Global Compact Local Networks to nominate young professionals for the program. The nomination deadline is 31 January 2024. Link to UN Global Compact
Oxford University — Grants for Collaborative Research with African Research Institutions
The AfOx Catalyst Grants provide seed funding to support the development of collaborative research between researchers based in African research institutions and at the University of Oxford. Travel grants enable researchers to meet in either an African institution or Oxford. Starter Grants fund activities which aim to develop sustainable partnerships and strengthening applications for longer-term fellowships and funding. The maximum grant amount is £5000. Application deadlines are 27 October 2023, 09 February 2024, and 17 May 2024. AfOx Catalyst Grants