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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

BiodivERsA — Biodiversity and Climate Change

BiodivERsA announces its call on theme “Biodiversity and Climate Change.” The call aims at supporting transnational research projects jointly addressing issues at the nexus of biodiversity and animal, human and/ or plant health (including biological diversity; effects of global change factors; and biodiversity benefits). The participating countries in this call are Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, and Turkey. The total amount for this call is €23.4 million. Scientific research projects must be performed by eligible research organisations (profit and non-profit). Pre-proposals have to be submitted by 05 November 2019. More

Global Landscapes Forum — Call for African Filmmakers

The Youth in Landscapes Initiative invites filmmakers between 18  and 35 years, to create a short film that showcases the power and the potential of youth-led actions and innovations in improving landscape management in communities in Ghana. Selected filmmakers will join the Youth in Landscape Camp being held near Accra (October 2019). The film must be between three and six minutes and can be of any genre or creative narrative. The film and supporting materials have to be received by 20 September 2019. More

International Fund for Agricultural Development — Access to Improved Seeds in Central Africa

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) seeks to increase smallholder farmer productivity and income through access to improved seeds and improved PPP in Central Africa. IFAD will provide a three-year grant for the total amount of up to US$3 million. The project is expected to enhance reliable access of smallholder farmers to quality cassava planting material and maize seed of at affordable prices. The deadline for submitting applications is 18 September 2019. Find the call

Invest2Impact — Access to Funding for Women-led Businesses

The Invest2Impact Competition seeks to support 100 women-led businesses in East Africa with funding, mentoring and networking opportunities. The competition will award US$20 thousand to a business that is working to address climate change and promote a green economy, among three other categories. The competition is open to women entrepreneurs and small and medium-size women-led businesses from Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda. Applications have to be submitted by 20 September 2019. About Invest2Impact

Pride Lion Conservation Alliance and Colorado State University — Women Conservationists Leadership Workshop

Pride Lion Conservation Alliance and Colorado State University offer a special training as part of Pathways Africa 2020: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference and Training (February 2020). The 3-day training workshop is aimed at women conservationists to help strengthen their leadership skills to achieve greater conservation outcomes across Africa. Successful applicants will have their accommodation, meals, and conference registration fully funded. Additional stipends will be available for travel expenses up to US$500. The deadline for applications is 31 August 2019. Pathways Africa

United States Agency for International Development — Uganda Biodiversity For Resilience Activity

USAID seeks applications from qualified entities to implement the USAID/Uganda Biodiversity For Resilience Activity. The goal is to assist communities, the government, and the private sector to conserve and manage biodiversity for lasting environmental and economic sustainability. USAID intends to provide up to US$15 million, to be allocated over a five-year period. USAID/Uganda welcomes applications from all organizations, including U.S. or non-U.S. organizations, non-profit, or for-profit entities. The closing date for applications is 05 September 2019. Link

Scottish Government — International Development Small Grants 2020

The Scottish Government’s International Development Small Grants Programme provides project funding in support of the government’s International Development Policy. Applications for grants are invited from incorporated not-for-profit organisations which have a presence in Scotland and an annual turnover of less than £250 thousand. Project grants should focus on any of Malawi, Rwanda, or Zambia in themes of food security; renewable energy; climate change; water; and others. Grants for capacity building and feasibility studies will be accepted in relation to any country designated as medium/low on the UN’s Human Development Index — but with priority for Malawi, Rwanda, and Zambia. Awards are a maximum of £15 thousand for one-year feasibility studies and capacity building initiatives. The application deadline is 08 November 2019. About the small grants

MAN Truck & Bus AG — Support for Social Ventures

The MAN Impact Accelerator seeks social entrepreneurs from Europe, South Africa, and Brazil to tackle social and environmental challenges through innovative solutions in the transport and logistics industry. Social businesses and startups in the key areas agriculture, data analytics (including environmental data), sensors, among others, are invited to apply. The program provides indirect grants and support of up to US$50 thousand (no equity or cash) for each startup. This also includes free access to coaches and mentors as well as to software and data perks. The application deadline is 01 October 2019. Find out more

Irish Aid — Ireland-Africa Fellows Programme 2020/21

Irish Aid offers scholarships to qualified candidates from Africa to undertake Masters degrees at universities and colleges in Ireland. Awards are made in the fields development studies, rural development, biodiversity conservation, and many other subject areas relevant to the Terra Viva Grants Directory. The scholarship covers course fees, flights, accommodation, monthly allowances, insurance and other incidental expenses. Eligible countries are Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The deadline for applications is 28 August 2019. Application Information

Fundación La Caixa — Work4Progress Challenge

The Work4Progress challenge seeks projects that generate new employment opportunities for women and young adults in India, Mozambique and Peru. Projects should focus on technologies to promote entrepreneurship among young women (India), agri-technologies to improve crops (Mozambique), agri-technologies to improve irrigation (Peru). Universities, companies, and non-profit organisations are eligible to apply. The deadline to submit a solution application is 02 September 2019. Details