Acumen and IKEA invite applications for a Social Entrepreneurship accelerator program designed to support social entrepreneurs to develop a scalable business model. The 19-week program aims to strengthen the capacity of social enterprises in East Africa. Social enterprises (non-profit or for-profit) based in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia or Rwanda are invited to apply. Participants will have the opportunity to compete for US$25 thousand in seed funding. The program runs from 08 June to 08 October 2021. Applicants are advised to apply before the start of the workshops. About the program
Primate Conservation Inc. — Funding for Primate Research
Primate Conservation, Incorporated (PCI) supports conservation programs for wild populations of primates. PCI offers seed monies and matching grants for graduate students, qualified conservationists, and primatologists to study rare and endangered primates. The maximum grant amount is US$5 thousand. Preference is for projects that involve people of the habitat countries. The deadline for grant applications is 20 September of each year. Details here
Ecologia — The Virtual Foundation
Ecologia aims to build global connections that create civil society and support environmental, human health, and economic sustainability. In support of these objectives, Ecologia established the Virtual Foundation to raise financial contributions over the internet, and to steer this funding towards project implementers in partner countries. The Virtual Foundation supports small scale projects with grants of up to US$5 thousand, with preference for projects under US$2 thousand. There is no calendar deadline. Link
Climate Action Innovation Network — Artificial Intelligence for Climate Action
The Canadian International Development Research Center (IDRC) and the Swedish International Development Agency seek organizations from low and lower-middle income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to host the Climate Action Innovation Network. Applicants must have a proven track record in the design, development, and scaling of climate change and artificial intelligence innovations. The goal is to advance the development of artificial intelligence (AI) innovations to tackle pressing challenges emerging from climate change in Africa. The opportunity will provide funding of up to C$1.2 million to design and implement an innovation research network of researchers and innovators applying responsible AI techniques. The application deadline is 05 April 2021. Details here
WASCAL — International Master’s Program in Energy
The International Master’s Program in Energy and Green Hydrogen Technology (IMP-EGH) aims to prepare young innovators to address the energy challenges of adaptation and resilience to climate change in West Africa. The West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) offers scholarships to students from all West African countries with Bsc in Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Engineering and related fields. African MSc students. The application deadline is 30 April 2021. Find more information
University of Essex — Africa Scholarship Programme 2021-2022
The University of Essex invites applications from African students who self fund their postgraduate studies. The university offers a scholarship of £4 thousand to African students that will be paid as a discount on the tuition fee. Available courses include biological sciences, marine biology, and biochemistry, among many others. Applicants that meet all the eligibility criteria and firmly accept the offer of their place by 18 September 2021 will automatically be awarded this scholarship (please read the instructions carefully). Find out how it works
Save Our Species — African Wildlife Rapid Action Grants
Save Our Species (SOS) is open to applications for Rapid Action Grants in the framework of the SOS African Wildlife initiative. This grant is available to carry out urgent conservation measures in relation to threatened species. To be eligible projects should respond to emergency situations requiring rapid action, rather than proposing programmatic action on long-standing issues. The maximum grant size is €100 thousand with no matching funds required. Applications can be submitted anytime. About the grant
Impact-R — Energy, WASH and Food Security Nexus
Impact-Driven & Action-Based Research (Impact-R) invites microfinance institutions, NGOs, cooperatives, and technology providers with a strong social mission working in developing countries to conduct household data collection studies. The purpose of the studies is to investigate the nexus between access to energy, access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and food security, through a detailed needs/market assessment at the household level. Selected institutions will receive support for the field staff involved in the data collection and will have the opportunity to collaborate with leading research institutions. In addition, Impact-R will offer scholarships for desk research. Eligibility extends to institutions working in rural regions in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. The application deadline has been extended to 25 February 2021. Impact-Driven & Action-Based Research
FSNet-Africa — Fellowship for Food Systems Research
The FSNet-Africa fellowship provides grants to researchers (fellows or mentors) working on African food systems research. Early-career researchers receive up to £20 thousand to conduct research on any aspect of the food system. Mentors and fellows have the opportunity to engage with academics from six African Universities and the UK. The call for fellows and mentors is open to researchers from ten academic partner institutions in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, and Tanzania. Applications close on 01 March 2021. Click for details
Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures — Climate Action Research Network
The Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures (TESF) Network Plus aims to assist education policy makers, institutions, community-based organizations and businesses to implement education policies and practices that can contribute to environmentally sustainable development. TESF invites transdisciplinary research proposals from Rwanda, Somalia, and South Africa. Proposals with focus on sustainable livelihoods, sustainable cities and communities, and climate action are welcome. The Network anticipates funding approximately 70 research projects ranging from £5-10 thousand, £10-30 thousand, and £30-100 thousand. The deadline for the submission of expressions of interest is 01 March 2021. More