Jewish Helping Hands (JHH) supports vulnerable populations through a variety of programs focused on economic development and social empowerment through financial and hands-on support. JHH considers making grants to individuals or organizations that provide the basic necessities for a decent life, including water, food and womens’ empowerment. Projects are ordinarily eligible for awards up to $5 thousand. JHH seeks to partner with grassroots organizations in East Africa, Central America, North America, any impoverished Jewish Communities, and Israel. Submissions for projects will be accepted until 13 September 2023. JHH Grant Program
European Union — Clean Cooking Solutions in Tanzania
The CookFund program seeks to reduce climate change impact in Tanzania by increasing the share of the population with access to sustainable cooking solutions. The CookFund targets suppliers of clean cooking technologies in urban areas. The program provides technical and financial support to eligible enterprises and companies. The size of individual awards will range from €10 thousand to €300 thousand. The deadline for submissions is 30 September 2023. Clean Cooking Solutions
Africa Platform of Ghent University Association — Short Stay Research Fellowships
The Africa Platform of Ghent University Association (GAP) welcomes applications for visiting fellows to facilitate and foster academic collaboration between Ghent University Association and academic institutions in Africa. Awardees will spend a minimum period of two weeks at Ghent University or one of the associated University Colleges. The fellowship consists of a grant of €1000, plus one return flight ticket, for a minimum stay of two weeks. The fellowships are aimed at researchers (junior or senior lecturers & professors) who are affiliated with an African higher education or research institution. The application deadline is 01 October 2023. Link to the fellowship
People and Conservation Learning Group — Small Grants for Great Ape Conservation
The People and Conservation Learning Group (PCLG) supports collaboration and learning between conservation, development and rights focused organizations in three great ape range states. Applicants will be able to apply for grants up to US$7,500 to support people and great ape conservation in three great ape range states: Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda. Small grants are available to community-based nonprofit organizations and enterprises. The application deadline is 15 June 2023. PCLG Small Grants
Heifer International — Pitch AgriHack Competition
Pitch AgriHack is a digital agriculture competition focused on accelerating entrepreneurial growth in the agriculture sector in Africa. The competition invites African businesses to pitch their approach to driving technological innovation in the agriculture sector. The competition provides cash prizes totaling US$45 thousand. A fourth invite-only category will award up to US$1.5 million in grants to scalable ventures that are already generating measurable impact for Africa’s smallholder farmers. Applications close on 03 July 2023. Pitch AgriHack
Horizon2020 — Venture Showcase Africa
The African European Digital Innovation Bridge (AEDIB) program is an EU/Horizon2020-funded initiative, aiming to accelerate the growth of African startups with disruptive solutions in Climate Smart Agriculture, Smart Cities, Digital Trade or Clean Tech. Companies get visibility with investors throughout the selection and interview process. Finalists receive mentorship and technical advice directly from the angel investors. Eligibility extends to for-profit companies with a product or service available on the market. At least one of the founders needs to have an African nationality from Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, or Uganda. The application period closes 17 May 2023. Link to Venture Showcase
U.S. Embassy Nairobi — Small Grants Program
The Ambassador’s Self-Help Fund (SSHF) provides small grants to registered self-help groups, youth groups, community based organizations, and specific types of educational institutions and medical facilities in Kenya. The Fund supports projects that assist special populations; actively protect, preserve, or restore the environment; support community water supply; or create innovative or unique income-generating activity within a community. Funding will range from US$1,000 to US$10 thousand; however, the average grant awarded is US$3,000 to US$7,000. The Embassy encourages applications from Kenya-based organizations, institutions, and individuals. They may partner with U.S.-based entities, but the grant recipient must be based in Kenya. The deadline for applications is 31 December 2023. Link
Village Capital — Ecosystem Restoration
Village Capital supports 10-12 impact-driven startups building locally viable ecosystem restoration solutions in Africa. The program addresses entrepreneurs championing forest restoration, biodiversity conservation, wetland restoration and water conservation, sustainable agriculture and climate tech solutions. Participants will receive mentorship and access to an investment analyst. Eligibility extends to (for-profit) startups building locally viable ecosystem restoration solutions. The startup has to have legal incorporation and operations in at least one Sub-Saharan African country. Applications close 14 May 2023. Know more
European Commission — Regeneration of Natural Resources and Ecosystems
The European Commission (EC) aims to contribute to sustainable and inclusive transformation of food systems in Malawi. EC seeks projects that focus on better preservation, restoration and regeneration of the natural resource base and its diverse ecosystems. Applicants can request between €750 thousand and 1 million for project implementation. Eligibility extends to district councils in Malawi. The deadline for the submission of concept notes is 14 July 2023. Find details here
Cultural Survival — Indigenous Youth Fellowships
The Indigenous Youth Fellowship Project supports young Indigenous leaders between the ages of 17-28. Fellows work to represent the voices of their communities and bring awareness of local issues in the transition to renewable energy to global conversation. Grants range from US$2,500 to US$6,000. Eligible countries and regions are Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Panama, Venezuela, United States, Canada, Australia, DRC, Uganda, Indonesia, Sweden, Finland, Greenland, and Norway. The deadline to apply is 28 April 2023. Indigenous Youth Fellowship