The Mobility for Innovative Renewable Energy Technologies (MIRET) project aims to build the capacity of graduate students needed to develop sustainable local solutions in the energy sector. MIRET invites qualified applicants to apply for scholarships to study at any of the five African Universities consortium: Moi University in Kenya, University of Zambia, Makerere University in Uganda, University of SFAX in Tunisia, and the University of BUEA in Cameroon. The scholarship covers fees, research activities, travel costs, and a monthly allowance. Applications have to be submitted by 15 July 2020. Click for details
European Commission — Sustainable Landscape Management in São Tomé and Principe
The European Commission (EC) seeks to optimize the contribution of land to agriculture, food security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and the preservation of ecosystems in São Tomé and Principe. To achieve this goal, the EC accepts proposals for scalable pilot initiatives that help conciliate different land uses and improve land governance. The overall amount made available is €2.32 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations established in the European Union or an African country. The deadline for applications is 24 July 2020. Link to more information
Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards — Edition 2021
Cartier supports women entrepreneurs who lead social enterprises in their early phases that have potential to grow significantly. Cartier reviews applications from Latin America, North America, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East & North Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region. Previous laureates have included several whose work links to environment and related issues, e.g., product recycling, low-cost energy, water treatment, fair trade, and others. Each of the selected women entrepreneurs receives a cash prize of US$100 thousand, networking and visibility opportunities, and business coaching. The closing date for applications is 31 July 2020. About the awards
U.S. Department of State — Reducing Ocean Pollution in West Africa
The U.S. Department of State announces funding for capacity building with the aim to support the environmentally sound management of plastic waste in West Africa to reduce ocean pollution. A grant for up to US$179 thousand for work that will support a developing country in West Africa (Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, or Togo) to combat plastic waste leakage in the environment through improving waste. Eligibility is limited to U.S. and foreign non-profit organizations and academic institutions, as well as public international organizations. The closing date for applications is 31 July 2020. Link
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency — Workshop: Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation in Eastern and Southern Africa
Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. The international training program “Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation” has a strong focus on agriculture and water resources, planning and communication of climate information. The course is designed for individuals who have key positions in organizations related to national, regional or local community planning, and who are actively involved in strategic decision making. Participants have to be nominated by government organizations, private companies or NGOs in Kenya, Sudan, Mozambique, Zambia, or Zimbabwe. The training program consists of three compulsory phases. Phase 1 will take place in Mozambique (March 2021), Phase 2 will take place in Sweden (April 2021), Phase 3 will take place in Eastern and/or Southern Africa (September 2021). All training costs associated with the workshop, including international travel, will be covered by Sida. Closing date for applications is 09 August 2020. More
African Academy of Sciences — Grand Challenges Africa Transition to Scale Funding
With funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the African Academy of Sciences announces follow-on and scale up funding to help Africa achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The call is focused on solutions targeting healthcare and other developmental problems in the African Continent. Funding is based on the applicants’ budget for scale: Scale 1 – up to US$250 thousand for 24 months, Scale 2 – up to US$500 thousand for 36 months, Scale 3&4 – up to US$1 million. Both for-profit and not-for profit science-based entities are eligible to apply. The deadline for applications is 30 June 2020. More info
Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture — Graduate Teaching Assistantships
RUFORUM’s program for Graduate Training Assistantships (GTA) grants support for 325 PhD training opportunities during the next four years. The GTA aims to improve the quality of higher education and increase the pool of PhD academic staff in RUFORUM’s member universities by facilitating cross-university PhD studies and teaching. Applicants need to be nominated for PhD training by his/her university. RUFORUM Secretariat assists in facilitating placement of the nominated staff to universities with the appropriate fields of the required training. The GTA accepts rolling applications (no deadline). Link
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Environment and Climate Action in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in the following countries: Lesotho, Madagascar, Mauritius, Namibia, and South Africa. CFLI provides funding to projects that implement environment and climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, water management, among other thematic priorities. The average contribution is between C$15 thousand to C$30 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to community organizations, non-profit organizations, local governments, academic institutions, and international non-profit organizations. The deadline for submission is 29 May 2020. Details
Young Water Solutions — Young Water Fellowship West Africa
The Young Water Fellowship targets young entrepreneurs. Selected Fellows will be invited to participate in a 10-days training workshop in Ivory Coast. The workshop aims to empower its participants to implement projects addressing water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), water pollution, and water scarcity. All training costs (flights, transportation, accommodation, meals) are covered by the organization. To be eligible, applicants must be 18 to 30 years old, be fluent in French, intend to stay in Ivory Coast for at least 1.5 years after the training and spend at least 15 hours per week to work on their social business. The call for applications is open until 28 June 2020. Click here
European Commission — Eco-Tourism Development in Botswana
The European Commission (EC) supports the development eco-tourism activities with focus on community-based, economically-viable ecotourism enterprises, conservation and heritage areas. The Commission provides funding to projects that develop community-based and nature-based tourism activities, diversify the tourism offer in Botswana, promote eco-friendly tourism practices and conservation activities in and around protected areas, and implement activities that increase the participation of local communities in the tourism industry. Applicants may request between €500 thousand and €750 thousand for the implementation of their proposed project. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations established in Africa or the European Union. The application deadline is 30 June 2020. Details can be found here