The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) invites submissions for the call for proposals on Sustainable Alternative Livelihood Projects for Marine Protected Areas in the Republic of Mauritius. The call aims to mainstream the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services into coastal zone management. Eligibility extends to non-governmental organizations in the Republic of Mauritius and Rodrigues. Proposal amounts should be of a maximum of US$50 thousand. The deadline for submissions is 10 June 2019. More about the call for proposals
European Commission — Support to Zambia Energy Sector
The European Commission invites proposals for the Support to Zambia Energy Sector: Increased Access to Electricity and Renewable Energy Production (IAEREP) Program. The aim of the program is to increase access to affordable, reliable and modern energy for all in Zambia. Eligible lead-applicants must be established in a Member State of the European Union or in other countries eligible under the 11th EDF. The maximum budget amounts are: Lot 1 €2 million; Lot 2 €6 million; and Lot 3 €2 million The deadline for submissions is 24 June 2019. Link
Australian Center for International Agricultural Research — John Dillon Fellowships
ACIAR awards the John Dillon Fellowships to agricultural scientists or economists from our partner countries and Australia. The fellowships aim to support the professional development of outstanding mid-career agricultural scientists, economists and researchers. Key features of the program are: a 4-6 week residential stay in Australia, a 1-week hosting period with an Australian organisation, formal training, program of visits to engage with various Australian institutions, and exposure to relevant researchers, industry experts and professionals. ACIAR funds fifteen individual John Dillon fellowships. The deadline for applications is 30 June 2019. Link
Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa — Call for Funding
The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) invites applications for funding support for innovation platforms, agribusinesses and other multi-stakeholder platforms to scale agricultural technologies in Africa. The call aims to provide support to existing or new innovation platforms, agribusinesses and other multi-stakeholders platforms. Proposals must include youth and woman. The grants are up to US$20 thousand for a period of two years. The deadline for applications is 30 June 2019. About the call
International Union for Conservation of Nature — Call for Proposals: Reduce Plastic Leakage into the Ocean
IUCN announces the call for proposals to reduce plastic leakage into the ocean. The overall aim is to enhance plastic leakage reduction or avoidance, reducing plastic leaking into the marine environment as part of the Marine Plastics and Coastal Communities (MARPLASTICCs) project. Target countries are Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Thailand and Vietnam. IUCN will provide financial support of up to US$50 thousand in each target country for a period of 12 months. The deadline for submissions is 31 May 2019. About the call
European Commission — Fisheries and Cocoa Development in Liberia
The European Commission seeks to improve the livelihoods for smallholder farmers and small-scale fishers to develop a competitive and environmentally-sustainable cocoa sector and climate-resilient aquaculture value chain in Liberia. Applicants may request up to €4 million unter this call (varying by activity). Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations registered in the APC region or the European Union. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 07 June 2019. Link
U.S. Mission to Benin — Funding for Community Organizations
The U.S. Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Fund (SSH) is aimed at assisting Beninese community groups to develop lasting, self-sustaining projects with focus on development concerns, including sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and access to clean water and sanitation. Small grants of up to US$10 thousand are made to local community-based groups or organizations. The deadline to submit proposals is 01 July 2019. Link
U.S. Agency for International Development — Small Town WASH Activity
USAID/Nigeria seeks applications for a Cooperative Agreement from qualified entities to implement the “Small Town WASH Activity” program. The goal of this activity is to facilitate the economic recovery of select crisis-affected communities in North-Eastern Nigeria and to increase their capacities to sustainably provide essential WASH services. Funding for this activity ranges from US$ 1 million to US$8 million. Qualified U.S. and non-U.S. NGOs and for-profit organizations are eligible to apply. Applications of local organizations are encouraged and international organizations are encouraged to seek local partners. The application deadline is 14 May 2019. More
U.S. Agency for International Development — Feed-the-Future Nigeria Rural Resilience Activity
The Rural Resilience activity aims to enable individuals and communities to engage in strong and sustainable market systems rather than continuing to rely on humanitarian assistance. Proposed projects need to provide livelihoods and employment opportunities, build capacity and stimulate market systems growth with focus on nutrition-sensitive agriculture and natural resource management. Over the course of five year, USAID will provide US$30 million in funding. Eligibility is not restricted however, local organizations are encouraged to apply and international organizations are encouraged to seek local partners. The application deadline is 30 May 2019. Details
Caterpillar Foundation — Grants for Environment and Basic Needs
Internationally, the Caterpillar Foundation has supported projects in tropical forest conservation and afforestation; water and sanitation; food and agriculture; alternative (low-carbon) transportation systems; urban waste recycling; and other themes related to environment and natural resources. The Foundation makes grants to nonprofit organizations such as development NGOs, universities and institutes, foundations, museums, conservation groups, and others. Most grants are in communities in Asia Pacific, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe where Caterpillar has an active presence. Applicants answer a series of questions about their eligibility in order to apply. The 2019 grant cycle closes 31 May 2019. More