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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Embassy of Japan in Mozambique — Water and Sanitation

The Embassy of Japan in Mozambique provides financial assistance to non-profit organizations in support of Basic Human Needs, including Water and Sanitation. The maximum grant amount per project is 10 million yen (approx. US$66 thousand). Potential recipients are community-based nonprofit organizations that implement development projects at grass-roots level (NGOs, educational institutions, local governments, etc.). The deadline is 31 December 2022. Link to information

United States Agency for International Development — Urban Sanitation Madagascar

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announces the Madagascar Urban Sanitation Project. USAID/Madagascar aims to engage eligible partners to expand water and sanitation in urban areas. USAID anticipates supporting one award of up to US$10 million over five years. Eligibility is unrestricted, however, certain conditions have to be met. Please study the official announcement carefully. The closing date for applications is 03 January 2023. Link

American University in Cairo — African Graduate Fellowships

The African Graduate Fellowship offers African students with limited financial means the opportunity to pursue a master degree at the American University in Cairo (AUC). Nationals of African countries (excluding Egypt) can apply for full-time study in any graduate program offered at the AUC, including the Master of Science programs in Biotechnology, Environmental Engineering, and others. The fellowship covers tuition fees, housing, a monthly allowance and health insurance. The application deadlines are 15 January (fall semester) and 17 October (spring semester). Find detailed information

EIT Climate-KIC — Pan-African Climate Accelerator

Africa ClimAccelerator supports promising climate impact ideas and early-stage businesses with climate tech solutions through business support and capacity building. The program seeks applications from early- to mid-stage African startups with solutions that are addressing the impacts of climate change and building the resilience of communities. The program provides business coaching, professional guidance on finance, support defining the climate impact potential of their solution, and preparation for future investment opportunities. Business must be incorporated in an African country. The application deadline is 26 November 2022. Know more

Global Agriculture and Food Security Program — Recovery of Agriculture and Food Systems

The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) announces a call for proposals for programs and projects that strengthen agriculture and lessen food insecurity in low-income countries. The program will support medium- to long-term COVID-19 response efforts for a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient recovery of agriculture and food systems in a changing climate. GAFSP intends to fund 5-8 proposals for a total of at least US$175 million. Applications (English and French) are invited from governments in the 56 member countries of the International Development Association in East Asia and the Pacific; South Asia; Eastern and Central Europe; the Middle East; Africa; and Latin America. Expressions of Interest have to be submitted no later than 31 October 2022. Link to GAFSP

African Development Bank — AgriPitch Competition

The AgriPitch Competition is a two-week-long business development program on strategic partnerships for agriculture projects. Participating agripreneurs will receive follow-up mentorship and coaching for a period of six months. The program offers total grant funding of US$140 thousand. Eligible applicants have to be less than 35 years of age and must be involved in an agriculture value chain focused business. The application deadline is 04 November 2022. African AgriPitch Competition

Safer End of Engineered Life — Reducing the Burning of Waste

The Safer End of Engineered Life funds projects that tackle the open burning of waste that lead to a risk to human health and safety. Activities must lead to demonstrable impacts for the beneficiaries, which reduces the risks posed to vulnerable groups as a result of the open burning of municipal solid waste. There are two types of grants available: impact grants (up to £60 thousand) and baseline study and awareness-raising grants (up to £20 thousand). Eligible organizations include charities, research institutions, universities, government entities, social enterprises, and businesses. The application deadline is 08 November 2022. Know more

United Nations Development Programme — Small Grants for Sustainable Livelihoods Projects in Zimbabwe

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) invites proposals for projects towards supporting awareness and education on conservation; sustainable livelihoods activities; and alternative sources of income and energy in Zimbabwe. Proposed project budgets should not exceed US$150 thousand. Total expected duration of each project is up to 18 months. Prospective grantees should be registered organizations working with local communities. The application deadline is 11 November 2022. Link

United States Agency for International Development — Conservation in Madagascar

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications from qualified entities to reduce threats to biodiversity and improve conservation; develop economic opportunities for the poor; and improve environmental governance in Madagascar. USAID intends to award up to 3 awards of approximately US$25 million for terrestrial activities and US$15 million for marine activities. Eligibility is not restricted. USAID encourages applications from local organizations. The closing date for applications is 14 November 2022. More information

Association of Commonwealth Universities — Early-Career Conference Grants

Early-career conference grants support emerging academics so they can take part in conferences that can have a profound impact on their teaching and research. This year’s grants are being offered for both virtual (online) and in-person conferences. Virtual conference grants cover the conference registration fee of up to £600 and a data grant of £50 for applicants who do not have reliable access to Wi-Fi. In-person conference grants are a maximum of £2,000 to cover conference registration fees, flights, accommodation and other travel related costs. Applicants must be employed by an ACU member university. The application deadline is 28 November 2022. ACU Early-Career Conference Grants