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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture — AI for Climate Action

The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) invites applications for innovation research proposals on artificial intelligence innovations from eligible researchers universities and academic research institutions in Africa. RUFORUM seeks to select research proposals that deploy responsible AI for climate action with demonstrated relevance to livelihoods of vulnerable communities. Research budgets with a range between US$50 thousand to US$60 thousand and duration of up to 18 months will be considered. The deadline for submission is 30 June 2022. Details

The Gorilla Organization — Ymke Warren Memorial Conservation Award

The Gorilla Organization is a UK-registered charity whose mission is to secure the survival of the world’s last remaining gorillas in the wild. The annual Ymke Warren Memorial Conservation Award of £750 is made to African researchers for fieldwork that contributes to the understanding of and/or conservation of wild gorillas and other great apes. Eligibility extends to early-career researchers from gorilla range state countries (Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Guinea, Gabon, Congo, Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, and Rwanda). The deadline for applications is 31 August 2022. Further details

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit — Climate Innovation Contest 2022

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) launches the Climate Innovation Fund to award innovative ideas that will help improve the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in Ethiopia. Projects should increase the sustainable use of natural resources, create job opportunities through the use of biodiversity, and help restore degraded landscapes. GIZ will contribute up to €50 thousand worth of investments. GIZ invites start-ups and small businesses in the sectors of technology (app developers), food production, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and timber to apply. Project ideas have to be submitted by 25 April 2022. Climate Innovation Contest

SEED — Starter Workshop for Eco-Enterprises in Botswana

SEED offers valuable resources and professional support to expand entrepreneurial ideas while learning from peers during interactive SEED Starter workshops. SEED Starter workshops consist of a team of 2-5 members that bring in a business idea for addressing environmental, social and economic challenges. Successful alumni are invited to apply for a SEED Grant for up to €1,000 which pays for resources required to establish the new enterprise. Eco-Entrepreneurs from Botswana are invited to apply for the next starter workshop. Applications have to be received by 30 April 2022. Link to current openings

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Community Projects in Côte d’Ivoire

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Côte d’Ivoire. The priorities under this call include women’s economic rights, decent jobs and entrepreneurship, and investing in the poorest and most vulnerable (which may include agriculture or aquaculture projects). The average contribution is C$22 thousand to C$49 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to local community organizations, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions. The deadline for submission is 05 May 2022. Link to CFLI

Global Landscapes Forum — Africa Photo Competition 2022

The Global Landscapes Forum seeks professional or amateur photographers who show their perspective on the beauty and richness of the African continent. Photographers from all over the world can apply for the GLF Africa 2022 Photo Competition. The competition offers small cash prizes US$400 (1st place), US$300 (2nd place) and US$200 (popular vote). The GLF Africa Photo Competition is open to anyone aged 18 or above. Photos have to be submitted by 10 May 2022. Africa Photo Competition



U.S. Department of State — Indigenous People’s Finance Access Facility

The U.S. Department of State announces a funding opportunity for the Indigenous People’s Finance Access Facility (IPFAF). The purpose of this project is to support Indigenous Peoples’ increased access to results-based finance for the conservation, restoration, and improved management of forests. The project will support Indigenous Peoples’ in the Amazon basin, Congo Basin, and Southeast Asia with up to US$1,9 million. Eligibility is limited to U.S. and foreign non-profit organizations; for-profit organizations, and educational institutions. The application deadline is 30 May 2022. Know more

U.S. Department of State — Enabling Forest Investment

The U.S. Department of State announces a funding opportunity for “Enabling Forest Investment Development Facility (ForInvest).” The overall goal is to facilitate investment in natural climate solutions in developing countries, especially in high-deforestation areas, by developing investment pipelines and connecting those opportunities with potential investors. The project should encompass all three of the key geographies to Conserve Global Forests: the Amazon basin, Congo Basin, and Southeast Asia. A total of US$5.1 million will be made available. Eligibility is limited to U.S. and foreign non-profit organizations; for-profit organizations, and educational institutions. The application deadline is 30 May 2022. Link

Save Our Species — Threatened Species Grants Africa

The SOS African Wildlife Initiative invites proposals for Rapid Action Grants targeting terrestrial or freshwater threatened species in South Africa. Rapid Action Grants are designed to enable immediate responses to threats linked to the COVID-19 crisis and its consequences. Civil Society Organizations and public entities are eligible to apply. Maximum grant size is €100 thousand with no matching funds required. The maximum duration of the project should be 12 months. The deadline for applications is 31 March 2022. SOS African Wildlife Initiative

BeyGOOD — Global Citizen Fellowship Program for Youth

The Global Citizen Fellowship Program supports a total of 15 young changemakers from South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya who fight extreme poverty and inequality in their communities. Fellows will go through a multi-phase curriculum, specifically designed to equip them with the skills and tools they need in any future professional environment. Fellows will learn how to use digital technology for social change, storytelling tactics to shift attitudes, and build lasting professional relationships. The program is open to young leaders between 21 and 25 years. Applications close on 30 April 2022. Know more